Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 126: Mouth Is Faster Than Her Brain

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Samantha arrived at Daniel's office but he wasn't there. When she was on her way, she had received a text message from him saying that he had an emergency meeting so he asked her to wait for him in his office. When she got inside, she slumped on the sofa and waited for him to come.

Samantha thought about what happened back at the hospital. She was still bothered by what that Doctor said. And even the way that she looked at Daniel the night before was also something that made her feel uneasy. Her gaze at Daniel was like she was stripping him off.

Now, Samantha was feeling annoyed.

But what could she say to her man? Was she supposed to confront him about it? If there was something more, he would tell her... right?

As Samantha was having all these thoughts in her head, the door of Daniel's office opened and his secretary came in carrying a tray in her hands.

"Ms. Kim, I made you some tea. President Cho had an emergency meeting so it might take a while.", she informed.

Samantha nodded her head and gave a slight smile. After setting the tray of tea and snacks, the secretary left the room. Thinking that there was nothing else that she could do, she closed her eyes to rest for a bit as she tried her best to let the negative feelings leave her body.

She didn't like feeling that way. And she didn't want to see Daniel while she was feeling like so.


An hour later.

She woke up when she felt cool wet lips pressed on her forehead and the familiar scent of her man next to her. Noticing that she was already feeling warm, she knew that Daniel had wrapped his arms around her.

"Sorry for making you wait.", he whispered into her ear and kissed it.

Samantha opened her eyes and rubbed it sleepily, "It's okay. Are you hungry? Your mom prepared some food for us, I'll go and reheat it."

Daniel tucked a loose hair behind her ear, "It's okay, I already asked my secretary. It'll be here soon."


Now that Daniel is with her, she can't bring herself to ask about Dr. Devyn Nam.

That is because she actually didn't want to think about her, much less talk about her. Also, she didn't know if she wanted to hear whatever that Daniel was going to say to her silly questions. She was thinking deeply and he noticed the change in her expression, "What's are you thinking about?", he probed.

"Dr. Nam.", she blurted subconsciously. She answered too fast! Her brain realized that she had just said something that she wasn't planning to and when she did, she gulped and glanced at the man beside her.

Daniel pulled back and looked at Samantha as if he was waiting for her to speak more.

Seeing that there was no other way but to just come clean, Samantha sighed and submitted herself to speaking her thoughts despite sounding ridiculous. 'I have to be honest.', she thought.

"Honey... Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, anything."

"How do you know her?", Samantha finally asked.

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Daniel took several seconds before he started to speak. For Samantha, it was the longest seconds.

"I met her when I was in Country A."

"Okay... did you used to-", Samantha tried her very best to ask the question. 'Did you use to date her? Did you like her? Were you together?', but her mouth is just a little slow today and is not cooperating with her.

Before she could even finish her question, Daniel had already responded. "No, we didn't date."

Samantha sighed and nodded her head. She didn't know why but even just the thought of him being with that doctor made her feel uneasy, no matter if it was the past or the present.

"Though... she confessed that she liked me."

She turned her head to look at him again. 'Of course, she did! It was pretty obvious!', she thought.

"But I didn't. So nothing happened. There is nothing that you need to worry about in that matter.", Daniel added.

Though Samantha didn't tell him all about her concerns, he had already figured that she must have worried about the relationship that Devyn Nam and he must have had.

She didn't say anything and just thought about some things. 'His father was going out of the hospital tomorrow anyway so I don't have to see that woman again.', she thought.

"Did you see her in the hospital today?", he asked when Samantha didn't say anything else.

Samantha nodded, thinking if she should tell him about what the doctor said. She leaned back on him and then after a minute, she spoke again. "She asked me if I know you well enough."

Daniel stroke her arm, "What did you say?"

She pursed her lips. There was nothing wrong with her answer but she didn't want to tell him about that yet. "I just said yes."

There was a knock on the door and after Daniel's signal, the secretary came in with a tray of the food that Samantha had brought. She placed it on the coffee table and left the office.

"Honey, we should eat. You told me you were hungry already, that was two hours ago.", Samantha started to arrange the food and gave Daniel his utensils.

As they were eating, Samantha's phone rang and when she checked the caller, it was Becca. She was about to ignore the call thinking that she will just call her back when she leaves Daniel's office. But Daniel told her to just answer the call.

"Hello?~", Samantha spoke when she answered.

"Sam! Where are you right now? Are you busy?", Becca sounded excited over the phone.

"I'm at my boyfriend's office. Why?"

"We have to meet! Can you see me in... hmmm.. an hour?"

"I guess I can do that... what's up?"

Becca answered, "Oh! It's hard to tell you over the phone but are you interested in becoming an influencer?"

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