Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 139: Daniel Cho Is A Womanizer?

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It was already evening the next day when Daniel was at the Cliffside Villa while Samantha was in the countryside. The couple was talking on the phone at nine in the evening.

"Sorry, honey. The car broke down and we couldn't get a signal in that area so we had to walk for an hour to get some help.", Samantha explained why she wasn't able to receive any calls and why she couldn't call him for the whole afternoon.

Becca's car stopped in the middle of a long and winding road where there was no signal so they didn't have any other choice but to walk towards the next rest stop for an hour to get some help and have Becca's car towed.

"Well you really got me worried, I couldn't reach you for hours. I should've let you bring a satellite phone with you.", Daniel expressed his thoughts as he had scared himself before receiving Samantha's call.

"I know... I'm sorry, have you eaten?"

"Yeah, the food was good but I still miss you. The house is gloomy without you.", he confessed.

"I miss you too. The day will pass by very quick, you'll see!", she replied.


Daniel glanced at his phone and saw that he was receiving a waiting call from Assistant Ahn. He never calls at night unless it was something urgent or serious.

"Honey, I'll call you again. I have to answer Ahn's phone call."

"Okay, no worries. Take care.", she said before hanging up.

Daniel switched the line and answered his assistant's call, "Yes?"

"Boss, have you checked the articles online yet?", Assistant Ahn asked, his voice sounded worried.

Daniel thought about it and replied, "What is it about? I don't think I have seen…"

"Boss, I will send the links to your phone right now.", Ahn interrupted his boss while he hurriedly sent the links over.

Daniel received them and while Ahn was still on the other line, he anxiously checked the articles.

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As soon as he saw them, he felt a headache coming. The article was full of pictures of him and what seemed like different women on every picture. Some of them were actually him and Samantha but those were during the times when Samantha would use a disguise to hide her identity. So it didn't look like several of those were actually from one woman only.

Although Daniel wasn't so concerned about his and Samantha's pictures since for some reason, her face wasn't all clear so she was unrecognizable, he was still feeling exasperated because the other women in the photos were his secretary, a client, and one with Melissa Qin and the picture was taken from a few months ago when they were at Luca's charity event in Country D; hers, on the other hand, was surprisingly clear.

He knew that if ever Samantha would see the article, she wouldn't believe it. But that doesn't mean that Daniel was okay with it being out there for everyone to see. Especially not when the title of the article was "CEO Daniel Cho of Cho Corporation is a womanizer."

Daniel found the article silly. He thinks that the publishing company probably wants their company to shut down. He believes that the journalist and the paparazzi are tired of living.

Bringing the phone back to his ear, he spoke firmly, "Find out all the names involved and who's behind this scandal. I want their names on my desk first thing tomorrow.". He ended the phone call without even waiting for Ahn to reply.

Right after their call ended, he tapped his phone screen a few times before he dialed a phone number,

"A pleasant evening, Mr. Cho. What can I do for you?", a man answered.

"Take down the articles from the links that I have sent you just now. Wipe it clean…", Daniel started to give further instructions and his guy from the other line took notes and acknowledged his orders.

After the phone call ended, Daniel went up to his study and worked on his computer while he thought of who was trying to sabotage him.

He found the trick that the person did very childish. But even if it was, it didn't mean that he was just gonna allow whoever it was to try and make trouble for him, unless he wanted to be thought of as a pushover. He had someone in mind but he wasn't too sure about it yet. So he was going to wait before he makes his move. If he wasn't going to make an example out of it, then he is not Daniel Cho.

It had only been 20 minutes since that last phone call when his phone rang.

He answered on the first ring, "Speak."

"Mr. Cho, I have taken down the articles and also did what you told me. It looks like you were right, they managed to erase their digital footprints. But the information that you have sent me matched what I have found. What's your next step?", he asked.

"Leave it for now. It's not the right time yet.", Daniel Cho spoke on the phone with a clear voice before he hung up the call.

With steepled hands, Daniel scoffed, "You wanna play? I'll play."

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