Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 140: A Sock On The Doorknob

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The next morning.

"Don't forget to pack your lunch, hun. I made plenty so that you can share with Liam too.", Samantha spoke from the other line.

Daniel sighed, "I don't wanna share with him. I will eat everything that you have made for me while I sulk and think about how life sucks right now."

Samantha from the other end of the phone burst out laughing at how emo Daniel sounded at that moment. "Honey, stop sulking! Turn on your camera, let me see your face.", she requested while she also turned on hers.

As soon as he opened his camera, Samantha covered her mouth in surprise to see that Daniel was topless and with only a towel on as he just came out of the shower when she called.

Was her timing just that good?

Seeing that Samantha got flustered, he wasn't sure what was happening since she wasn't talking and remained shocked and blushing.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?", he worried.

She swallowed, no matter how many times she had already seen her man in this state, she would still suffer from nose bleeding. "Daniel… can you… um… put some shirt on?"

Confused, he asked "What?", and then glanced at his body before he broke into a gorgeous smile.

With a smirk on his face, he settled the camera a little farther away from him capturing half of his upper body and handsome face on the screen making Samantha blush even more. "Did you say something?", he teased.

Amused by her fiance's teasing, she boldly replied, "On second thought, I would like for you to stay like this. It looks good on you." she smiled as she supported her chin with the back of her fingers.

Daniel chuckled, enjoying his woman's words.

Light footsteps were heard from behind Samantha and a voice sounded, "Oooh… having early morning phone sex, are we?" Samantha instantly froze and Becca giggled at the thought of Samantha getting kinky with Daniel on the phone that morning.

"You should lock the doors, you know? Or better yet, go in the bathroom and hang a sock on the door or something.", she suggested as she was trying to organize the contents of her luggage on the floor.

"Damn it, Becca! We aren't doing anything… wrong.", Samantha defended herself shyly as she turned around.

"Mhmm. Sure.", Becca replied with a sarcastic smile.

Daniel totally agreed with Becca's suggestion, "Becca's right though, next time call me while you're in the bathroom.", he added.

"OMG! Daniel, not you too!", Samantha pouted at him. "Okay, enough now. You two are ganging up on me. Go and get ready for work."

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"Keep me updated on wherever you two are going, okay?", he reminded.

"I will. Bye, honey.", Samantha bid farewell and Becca spoke loudly, "Bye Mr. Cho!", before they hung up the call.

KimSun Electronics.

Hannah was standing outside of Seo Joon's office. Before she came there, she had come to a realization and was able to convince herself that she will only live once! Thus, she had decided to take action and be bolder.

She raised her hand as if she was about to knock but then she stopped midway and thought, 'Why should I knock? Be braver Hannah! Just go inside and be fierce!', she convinced herself.

And thus, she grabbed the handle of Seo Joon's office door and pushed it inside. There she found him standing in the middle of the room looking so fine in his charcoal grey suit.

When the door opened, Seo Joon looked at her way and his eyes widened in surprise. "Hannah…", he was only able to utter her name as she ran across the room and pounced on him straight away.

Grabbing his head towards her, she tiptoed to level with him and kissed him right on the lips!

Seo Joon was taken aback by her action but he was conflicted if he should push her away or let her.

Because first, he didn't want to, he liked her kissing him. Second, he didn't want to embarrass her by pushing her away and third, go back to first.

Hannah pressed her lips to Seo Joon's while she closed her eyes, she trembled but convinced herself that it's the only way. She pulled back a little and murmured, "I like you, Joon. I always have."

A gasp was heard from Hannah's left side and she turned her head towards it abruptly. The blood from her face was drained when she saw that Seo Joon's mother, Mrs. Kim was sitting on the sofa… watching the two of them. She had been there the entire time.

At this time, Seo Joon was still shocked but that wasn't what's important for Hannah at that moment. She was more concerned with the fact that another person had witnessed her shamelessly kissing Seo Joon, again!

First, it was CEO Daniel Cho and now it's Seo Joon's mother, Mrs. Kim!

With all smiles, Mrs. Kim crossed an arm and had the other touching her chin as she said, "Oh please continue, just pretend I'm not here."


(A/N) A term used in college, if your roommate places a sock on the doorknob, it signifies that you should not enter the room because they are in the middle of having sex and they don't want to be interrupted.

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