Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 143: Sinister (3)

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5 months into the relationship of Gael and Becca.

"Are you ready?", Gael asked Becca as he fixed his coat in place. They were about to go out and have dinner.

Becca was trying zip her dress up but was having a hard time. Gael caught sight of her and went over, "Let me help you with that."

Brushing her hair to the side, Gael pulled the zipper up to close her dress and patted it in place. He took her hand and spun her around. "You look lovely.", he said.

"Why thank you, love.", she smiled sweetly. "And you look very handsome."

Leaning forward, Gael kissed her on the lips gently. "Let's go."

The Grove Restaurant.

The Grove Restaurant is located in the middle of a vast land. A very beautiful garden surrounded the main building, a farm of vegetables occupied the back of the restaurant and there were ponds with fresh fishes too. Customers are sure to eat delectable dishes using fresh ingredients from their own land.

It was pretty hard to get a table in The Grove, one had to call and get a reservation for months later as there were only limited numbers of seats per day. But Gael's family owned The Grove, so a reservation was not needed as there will always be a private place available for them whenever they decide to drop by.

It was already six in the evening when they arrived at the restaurant. When they entered, very attractive colors illuminated the garden welcomed their arrival. And the huge dancing fountain made it even more eye-catching.

"Oh!! It is very pretty!", Becca exclaimed as she admired the scenery before her. It was her second time to visit The Grove but the last time that she was there was two months ago. They had dropped by from one of their travels and it was during the day so although it was also pretty because of the garden, the evening view looked more magical.

"Do you like it?", he asked.

"Yes! I like it very much! Is it always like this every night?"

"Yes." Gael answered. He was always a man of few words but he was always so sweet towards Becca and that was how she fell for him.

The limousine parked in front of the main building and a staff from the restaurant opened the doors for them. Gael got out first and extended his hand to assist Becca out of the limo.

Placing her hand on his, she carefully alighted the car and scanned her surroundings as she smiled.

She looked at Gael and hooked her arm to his, "Thanks for bringing me here."

"My pleasure.", he replied.

They were settled in a private dining area on the second floor which was far from where the customers are. Yet they can see the live entertainment of a jazz band playing on the stage for the night.

Dinner was served fast as the food was already prepared before the two of them have even arrived. Becca took out her camera and took pictures of the food on their table. Gael had already been used to her habit and was not bothered by it as she knows her limitations; as always, Becca just took quick pictures of the food and put her camera away.

"How's your food?", Gael asked.

"This is so delicious! As expected of your family, you really know how to manage businesses well. No wonder how The Grove is very successful.", she complimented and Gael responded with a smile before he reached his hand to wipe the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

Gael had always been a gentleman; he was kind, sweet, generous and very patient. It was why Becca had been very open to him but she also wondered if it was too good to be true.

As they finished eating their dessert, they were watching the performance and enjoying the night when one of Gael's men walked up to him and whispered something to his ear.

He clenched his teeth lightly and turned to Becca, "Love, I need to meet someone very quickly. Wait for me."

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Becca curtly nodded, "Okay… I'll go to the restroom and maybe look around a little."

Gael smiled at her, "Sure but don't go too far. We'll go home after.", he spoke before getting up and walking away.

Becca went to the restroom meanwhile, Gael went outside the restaurant and headed towards the garden.

"Mr. Varano, it's a pleasure to see you again. How long has it been? One year?", Gael started when he was nearing a man who was standing awkwardly with two men in a black suit holding him in place.

"It has been a long time and you aren't even talking to me.", he took out a pack of cigarettes and got one stick from it. He glanced at the nervous man and offered, "Want one?".

The man averted his gaze and shook his head. He was very scared at that moment as he knew that he had reached the end of his life.

Gael lighted the cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke as he looked far ahead of him, "Why did you do it?", he paused, "My family took care of you yet you broke our trust. Did you actually think that you could get away with it?"

Mr. Varano swallowed. There weren't any reasons that could justify his act of betrayal. For a moment of greed, he had already put a bullet in his head the moment he decided to betray.

"Do you have any last words, Cirino Varano?", he questioned before he turned his head to look at the man in the eye; his voice was low and dangerous.

The man froze and his whole body trembled. He had never been more scared in his entire life, but this was something that he had already expected; he knew he was gonna die in the hands of the De Luca family sooner or later but he just didn't expect that it was going to be Gael; the most ruthless among the clan. If he knew, he would have probably just killed himself.

Gael had been looking for this man ever since he had betrayed their family. And now that he finally found him, the only thing that was in his mind was to kill him right then and there. At first, he had thought of how he should torture him first to make him suffer but at that moment when he saw Cirino Varano, a bullet in that man's head was what he pictured out.

Taking the gun from one of his men, Mr. Varano suddenly knelt down in front of Gael and pleaded.

"P-p-please… M-master…", he begged for his life.

Gael gave a sinister chuckle before he attached a silencer on the muzzle of the gun in his hand, making the man who was kneeling in front of him shudder as he thought of how he was going to die that night.

"Please? You should have thought of that before you killed him.", he calmly spoke and then pointed the gun to the man's head. "Say your last prayer."

"M-master… I- I am sorry!"

With fierce eyes, Gael looked down at the man, "Sorry is not going to help you, Cirino. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.", he declared before squeezing the trigger.

The body went limp and fell hard on the grass.

A gasp was heard a few meters away from them, Gael turned his head towards the direction of the sound in which he found Becca covering her mouth with both of her hands; a digital camera dangling around her wrist.

His heart suddenly throbbed upon seeing his woman who had just witnessed everything, "Becca.", he called.

Gael was both shocked and afraid for what just happened, his eyes met Becca's and there were no words to explain what both of them were feeling at that moment.

A few minutes ago...

After Becca went to the restroom, she decided to explore the place and vlog about it a little. She went out to take a picture of the front of the restaurant and then went to see the dancing fountain. She was taking pictures and vlogging The Grove until she heard a familiar voice not far from where she was standing.

With all smiles, she walked towards where she thought the voice came from but what she saw made her stop in her tracks. And just a few seconds after, Becca saw how Gael killed the man who was kneeling in front of him without even blinking. And the whole thing was recorded in her vlogging camera.

Nervously, she spoke, "Gael… What did you do?"

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