Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 144: Sinister (4)

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Inside the limousine.

Becca and Gael were sitting in awkward silence on the way home. Becca was on the far left while Gael was on the far right, a total opposite of how they were on the way to dinner.

Becca was shaking, she didn't know what to think about what she had just witnessed. Her man just killed another man and he didn't even hesitate! Has he always been like this? How did she not know about it?

They have been dating for 5 months already but she never knew this side of him. The scene kept replaying inside her head. *bang!* , she recalled and it made her flinch.

Gael who was at her right had been observing her the whole time, he was trying to figure out what was on her mind.

"Becca…", he called.

She glanced at him but she quickly averted her eyes.

Gael noticed her shivering but he didn't know whether it was because she was cold or she was afraid of him. Taking a blanket from the storage, he extended his hand to drape it over her shoulders.

Becca got startled but she didn't push him away despite being hella nervous that she is within his reach.

Gael's hand curled away upon seeing Becca's reaction. The two of them no longer spoke to each other until they reached Gael's mansion.



In the master bedroom.

Gael walked up to Becca who was standing at the corner, "I'm sorry that you had to see that.", he spoke when he got in front of her.

Becca raised a brow at him, surprisingly she was no longer afraid but rather she was angry. "What the heck do you mean? Would it have been better if I hadn't seen it? Will that make it alright? If I had not seen it, was it not wrong?"

She walked away and went to the balcony. "You killed someone, Gael!"

"I know that, Becca. I was there.", he answered as he followed her out and his answer made her glare at him.

Her heart beat wildly, although she didn't know Gael's background exactly, she only cared that she was happy whenever she was with him. And now that she had witnessed what kind of man Gael is, she had a hard time accepting the truth. What was she supposed to feel? She had already fallen in love with the man.

"I know you have questions.", he started.

She snapped, "Damn right! And I have a lot! But I don't even know if I should ask them. I'm afraid to know the truth."

"What do you want to know?", he asked.

It took Becca a few seconds before she responded, "Nothing."


"I don't wanna know anything! And I'm leaving, Gael.", she declared before she walked around him and headed back inside the bedroom.

He caught her and spun her around. Looking into her eyes, he pulled her and wrapped her in his arms trapping her in place. She resisted at first but when Gael stroked her head, she stopped resisting.

"Don't go.", he said.

Becca's heart started to soften because of Gael's gentleness but suddenly, the incident from earlier flashed before her again and so she pushed him away. "No. I can't do this. I can't… I can't be with you anymore."

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He clenched his teeth when he heard her, but he suppressed himself from doing anything stupid. He had never hurt Becca and he never planned to. But he can't let go of her, he has to keep her by his side.

"You can't leave.", he spoke firmly, his face void of any emotion when Becca looked at him.

"What did you say?", she questioned with a confused expression.

"I said, you can't leave this place."

Becca let out a sarcastic chuckle, "Tell me you're not being serious."

"Trust me, Becca. I am."

"You can't force me, Gael! I will leave this place!", she insisted.

"And I'm telling you that you can't!", Gael roared and it was the first time that she had heard him yell at her like that.

This time, Becca laughed, "What are you planning to do? Keep me locked up in here?"

Gael actually didn't think of it at first but then he said, "Yes. I will actually do that."

She was taken aback by his answer, "You have gone mad! You can't keep me in here, Gael! You have to let me go!"

He brushed past her and dialed a number on his phone, he spoke very briefly.

Becca couldn't hear what he was saying over the phone. After his phone call, Gael turned to look at her once again and spoke, "From now on, you are going to live here and you can no longer go out unless I am with you."

"You can't do this to me, Gael!"

"I just did, Becca.", he walked towards the door, his broad back facing Becca.

Turning the knob, the door opened, "Go and change. I still have some business to do.", he spoke before he closed the door behind him.

As soon as it was closed, Becca hurriedly went after him and opened the door but when she did, his bodyguards who stood on the other side of the door prevented her from getting out.

"Let me go! I have to leave!", she frantically tried to push past them but the burly men in black suit obviously have bodies made of steroid.

Feeling defeated, Becca backed away and slammed the door shut. She let out a scream, she was very much frustrated. 'How could he keep me locked in here?'

After her cry of helplessness, she rushed out the balcony and tried to assess whether it was possible for her to jump over and if she does that, will she live? But as she peered down, she saw Gael's security detail.

"What now?", she sighed.

Walking back to the bedroom, she had started to contemplate. How long does she have to stay locked up in there? Forever? Will she rot in there?

She slumped on the bed and sighed once again. And then it hit her!

"The camera!", she exclaimed.

Becca stood up very quickly that she felt her blood rush in her head, she shook it off and looked for her bag.

When she found the digital camera, she turned it on and pressed the recording button. Turning the lens towards her she felt determined and so she started to speak.

"My name is Becca Wise…"

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