Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 166: Unrequited

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From the other line, Sean already knew what he was talking about. Daniel was asking help from him using his resources. But it was the first time that Daniel had asked help from him in years. He wasn't going to refuse it but he was still worried about what his friend was planning. "Is everything okay?", he asked.

Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's just a minor thing. But… there's a bug that I need to crush. This is the second time that he has attacked Samantha and I don't want there to be a third time."

'Ah, it's about Samantha again this time.', Sean thought. And he already understood why his friend who was initially against resorting to something like this, had decided to do it anyway. "How many people do you need?"

The two of them talked for a few a while on the phone as they discussed what Daniel had planned.

With the help of Flash, he had already found out the man behind the gaming company. The company was called 'Gamescape'. And upon checking the information, the company was actually about to go bankrupt but then it was suddenly bought by an unknown identity.

That alone was already not a good sign, but it wasn't the only thing that incensed Daniel. It was also because he found a familiar name that was linked to that company, Sung Nan the previous CEO of Quantum Solutions, the software company that had gone bankrupt.

Regal Wings Entertainment - CEO's office.

Andrew and Nancy had just finished a meeting a few minutes ago. They were planning out how to address the issue of Nancy's involvement in the recent scandal. The agency instructed her to stay away from the limelight for the meantime and she protested at first but CEO Andrew Park had already approved and said his final decision to let the issue die down.

"Why did you agree to that? What about my projects?", Nancy questioned.

Andrew sat on his desk, took out a cigarette and lit it, he was very furious about what's happening. Not only did he learn that Samantha was also part of it, but some projects and endorsements had already started to withdraw as they didn't want to be associated with an artist who was involved in a scandal. And Nancy's nagging irritated him more.

"Will you shut up?", he spoke. His voice wasn't loud but it had a hint of authority in it that made Nancy stop.

Lifting his head, he looked at the woman who was standing in front of him. "What were you doing there in the first place?"

"What do you mean? I was there because I was looking for Hazel-"

"And you were both drunk in front of the public?"

"I-I only drank a little! It was Hazel who was-"

Andrew scoffed, he puffed out smoke before he put out the cigarette. "As if I would believe that. You even had to involve other people."

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Nancy felt wronged for what he had said, she was just there to fetch Hazel but things got out of hand.

"What other people? Are you talking about Samantha?", she bravely asked and as soon as she did, Andrew averted his gaze away from her.

Ever since that night of Samantha's birthday, and from the time that he learned about her real identity and until now, he had never stopped thinking about her. He had so many regrets and he wished that he could make it up to her but even seeing her was very difficult. There were a lot of times when he would wait outside her company only to find out that she hadn't come to Trident for a few days as she was exploring her new career of being an influencer.

"I'm right, ain't I?", she added but Andrew still didn't say anything, "I didn't want to ask this because I'm afraid of hearing the truth… but who is she to you?"

He stood up from his chair and took the coat from the rack. "Let's stop talking about this. You go home and stay there until I say so."

Nancy chuckled at his reaction, although he didn't respond, how he acted said a lot. "Unbelievable. Why don't you just tell me! You like her huh? No… You love her! Every time there's news about her, you act very differently!"

Andrew clenched his teeth as he wore the coat on him. He started walking towards the door, trying to ignore the woman who continued to spout from behind.

Nancy caught up to him and held his arm. She had already started to ask so she was unwilling to let him go unless he answered her. "Admit it, Andrew! You love Samantha Kim!"

Enraged, Andrew could no longer take it. He turned around abruptly and yelled, "Yes! I love her!"

Nancy felt like her heart was being pricked by thousands of needles. She retracted her hand slowly and Andrew angrily exited his office leaving the shocked Nancy behind.

When Andrew got inside his car, he was actually thinking of going straight to a club. But before he stepped on the gas, he changed his mind and instead, he drove straight towards Trident.


Earlier that afternoon, there were actually quite a number of reporters and journalists outside the building, trying their luck to get a chance to have an interview with Samantha. She was hesitant in going out but her assistant had told her that for some reason, the reporters had already left. And although Samantha wasn't sure, she had a feeling that Daniel had something to do with it.

She came out of the office and walked towards her baby Taz that was readily parked in front of the entrance. Just as she was about to reach her car, a manly voice that was very familiar to her had called her from behind.


She turned her head and saw her ex-boyfriend approaching her, "Nathan… what are you doing here?"

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