Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 165: Do You Trust Me?

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On the screen was the host of the TV program and another man who was introduced as the representative of a new gaming company. They were talking about the design of the game and the gameplay itself. And the more that Samantha and Alexander listened in and watched, the more it looked like the 'Forbidden Expedition.'

"Sam…", Alexander called her upon noticing that she hasn't said anything since.

It was the first time that Samantha had encountered something as big as this. When Trident first started, they focused on making software programs for businesses all over City M. After a year, they ventured into the mobile gaming industry and created their first game which became successful in just a few months after it was launched. They created a couple more mobile games after that and just 2 years ago, they started the design and planning of their first PC game which was the Forbidden Expedition. And after about a year and a half of creating the game, they were finally going to launch tomorrow.

"Alex, what do we do?", Samantha turned to him with a worried expression.

Alexander was actually also nervous about what was happening but he did not dare to show it in front of Samantha in order not to make her worry more.

He patted her shoulder to comfort her, "Don't worry, we're going to get to the bottom of this."

She turned to face him and nodded, her expression still sullen, "Please help me do an internal investigation. I want to know exactly how this happened."

Alexander nodded and left her office to act on it right away.

Samantha turned to her assistant, "Chen, find out everything that you can about this company."

"Yes, Madam.", she acknowledged before she turned towards the door to execute Samantha's order.

She paced inside her office for quite some time not knowing what to do about this whole situation. She couldn't, for the life of her, understand that someone would deliberately do this. Was this attack meant for her? The company? But why? And who would do this?

Her mind was in chaos. She was already troubled because of the videos and articles online about yesterday's incident, and despite trying not to get affected by it since the rumors or gossips aren't true anyway, she couldn't help but still feel uneasy about it.

And now, her company was facing this crisis of having their game being stolen by an unknown company.

She was feeling very overwhelmed and the only thing that she wanted to do at that moment was to find Daniel.




And she did just that.

Picking up her phone, she called his number and it was picked up after the first ring. Desperately wanting to hear his voice at that moment, she kept quiet as she listened.

"Hi, honey.", he answered.

She opened her mouth but nothing came out, Daniel only heard the sound of her breathing and felt that something was off.

"Is everything okay?", he asked.

She remained quiet for a few more seconds before she talked, "Daniel… can I go to you?", she bit her lip and then continued, "I need you."

Upon hearing those words, he felt a prick in his heart. Samantha was obviously not okay, she already knew her so well.

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He stood up from his desk and grabbed his coat as he talked to her on the phone, "Where are you? I'll come and get you."

"I'm in the office.", she spoke in a low voice as she sat back on her chair.

"Don't go anywhere and wait for me.", he said before he ended the call.

Sure enough, 15 minutes later, Daniel arrived.

Using the private elevator that is connected to Samantha's office, he reached the top floor.

When he entered the room, he found Samantha with her head laid on her desk. Her mind seemed to be wandering somewhere far as she didn't even notice Daniel's arrival.

He walked up to her and bent down to her level, "Hey…", he said as he patted her head gently.

Feeling the warm big hand on her head, that's only when she realized his presence. She sat up and focused on his face, she sighed. "Daniel…", she uttered.

She felt a rush of emotions within her, her mind was muddled because of everything that was happening recently and she didn't know how to handle it. But seeing the love of her life at that moment, she felt better.

Seeing her worried face, he held her hand whilst still in the same position, "Tell me what happened."

Samantha closed her eyes and sighed before she recalled everything to Daniel. He kept silent as she explained the details; he was very patient.

"I don't know what to do, we've worked so hard for it. My people worked so hard for it but just like that, it got stolen! We can't even release it anymore. Who would do something like this?"

Daniel nodded as he understood the situation, "Thank you for telling me.". He stood straight and brought her up with him.

Samantha leaned on his chest and wrapped her arms around his torso, "I wanted to see you right away. I feel so miserable."

"Don't worry. I will do everything that I can, do you trust me?", he asked in a low voice as he stroke her back to comfort her.

Without lifting her head and saying anything, she nodded. He kissed the top of her head and they stayed like so for a while.


When Daniel got inside his Maybach after he left Samantha's office, he called Flash right away and told him to dig up some information about the company who launched the stolen game.

As always, Flash was very speedy. Within a minute, he already gave Daniel what he found.

After going over the data, Daniel called another number.

A voice sounded from the other line, "Hey Swift, I didn't think I'd hear from you so soon. What's up?"

Daniel clenched his teeth as he didn't expect that he would call Sean for this. But for Samantha, he will do anything.

With a dangerous tone that his friend knew too well, he spoke, "Sharp, I need your help."

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