Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 169: A Brother's Rage.

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Andrew's gaze shifted to Daniel who had just warned him. The man was taller than him by an inch but they have about the same built. He had already felt the threat in his voice but it still didn't stop him. "And this guy, why are you still with him anyway? Do you even know what kind of person he is? Do you know him well enough to even live with him?", he bombarded Samantha with questions while he talked about Daniel.

"I said. back. off.", Daniel hissed once more.

Samantha didn't want to speak to him anymore and she was afraid of what Daniel was going to do. "Let's just go, Daniel. He's not worth it."

She nudged him but he didn't move an inch.

Not far from them, a familiar Mercedes had just parked. The driver's door opened,


A man's voice was heard from a distance, he was just getting out of his car when they saw him.

"Joon?", she called with a confused expression. "What are you doing here?"

Seriously! Why was everyone looking for her? Now there were four good-looking men around Samantha. Two exes, a brother, and her lover.

Andrew focused his eyes on the man who was approaching. When he learned about Samantha's identity, he had also learned that she was Seo Joon's sister. The man whom his friend Holden Xuan had a conflict with, in which the conflict led to Seo Joon's car crash.

"I came to check in on you because you weren't answering your phone. Alexander told me about what happened. Why is everybody here? What's going on?", Seo Joon was clearly puzzled to see the unusual sight of Samantha's ex-boyfriends and her fiancé in a circle. This was something that he thought he would never see.

He had just arrived near Samantha and Nathan when his sister replied, "It's nothing, Joon. Daniel and I were actually just about to leave-"

Nathan who was still pretty pissed at what he just heard about Andrew forcing himself on his ex-girlfriend was thankful for his friend's arrival, so he interrupted Samantha. "You're just in time Joon. Did you know that this scumbag had actually tried to force himself on your sister?", he tattled while his eyes were still shooting daggers towards Andrew.

Vexed, Seo Joon's expression changed in an instant as he clarified, "What?! Is that true, Sam? Did he really-"

"It doesn't matter now, Joon. Nothing happened.", Samantha tried to calm her brother down who obviously looked furious at that moment.

He had always disliked Andrew Park, but because he was his sister's boyfriend then, he didn't do anything. Even when she told him that they have broken up, she kept the fact about that incident hidden from him and said to just leave him alone. And he respected his sister's words. But knowing this bit, it got him all riled up.

Andrew felt distressed, "I was already sorry, Sam. I was drunk-"

Just before Andrew had the chance to finish his sentence, Seo Joon had already pulled back his fist and delivered a punch to his face!

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Seo Joon's punch was so hard that Andrew fell on the ground and his mouth instantly bled. Andrew wiped the blood from his lips with his hand and he winced in pain.

"You f*cking piece of shît! Sorry?! You think your sorry is gonna cut it?", he roared. He was very enraged because of what he had just learned.

He raised his knee and was about to kick Andrew who was already on the ground but Samantha stopped and held him back as she didn't want things to get more extreme.

"Joon, that's enough!", she yelled.

"Enough?! A punch isn't enough for this sick bastard!", he yelled back.

"Nothing happened!", she added but her brother was still furious and so she continued, "Daniel already gave him what he deserved."

"What do you mean?"

Nathan and her brother waited for her answer, especially Daniel who didn't think that Samantha would've figured out that part as well because he didn't tell her anything about that.

Samantha didn't want to relive that night so she only briefly explained, "It happened that night on my birthday. Daniel was the one who saved me from him and Andrew ended up in the hospital the next day. You even called me about it, remember?"

Seo Joon recalled that he did call his sister the next day when he heard about Andrew who ended up in the hospital with multiple injuries. So it turned out that it was Daniel who did that?

Though he wasn't happy about what happened to his sister, he felt somewhat proud of his soon to be brother-in-law for how he saved Samantha. And because of this, he already felt a little better; he patted Daniel's back as if he was saying 'Great Job!'

Andrew remained squatted on the ground, his pride had already been stepped on. With four people against him, how else could he survive?

"Everyone should go, Daniel and I are leaving.", Samantha ordered before he turned to look at Andrew on the ground. "Mr. Park, you should leave. Don't come looking for me again or I can't promise to be as merciful."

Nathan then headed towards his car. Seo Joon did the same after promising to talk to his sister soon.

Daniel gently led Samantha towards his Maybach and opened the door for her.

Andrew Park stood up from the ground and watched as Samantha once again left him behind. He wasn't at all mad at the punch that he just got from her brother as he had already accepted that he deserved all of that and more.

What he just couldn't accept was how she ended up with that mysterious man.. The man whom he felt had a dark aura around him, Daniel Cho.

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