Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 170: Worries And Doubts

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As Daniel and Samantha drove away, she leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes. There was just too much that was going on in her life at that time; the Busy Bean Cafe incident, their company's game got ripped-off, the thing with Andrew from earlier that was giving her a headache.

She was feeling too overwhelmed and Daniel knew her well enough to know how she was feeling at that moment.

His heart ached knowing that he can only do so much for her but whatever it takes, he was determined to do anything for Samantha.

Reaching out to her hand, he intertwined his fingers with hers.

Feeling the warmth, she opened her eyes and turned her head to look at her man.

When the traffic light turned red and the car had stopped, Daniel stared into her eyes and saw her worries. He brought her hand towards his mouth and pressed his lips on it before he gave her a smile. There were no words needed and Samantha didn't need to hear anything from him. Just his presence was enough to melt all her troubles away.

Feeling better, she closed her eyes once again.

They arrived at the Cliffside Villa but Samantha was still fast asleep inside the Maybach.

Very carefully so as not to wake her up, Daniel lifted her in his arms and carried her inside their home.

He walked up the flight of stairs until they reached their bedroom. After placing her on the bed, he prepared a nice, warm and bubbly bath.

The sound of running water from the bathroom woke her up. Samantha opened her eyes and realized where she was. She sat up to scan the room and found her man who was changing out of his clothes in their walk in closet.

She got up from the bed and walked towards him, "Honey?", she called.

And with just one call, Daniel turned his head to her. "Yeah?", he answered while he was still taking off his white shirt.

She smiled at the sight of her man, "Nothing. I was just looking for you."

"Come, let's bathe.", he said as he extended his hand towards her.

Samantha raised a brow, "Together?", she probed but placed her hand on his anyway.

Daniel chuckled, "It's not like it's the first time that I've seen you naked, Samantha. Are you being shy now?"

She swallowed before she furrowed her brows and pouted, "No, I'm not.", she assured as she started to strip in front of him piece by piece.

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"How are you feeling now?", Daniel asked while he gently ran a sponge on Samantha's shoulders; they were both already inside the tub with him behind her.

"Honestly… I don't really know. There's just too much that's going on."

He placed the sponge at the side and pulled her closer to him, she leaned back and felt his firm chest. "About your game...I'll deal with it for you. All you have to do is wait.", he said.

She turned her head to the side to look at him, "What are you going to do?", she faced front again and sighed "Even if we find out who did it, I don't think we can still launch our game. The rip-off was already known and seen by many."

"Don't worry about it. And I promise you, you will launch the game that your company has worked hard for.", he reassured her whilst he started to massage her arms.

Samantha let herself relax, she had just closed her eyes when Daniel decided to ask her, "When you found out that… I was the one who caused Andrew's injuries at that time-"

She opened her eyes and Daniel noticed when she suddenly tensed. She knew what he was about to ask but she waited for him to continue.

He hesitated yet he went on and asked to know her thoughts, "When you did, did you... think of me differently?"

The truth was when Samantha learned that it was actually Daniel who saved her that night, she didn't think about anything else. And she had only realized that it must have been Daniel who did that to Andrew because there was no one else who could've.

Over time, she had already believed that it was really him behind it but she had never confronted him. It was only that afternoon that she had brazenly admitted to her brother about her suspicions and just like what she had thought, Daniel didn't deny it.

And now, he asked her openly about what she thought of him. Despite having gone through a lot with Daniel, Samantha knew deep in her heart that there was still something about him that she didn't know yet especially that she would constantly be surprised about how Daniel would find out things without her telling him.

Just like how he found her in Country D, or that time with Gael or even by just being associated with Lucas. But just like how she was at the beginning of their relationship, she also didn't tell him a lot of things about her. So it's only natural that Daniel also has secrets, right?

She was actually afraid to know that there might be something else but she brushed off the idea from her mind thinking that she may just be scaring herself. So whatever Daniel was keeping, she had decided to believe in him… as long as he doesn't hurt her.

After thinking through, she finally responded casually and tried not to show any signs of her doubts, "Not really… I mean, he did do something awful. If only I was able at that time, I probably would've also put him in the hospital in a much worse state.", she laughed. "W-why do you ask?"

Clenching his teeth, Daniel prevented himself from talking about it further.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, he pulled her closer and embraced her from behind as he laid his head on her shoulder,

"Nothing, love.. Just curious."

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