Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 178: Following Orders

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Press Conference

The room was full of cameras, reporters, and journalists but they didn't know what to expect that afternoon as they were only invited to gather for a revelation. So, even though they weren't sure, they still went because they didn't want to miss the chance to write and report something interesting.

When Sung Nan and Cole walked up to the stage, the room fell silent before whispers were heard as they don't know who the two of them were.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know. One of them looks familiar but I'm not sure where I saw him."

"Shhh! It's about to start."

Cole didn't delay as he wanted it to be over and done with, all that he wanted was for his sister to get better. Moving forward, he spoke in front of the microphone as his voice trembled, "I am Cole Kwon and I once worked for Trident. But a few weeks ago, I resigned from the company.", he swallowed.

"And I… I… I stole the game that Gamescape launched.". Clenching his teeth, he added, "I stole it from Trident."

Gasps and loud whispers were heard from the audience as they were shocked by Cole's confession. They couldn't believe how and why it happened as they didn't hear anything from Trident when Gamescape launched their new game yesterday.

One reporter didn't seem to buy the story right away as he questioned Cole in a loud voice, "Anyone can say that they stole something and it can be a benefit for the other. How do we know that you are telling the truth and not just claiming something that is made up?"

The other reporters realized what he meant and they nodded in agreement, "Yes, he's right. How do we know that you aren't really from Trident and just making up a story to destroy Gamescape?"

Cole froze upon hearing the question. He furrowed his brows and insisted, "I'm not! You have to believe me! The game 'Paradise Realm' that Gamescape launched was a complete rip-off of Trident's 'Forbidden Expedition.', I stole it from the company when I left and sold it to Gamescape. There were only very few changes made to it but it is the same game!"

The reporter still insisted, "That still doesn't answer our question. Like I said, anyone can claim and make up a story."

'I'm telling the truth and they don't believe me?'. He thought that it was going to be hard to own up his mistake but it was actually even harder to convince the people who don't believe that he did something wrong. "But I'm not making this up!"

The reporter once again spoke, "Unless Gamescape will admit your claim and give us an explanation, only then can we believe your story."

After hearing what the reporter had said, Cole subconsciously gave Sung Nan a side glance. The middle-aged man was sweating profusely and his hair was a bit disheveled, he looked very stressed.

The reporters noticed his glance and so they shifted their attention to the man beside him, "Who is this with you?"

Sung Nan wiped the sweat off his face. His heart was racing wildly and his body refused to move forward.

Seeing the hesitation, one of Sean's men walked towards him and whispered something in his ear.

His eyes widened in fear when he heard the man whisper their home address where his wife and son were living.

His mind flashed back to a few hours ago when Daniel Cho had him ate the ghost pepper and confined him in the solitary box. People may think that it doesn't look like it was that bad but experiencing it himself, he would never wish for that to happen to anyone; not even his enemies. For him, Daniel's psychological torture was more frightening than any physical one.

He tried to compose himself and very quickly stepped towards the microphone and looked down the floor as he refused to face the people down the stage.

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Unwillingly, he started to speak, "I… I am Sung Nan. I am the owner of Gamescape."

The reporters looked at each other and there were flashes from cameras. One female reporter had some doubts and decided to ask, "Are you not the CEO of Quantum Solutions? It's you, right? CEO Nan? I remember interviewing you a few years back."

"You're right! That's him!"

"Didn't Quantum Solutions went bankrupt?"

"I had my doubts and now that you pointed that out, I am convinced! It is him!"

Sung Nan saw the man who just whispered to him from his peripheral view, the chatter became louder and the more Sung Nan became nervous.

"Y-yes. I was. I am now the owner of Gamescape and everything he said is true. The game that was launched was stolen from Trident."

"Why would you do that?!", a reporter asked.

Sung Nan no longer held back, there was no more point in resisting. He sighed before he answered, "Because I was jealous of Trident's success."

They couldn't believe how despicable he is for what he did. He had already committed a crime before while he was still the CEO of Quantum Solutions and now, he still didn't learn anything.

Just as he finished his statement, the doors of the room opened and a few policemen came in and walked towards the stage. Sung Nan no longer struggled as he let himself get arrested by the police in front of the media; Cole was also escorted together with him.

Since the conference was live, everyone who watched the tv and who were active online instantly learned about what happened. The news became big and the people started to criticize.

Cho Corporation - CEO's office.

Assistant Ahn entered Daniel's office and informed him about the conference.

Daniel continued to go over some documents and didn't respond as he already knew that it was going to go as planned so he never worried.

"Boss, Mr. Nan left a message for you.", Ahn said as he handed a piece of folded paper.

When Sung Nan arrived at the police station, Assistant Ahn was there to make sure that everything went smoothly. He requested for a pen and a paper and wrote something in it before giving it to Ahn and told him to pass it to Daniel.

Daniel stopped what he was doing and lifted his head. Looking at the piece of paper from Assistant Ahn, he couldn't guess what Sung Nan wanted to say to him.

Receiving the paper from his assistant, he unfolded it and started reading.

[I don't know why you're concerned for Ms. Kim or Trident but this time, I was only following orders.]

Daniel furrowed his brows upon reading the content, 'Someone is after Samantha?'

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