Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 179: I'm A Lady & This Is What I'm Like!

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Daniel pondered upon it thoroughly as he didn't expect for this to happen. At first, he only thought that it was just a simple case of jealousy over Trident's success that's why Sung Nan did what he did.

But because of what that man wrote on that piece of paper, his thoughts had run wild. 'Who is behind this? And most importantly, why was this person after Samantha? Has she offended someone?', with all these questions in mind, all he hoped was that this would be the last of it.

Although this issue about Trident's game being stolen is an act of crime, it is only about business and it can still be replaced if it so happened that they weren't able to solve the problem. For Daniel, Samantha wasn't physically harmed and that's what's most important. He sincerely hoped that whoever that person was wouldn't go as far as to inflict harm against his woman. Because if that person does, Daniel would certainly not hold back.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the ringing sound of his phone. Taking the phone from his desk, Daniel saw Samantha's I.D on the screen.

He pressed the green button and heard his fiancée's voice on the other line.

"Daniel! What took you so long to answer? Have you seen the live conference? It was the CEO of Quantum Solutions!", she exclaimed. "He was the one who stole the game and used my employee!"

"Mhmm.", he confirmed, "So, when do you plan to launch your game?"

"Wait… you don't sound… Oh, I just realized. You're the one who did this, huh?", Samantha probed.

Daniel changed the topic and asked, "Where are you?"

"I'm at the office, are you still busy?", she replied.

Daniel glanced at his watch and responded, "I have a meeting in 30 minutes. Shall we dine out later?"

Samantha looked at her best friend who was sitting on the sofa, still reading the Cosmo magazine and answered him, "Hannah's actually here in the office with me. Oh wait, honey… can you do me a favor?"

Without hesitation, Daniel agreed, "Sure, what is it?"

At The Western Shrimp Restaurant

Because of Samantha's identity and the recent happening, it's quite inconvenient and uncomfortable for them to stay where the common customers dine. Especially when she and Daniel go out, they have to be careful as to not attract or draw attention to themselves.

Hannah and Samantha were inside a private dining room and their table was full of different kinds of seafood. There were shrimps, crabs, lobsters, squids, and fish dishes.

The two of them sat across each other and had already started eating while waiting for Daniel who was still at a meeting. He had texted earlier and told Samantha to eat first as he was running late.

"S, are you sure it's okay for me to be here? I mean, I'm not complaining about the food, it's freakin' delicious!", Hannah started as she shelled a shrimp and put it in her mouth, "But I don't want to invade your date night, you know?"

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Samantha laughed at the sight of her best friend who had sauce around her mouth from eating chili garlic shrimp. "Yeah, you sure look like someone who doesn't want to do that. And it's not a date night, we just wanted to eat out because I was craving for some seafood.", she replied as she handed her best friend a table napkin. "Wipe your mouth. Can't you eat more umm... ladylike?"

"Pff! What ladylike? I'm a lady and this is what I'm like!", taking the napkin from Samantha, she hastily wiped her mouth and continued to eat the shrimps with her bare hands. "How am I supposed to eat this dish then? It's very saucy and I have to use my hands to properly shell it. How else can I enjoy the food?"

Samantha shrugged, "Well, what if someone sees you like this? It's okay to use your hands, but at least don't make too much mess. You won't know who you're going to run into."

Hannah reached for the spicy crab and transferred it to her plate, "Oh please, I don't think Daniel Cho is going to mind how I look when he sees me eating like this. Besides, who am I going to run into? We're in a private room!"

Samantha chuckled, "Suit yourself. Don't say I didn't warn you.", she mumbled.

"Just eat! Here, try this one, and dip it in soy sauce.", Hannah pointed at the dish on Samantha's right before she held the crab with her hands and sucked the sauce and meat out of it.

The door opened and in came the handsome Daniel Cho.

"Hey, honey! We couldn't wait, we were already very hungry.", Samantha explained as Daniel kissed her on the cheek.

He took off his coat and sat beside her, "It's okay, sorry the meeting was too long."

But wait, Daniel wasn't alone. Just a few seconds after he came inside, a tall fellow stepped in the room after him.

He was also wearing a business suit and he stopped by the door as he scanned the room. Daniel had called him an hour ago and told him that he and Samantha wanted to have dinner with him at some restaurant.

Samantha waved the man over, "Joon! Come in. Join us and have a seat next to Hannah."

Hannah was too busy enjoying her crab to notice her boyfriend by the door. But as soon as she heard Samantha called his name, her eyes widened in surprise, she had just realized the presence of a man not far from her.

Holding the crab with her bare hands, she was still sucking the meat out when she turned to the side and met Seo Joon's stare.

Seo Joon tilted his head, seemingly confused by the sight of his girlfriend with a crab in her mouth in front of him.

Out of shock, Hannah dropped the crab onto her plate causing a sound.


With sauce all over her mouth and messy hands, she called, "Joon."

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