Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 181: You’re The Dumdum!

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Hannah lifted her head and saw Seo Joon's flustered expression. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Does it hurt?". Her gaze was very innocent, the moment that Seo Joon got pricked by the shell, she panicked and didn't think much anymore; forgetting that she was putting up an act.

Seo Joon couldn't tell her what's wrong because he too was surprised by what she just did with his finger and to top it off, in front Samantha and Daniel.

Hannah had been very secretive about their relationship whereas Seo Joon really didn't care if his sister knows about them. But since Hannah wasn't ready to reveal it yet, then he was going to just let her continue.

But with the situation now, he doubted that Hannah can still keep up with it.

The tension broke when Hannah heard Samantha giggling. She got anxious that she forgot about the other people in the room. Thus, when she heard a sound from the side, her eyes grew wide as she looked at Seo Joon in the eyes, suddenly realizing what her actions from earlier implied.

Looking at her adorable expression, Seo Joon couldn't help but chuckle. 'Now... what are you going to do, Hannah?', he questioned in his thoughts.

Hannah closed her eyes, bit her lip before she lowered her head and let go of her boyfriend's hand. Seo Joon immediately felt that his hand was empty when she did.

Facing Samantha, she squinted her eyes before opening them as if doing so will make it easier for her to do what she was about to do. Looking up, she saw Samantha with a smug look on her face, as if she was waiting for her to say something.

Hannah glanced at Daniel and saw him averting his eyes, he continued to eat as if nothing just happened. He was not so good with awkward situations like this.

Thinking that she could no longer hold it any longer as it was becoming very hard for her to pretend, she decided to just spill the beans. Pursing her lips, she started, "S… actually… umm… I… S-Seo Joon… we…"

She swallowed, sighed and then said loudly, "I'm dating your brother!!"

With the sudden confession, Daniel choked on his food a little surprising Samantha, she immediately handed him a water bottle and patted his back.

The corner of Seo Joon's mouth lifted upward as he reached for Hannah's hand under the table. She flinched at the sudden contact but allowed him to hold her hand, the warmth of his hand was just what she needed at that moment as she felt extremely nervous for what she had just said.

Samantha didn't say anything and Hannah thought that she was mad or something. She waited for a couple of minutes but Samantha seemed to ignore her as she just continued to eat like she didn't hear what Hannah confessed.

"S… are you mad? I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner.", Hannah spoke with a guilty expression.

After hearing Hannah, Samantha only had an unreadable expression, "Since when?", she asked casually.

Hannah recalled and answered, "Umm… for about a week, I guess?"

Nodding her head, Samantha replied briefly, "Okay."

"W-why… are you like that? Did I do something wrong? What is it? Tell me!", Hannah was confused as to why Samantha was suddenly cold towards her. She honestly couldn't think of any reason why her responses were like that.

Samantha stopped eating, placed her spoon and fork on the table and looked at her friend, "Yes. You did.", she confirmed with a serious expression.

Hannah's heart raced, "W-what is it?"

With a sigh, Samantha explained, "Well, it's because you already admitted your relationship with Seo Joon."

Hannah was even more confused but she waited for her friend to continue.

"While you were still keeping it a secret, it was fun to watch you try to hide it and come up with lame excuses like a dum dum. But now that you confessed, you will stop hiding it and you won't be cute anymore. So it's no longer fun.", Samantha sighed once more.

'What?!', Hannah gaped at her best friend's explanation, there was a huge question mark in her head as she tried to process Samantha's reason.

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Her gaze shifted to the man next to her friend and saw Daniel who nodded as if he agreed to what his fiancee was saying whilst Seo Joon laughed heartily.

"What dum dum!? You're the dumdum!", Hannah pouted.

"And you! Stop laughing Joon!", she pushed him playfully.

"Sorry, it was just too funny. My sister is right though, you were pretty obvious every single time."

Hannah glared at the man beside her and then asked, "Was I really that bad?"

She scanned the table and the three of them all nodded in unison.

Feeling defeated, Hannah didn't have anything else to say.

"Tch.", she sounded before she got some shrimps and started shelling before placing them on Seo Joon's plate. "Eat."

Hannah was so adorable that it made Seo Joon smile wide.

Clapping her hands, Samantha beamed at everyone and announced, "All right! It's on me tonight so eat to your heart's content!"

"Hell yeah!", Seo Joon exclaimed and Hannah cheered because, hey... free food!

"Wow! I planned to pay for tonight's meal to give you guys a treat but Ms. Money Bags is flexing.", Daniel Cho remarked.

Samantha tapped his arm, "Oh is that so? Don't worry honey, I will use your card. I just remembered that I left my wallet at home."

Laughter filled the air and the rest of their evening became even more relaxed as they shared the delicious meal together and shared entertaining stories.


A week later, Daniel decided to visit his parent's house one afternoon. He had just finished a meeting and it was located near his parent's estate. When he arrived, he was greeted by the family's butler and househelpers.

"Where are they?", he asked before taking off his coat and putting it on the rack.

"Young Master, your parents are in the garden.", the butler answered. "Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"Just coffee. Thanks.", he answered and then headed outside the garden.

When he was nearing the gazebo, he found three people enjoying a conversation. They were Daniel's parents and a woman who was wearing a dress.

"Sweetheart! You're here! Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?", Mrs. Cho instantly brightened up upon seeing her son. Daniel's father also gave him a smile.

"Mom, Dad. I was just in the area.", he gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before he shifted his gaze towards the woman sitting at the side.

As soon as he saw who the woman was, his expression changed.

"Oh, you are friends with Dr. Nam, right? She's your father's heart doctor."

Daniel clenched his teeth as Devyn Nam stood up to greet him with a smile, "Hello Daniel, long time no see."

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