Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 183: Daniel's New Project

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Mrs. Cho had just walked out from the kitchen when she bumped into Daniel in the living room.

"Mother, I have to go.", he spoke as he walked towards her.

She looked up to her tall son, "You're leaving so soon?"

"Yes, I still have another meeting in an hour. Sorry, mom.", Daniel apologized as he kissed his mom's cheek.

"Well, be sure to take good care of your health and bring Samantha over for dinner this week.", she requested.

"I will. We're both busy these days but I'll call you soon and let you know when we're coming.", he assured.

Mrs. Cho gave her son a sweet smile and nodded while she stroked his arm, "That's good. I'll be expecting you soon then. Wait! How's the wedding preparation going?"

"We're taking it slow, mother."

"Don't take it too slow or I'm going to have to wait for a long time just for a grandchild.", she pouted.

Daniel found his mom amusing, "Mom, that will come at the right time."

"Ah!! You don't even have to get married to give me one! You and Samantha can do the wedding later and focus on giving me grandchildren first!"

Tilting his head, he remarked, "Grandchildren? You're too hasty."

"Yes, I want a boy and a girl!", she demanded and then continued, "I have already told Samantha that she can give birth to twins, in that way, she doesn't have to bear nine months twice!"

Daniel's brows furrowed, "You're saying it like conceiving twins is very common and easy. You do know it's about 1 in 250 births."

"Oh but it is! I have already read about it and they say that you have a higher chance to conceive twins through IVF!", Mrs. Cho stated like she was an expert.

Crossing his arms, Daniel couldn't believe that his mother had already done her research. 'How long had she been studying these things?', he wondered.

"IVF?", he questioned as he tilted his head to the side, unsure why his mother would suggest the procedure.

"IVF! In Vitro Fertilisation!", she answered confidently.

Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose, "I know what IVF means, mother. What I mean is why would you think that Samantha will do IVF?"

"Why not? To have a higher chance to conceive twins!", she reasoned.

Shaking his head, Daniel started to walk towards the door as he replied, "Twins or not mother, I'm perfectly capable of giving you a grandchild."

"Oh oh! That's good! Have yourself tested to make sure that you are healthy!", Mother Cho followed behind her son.

"My swimmers are fine, mom. If that is what you're referring to.", Daniel reluctantly answered.

She continued to get excited as they reached the outside of their house

"Oh, I'm sure they are! You're a Cho after all! But you can't be too lax, son. Did you know that oysters are extremely helpful for bedroom stamina? It has a reputation as a 'virility food', it is very rich in zinc that is essential for your reproductive and sexual function! I will send some to your home this week when I go to the market. How many kilos do you want? You can eat it raw, or bake it, grill or even stew!"

"You should also eat more watermelon, cocoa-", Mother Cho went on and on about all the different kinds of Aphrodisiac Foods.

'Oh, God. Help me.', Daniel sighed inwardly. His mother is too persistent.

Later that afternoon, Daniel Cho was at his desk in his office. He had just started to go over the stack of documents on his table when he received a message on his phone.

It was a text from Logan. He is the team captain of Lucas' division in Country K and after Daniel had gotten to know him back when they worked together in Mansfield Town to rescue Samantha and Becca from Gael, he was impressed and he felt that he could trust him.

Daniel didn't tell Samantha about what he had learned from Sung Nan as he didn't know about the whole truth yet. So she also doesn't know anything about having a bodyguard.

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Logan: [ Boss, we're at the Vista Mall. She and her best friend have been going around shopping the whole afternoon. Now they are at a salon. ]

Daniel: [ Are you reporting or complaining? ]

Logan took a whole minute before he replied.

Logan: [ Sorry Boss, I'm reporting. ]

Daniel: [ Good. Don't leave them out of your sight no matter what. ]

When Logan received the message, he wasn't actually surprised as he was already used to orders like these but he hadn't gone for a break for five hours already. Since Daniel had gotten Samantha's security tightened, there were usually two of them but on that day, it was only Logan.

Tapping his phone screen, he composed his reply.

Logan: [ What if I need to go to the restroom? ]

Logan received Daniel's response very quickly.

Daniel: [ Use a bottle. ]

Logan squinted his eyes when he read what Daniel's response was. 'Are you crazy? How am I supposed to do that with all these people? It's no wonder that people said that you're a ruthless devil.'


A little while later, there was a knock on Daniel's door.

"Come in.", he said.

Assistant Ahn came inside and grunted as he brought in a big box and placed it on the coffee table. "Boss."

With a puzzled expression, Daniel got off his chair, walked around his desk and went over to check the box.

"What is this?", he asked as he was approaching.

"The front desk said that your mother dropped by earlier and said that you were working on a project. She said to tell you that these things are going to help you a lot.", Assistant Ahn explained what he was told.

"What project?", he questioned as he retrieved a cutter from his desk.

Assistant Ahn just shrugged as he really didn't know what Daniel's mother meant.

Cutting the seal of the box, Daniel opened the flaps and looked inside. Both men didn't understand how the contents were going to be used on a project.

Inside the box were a book, CDs and the rest were mostly food, one whole watermelon, chocolates, and fresh asparagus to name a few.

Assistant Ahn reached for the book and read the title, "How to increase your sex drive in 10 w-"

Daniel's eyes grew in shock! He swiftly grabbed the book from his assistant's hands, tossed it back inside the box and closed the flaps.

Assistant Ahn just realized what the words meant after Daniel's flustered reaction. He suppressed a laugh but couldn't help himself from commenting, "Boss, it looks like your mother meant… 'baby-making project."

Clenching his teeth, Daniel snarked, "Get out!"

His assistant scurried towards the door, stifling a chuckle on his way out.

As soon he left the room, Daniel exhaled heavily with his eyes closed; he felt a headache coming.

He started to walk back to his desk but halted with just a few steps.

Looking at the box beside him, he reached in, took the book out and brought it with him to his chair.

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