Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 203: Are You Sure About This?

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Last night, Samantha went home before Daniel. She was exhausted as she went out and about with Hannah to prepare for what she was going to do to pacify Grandfather Cho.

She believed that the old man wasn't actually that bad, maybe all she had to do was try. But even if she was already pretty tired, she was still not done for the day.

The front door of the cliffside villa opened and Daniel came inside the house. Normally, Samantha would greet him when he arrives home but she didn't that night. He was sure that she was in the house because her car was in the garage and the lights were on.

"Honey?" He called as he set his briefcase down. There was no response, 'Is she upstairs?' He wondered.

Daniel walked up to the stairs and headed to their bedroom. When he opened the door, he found the light of the walk-in closet on and he heard some rummaging sounds. "Babe?" He called once again.

"I'm in here." She answered.

He walked towards the light and saw Samantha in her soft pink nightgown. "What are you doing in here?" He probed.

She turned around and beamed at her lover. Daniel was suddenly caught off guard by that smile of hers that he felt his heart jump a little.

She sauntered towards him, brought her arms up to his shoulders and tiptoed to give him a sweet kiss. And as if by nature, he placed his hands on her back.

"Hi darling, welcome home." She said, her face looking very charming that it made Daniel smile brightly. "You look busy."

"I was just preparing our clothes for tomorrow."

He tilted his head to the side to look at behind her and saw a few pairs of suits out and some of her dresses. "Are we going somewhere tomorrow?"

"Yes. You'll be driving me to the studio. I need us both to dress up nicely."

Daniel looked at her quizzically, wondering why it was so important for them to dress well. Wasn't it only her who was going to that TV show?

Aside from that, it was the first time that she was the one who initiated to be brought somewhere public by him. The two of them had always been careful, especially Samantha because they had to keep their relationship hidden; so why did she want to be driven there tomorrow? Was she planning something?

Despite having those thoughts in mind, Daniel nodded and just followed what his fiancée had planned.

The next day, the two of them got up early and after taking a shower, Samantha helped Daniel with his clothes. She dressed him up in a navy chalk stripe suit which made him look debonair and handsome. She fixed his tie for him expertly like she had done it thousands of times before he helped him with his coat.

While Daniel was choosing for a watch and shoes to wear, Samantha put on a peach long-sleeved wrap dress which she had chosen the night before. The outfit that she wore made her look youthful and fresh.

Since she was going to have her make up done in the studio, she only lightly powdered her nose and applied a nude lipstick.

The couple looked at each other, Samantha had a smile on her face and Daniel couldn't help but be curious about what she was planning that morning. "Samantha, aren't we too early to go to the studio? I thought you had to be there in…" he glanced at his watch, "four hours?"

"Yes, but we have to drop by somewhere first." She grabbed his hand, dragged him out of their walk-in closet and went downstairs.


Daniel and Samantha were sitting at the backseat of the Maybach while Assistant Ahn was driving. The entire time, Samantha had her smile on her face. That was quite an intriguing sight for Daniel but he thought that she may just be excited for her guesting later. He truly had no idea where Samantha was taking him.

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The cliffside villa was about an hour away from the city center and so Daniel used the time to go over some files on his tablet while they were in the car.

When he felt that the car had stopped, he lifted his head and looked outside of the window. His brows furrowed when he recognized where they were and saw the huge sign of the building that said, "M City Hall"

He turned his head abruptly to the woman next to him, his heart began to race. "What are we doing here?"

Since last night, Samantha had been excited for her plan. She prepared all the documents that were needed and kept her mouth shut as she wanted to give him a surprise. Over the many weeks that they had been engaged, she knew that Daniel was just waiting for her to be ready.

Even that one night when she suddenly suggested registering their marriage, she saw his eyes became bright. And although he said that he was okay to do it anytime later, she knew that he had already wanted it to happen.

What was holding her back? She had asked herself countless of times, was she really just waiting for the right time? Or was she just scared?

Whatever it was, she brushed it off the moment that she became resolute in standing next to him on equal footing. How could she let her man do all the work? She is Samantha Kim!

Staring into his eyes, she felt her heart flutter. She realized that the feeling of 'being ready' to do something like getting married will never come. As she was determined to push through with her plan, she breathed in and braved herself.

Samantha reached her slender hand and held Daniel's. She chuckled and answered him, "We're getting married today, love."

When they were inside the office, Daniel was still feeling strange about what was happening. He woke up that morning like it was a regular day and now he's filling out forms to register their marriage. Was this really happening?

He looked at the beautiful woman beside him, "Are you sure about this?" He asked.

She placed the pen down and crossed her arms, her eyes became icy. "Are you backing out, Daniel Cho? Do you not want to marry me anymore?" She questioned in a serious tone.

He continued to stare at her as if he was studying her face but there was no trace of hesitation in her expression. Still, he pondered 'What if she backs out just like the last time?' His eyes widened at the thought. 'Oh hell no! No way! Not this time!' He yelled in his mind.

Daniel Cho slammed the pen a little heavily that the people inside the office turned to their direction. Grabbing both their forms with his left hand, he grabbed Samantha's hand with his right and dragged her with him towards the registration desk.

"Dan- woah! Slow down!" She yelped as she walked hastily behind him while she tried to steady herself with the heels that she was wearing.

The office room had several people inside apart from the office workers. And because of their little act, they all looked towards them, wondering who they were. They all thought that they both looked familiar but they just couldn't figure out where they have seen the good-looking couple. Are they celebrities?

An old woman who was seated at the side mocked, "Kids these days, too hasty to get married. Tch."

Her grandson's brows scrunched up when he heard his grandmother's comment. "Grandma, those two look like they are in their mid-twenties or late-twenties, I think that's a pretty good age to get married. You, however, got married to grandpa in your teens! Aren't you the one who was hasty?" He questioned.

The old woman gulped at her grandson's question, she raised her newspaper and hit his head with it. "Your grandfather was very handsome! I had to tie him with me so that he couldn't get away anymore, okay!"


When Daniel and Samantha reached the desk, he slammed the papers in front of the clerk, it made her jump on her seat.

He clenched his teeth and with a dignified expression, he ordered "We're here to register our marriage. Get it done, now!"

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