Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 219: Reminiscence

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The black Bugatti Chiron entered the capital and had caught a lot of people's attention. Grandfather Cho remained quiet as he observed the buildings from outside of his window while Samantha drove her car towards a road that she had planned to visit with him.

She tried to feel positive about this plan of hers but knowing how unpredictable Grandfather Cho can be, she could not say for sure if it will be a success.

As they were slowly approaching the familiar highway, Grandfather Cho stretched his neck to see more of the buildings from the outside and even lowered down his window to see everything clearly.

The place was busy and people were going about their daily routine. It seemed like the area would never run out of people even at night.

Samantha looked at his facial expression from the side mirror and saw that there was a smile plastered on his face, she already assumed that he was feeling sentimental of where they were at that time. She had expected this much as old people tend to feel nostalgic about a thing like this.

A few days ago, when she called Mr. Jiang, she asked him where Grandfather Cho's old workplace was before he became the Chairman of Cho Corporation.

It was way back when he just started to become popular himself because of his skill in jewelry making. And although Mr. Jiang was not there with him at that time, it was not hard for him to obtain this information.

And that is how Samantha planned to bring him back where he first started, hoping that he will somehow feel good about all the achievements that he had attained all these years.

"Stop the car." Grandfather Cho ordered, in which Samantha gladly followed. Pulling up on the space by the curb, the car stopped and he stared at the small cafe and restaurant several meters away. He was observing it as if he was analyzing its existence.

"What is it, Grandfather?" She asked curiously as she peered through the windows and followed the direction of his sight.

"That tea house right there was where I used to go everyday when I go on a break at work. It has been a very long time since the last time I have seen this place. And after all these years, it is still there." He explained as he reminisced the memories in his head.

Seeing that her plan is working, Samantha jumped on the opportunity right away. She turned off the engines and carefully alighted the car. Reaching the other side, she opened the passenger's door and reached her delicate hand out to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he looked at her hand, not sure of what she was planning to do.

"I told you that I was going to take you out for some tea, didn't I? Let's go, Grandfather!" She urged with a beam on her face, like a child asking for her grandfather to play with her.

The old man stared at her while he tried to take in what she meant until he realized that Samantha wanted them to have tea at that particular run down cafe and restaurant. Did she really not mind going in there with him even if it's not posh?

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After contemplating for a moment, he finally agreed to her request. Slowly getting off the car, he used his cane and Samantha's arm to stand up.

People started to look at the pair while they were walking away from the eye-catching sports car, trying to figure out where they have seen the two of them before. But since they were not a usual pair to see, they could not recognize them right away.

Samantha and Grandfather Cho arrived at the doorstep of the cafe and restaurant. Just like what he said, it had been there for many years but it was well-maintained so it did not look out of place despite its old design. The place was very clean and tidy and there were several customers inside, enjoying their afternoon tea.

When they entered the place, the smell of freshly brewed coffee invaded their noses — it made Grandfather Cho smile.

"Where would you like to sit, Grandfather?" Samantha asked.

"By the window." He pointed towards the side of the cafe and they were ushered to that table by the waiter.

After ordering their drinks and snacks, they quietly waited. He was very occupied while looking outside of the window where cars are passing by and people were walking hurriedly. Samantha thought that he must still be daydreaming about his past in here.

Samantha wanted to break the silence but all she that she was very curious about was how her grandmother was when she was a child. How could she ask that? If she does, won't the old man get mad at her if he would suddenly remember about her grandfather? She became nervous as she contemplated.

"Young-Hee also does that, you know?" He spoke as he looked at her, making Samantha raise her head abruptly. Her face showed confusion when she did not understand what he meant.

"What you do with your hands. Wringing of hands when nervous about something, you are doing that and Young-Hee does that too."

"My grandmother?"

He nodded and averted his gaze back to the window. "She would always be nervous about something and she does that with her hands." He very lightly chuckled as he recalled many years ago.

Samantha suddenly found a cue to talk more about her grandmother. Although it can be a sensitive topic — it was at least something that they can talk about, right?

After thinking it through, she braved. "I have learned that you grew up with my grandmother. Can you tell me more about how she was when she was little?"

She noticed that his jaw slightly clenched before he faced her but then Grandfather Cho turned to face her and started talking about their childhood, his eyes beginning to show some glimmer.

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