Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 227: Incognito

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"S, can you help me with my dress?" Hannah sprinted towards her best friend and turned her back to her, showing her unzipped evening dress. It was a powder blue colored long dress that accentuated her figure.

Samantha was on the phone with her mom who only found out about her reunion. Mrs. Kim knew about how her daughter lived through her high school life back then. She was concerned about her safety as she knew how socialites can be very troublesome.

That even though Samantha would try to stay away from trouble, it seems like trouble would always still find her.

She tucked the phone between her head and her shoulder whilst trying to zip Hannah's dress. "I'll be fine, mom. Don't worry about me. I'm not a kid anymore, remember?" she spoke.


"Thanks, S." Hannah hopped over to the dresser while Samantha scrambled to the bed and continued to talk to her mother while simultaneously putting on her shoes.

Both of them were quite in a hurry as they slept longer than they had wanted. Cursing themselves when they slept through Samantha's alarm. As always, it was hard for her to wake up because of the constant unconscious alarm snoozing; Hannah isn't any better either. To add the pressure, they were supposed to be in the registration booth in thirty minutes.

"I have to go, mom. Talk to you later. Love you." Samantha said hastily and threw her phone on the bed.

Quickly doing their make up and styling their hair, they were finished in fifteen minutes. Hurriedly going out of the room, they closed the door behind them and saw Logan in more suitable clothing for the event than his usual style. A shirt, pants, and jacket all in black made him look neat; not that he wasn't before but at least he did not look so casual and won't look out of place in a group of well-dressed people.

"The bracelet, Madam." was his first sentence as soon as they met out in the hall when he noticed her bare wrist.

"Shoot!" Samantha cursed under her breath. She hastily went back to the room and retrieved the bracelet from the nightstand. "Here." groaning, she showed it to her bodyguard.

As the three of them got inside the elevator, the two girls sighed in relief as they still had time before it started. 'Wouldn't want to be called self-entitled speaker for being late when I obviously arrived earlier in the resort. Tch.' She snarked in her thoughts, already regretting that she was there to attend the event.

She would much rather be at home and be with Daniel. But then she remembered that he was also out that night because of a dinner invitation in the city.

The elevator stopped at a floor and in came Oliver Su. When he first saw Samantha, he did not recognize her because of Samantha's current appearance which is quite different compared to how she was in High School. However, he recognized Hannah.

"Hannah Chu," He greeted, in which she returned by calling his first name, "Oliver."

He nodded and rode the elevator with them. Hannah elbowed Samantha when he joined them as she remembered the incident that happened years ago. But Samantha also did not recognize Oliver so she only had a confused look when she glanced at Hannah.

Reaching the third floor where the event was going to take place, Oliver stepped aside allowing Samantha and Hannah to get off first like a gentleman.

Logan went out of the elevator and waited for the two ladies. While Oliver Su noticed what Logan was doing, judging by the way he carried himself, Oliver was sure that he was a skilled officer… 'perhaps a bodyguard?' he thought.

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This made him look at Samantha again and that's when he noticed that she looked quite familiar yet he can't seem to put his finger on it.

"Oliver!" A man in a maroon suit called him over the registration booth that was just beside the door of the event hall.

Clad in a vintage style plaid suit, Oliver walked towards the table and nodded to the man who had just called him.

"Welcome back, my man! How long has it been?" the man in maroon asked.

"Been too long, Chase. Seven years?" Oliver answered with a cheerful smile as he shook hands with his old friend. He then received a name tag with his name on it and placed it on the left of his suit. "How's everybody?" he asked as he tried to fix his suit.

"Oh you know, everyone's gone someplace. Only several of us stayed here. Just like you, the rest of them went to another country for college and pursue further studies."

Oliver chuckled at his answer, "I don't know about that. You know me. I'm done with studying, that's just not me." He answered truthfully. After graduating in college three years ago, he just went partying all the time and basically wasting his parent's money doing nothing.

Chase laughed knowing how Oliver really was, he was sure that even working was not for him. He was just about to respond to his statement when he noticed the two ladies approaching the table. "Hannah Chu!" He called in which she returned with a smile a simple "Hello".

"It's nice to see you again.

"And…" Chase shifted his gaze to Samantha and his brows knitted, unsure whether she was one of their classmates. Although she did look familiar, he doesn't know where he could have seen her. Looking back at Hannah who was currently fixing the name tag on her, and back to the woman next to her, he realized something. There was only one other girl whom Hannah was always with.

"Samantha Kim…" He muttered as if he couldn't believe it. He had seen her online and thought that she had grown quite beautifully. However, the woman in front of him was absolutely charming — he swore the pictures online did not do justice.

As soon as Oliver heard the name, his head snapped towards her. 'This is Samantha Kim? That Samantha?' He questioned himself.

"Yes, that's me." Samantha smiled brightly, showing her pearly whites making Chase awestruck. It was the first time that she smiled like this to her classmates. If one would call to greet her before, she would only just smile briefly and conservatively before going back to ignoring the whole world.

Hannah collected Samantha's name tag and helped to put it on her. All the while, Oliver just stared at the beautiful woman who looked so different compared to when they were in high school.

"Let's go, S." Hannah tugged on Samantha before she turned to the side, "Talk to you later, Chase. Bye." she said as she hurriedly dragged Samantha inside the venue.

When the women have walked away, Oliver leaned closer to Chase. "That was Samantha Kim?" he clarified.

"Yeah…" Chase could only answer so much, he was also shocked as he watched them walk towards the doors. "Man… you must have regretted it so much that you did not get her back then, huh?"

The two men's gazes lingered on the girls without realizing that Logan heard them talking.. The stiff man eyed the two and he immediately put them on his list of people to watch out for.

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