Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 226: VVIP

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"You can call this number if you have any requests… any requests at all, Madam." Mr. Jay So said as he handed Samantha a business card with his two hands.

"Thank you," she replied. Accepting the card, she read the name and clarified other details.

While they were talking, Logan, on the other hand — searched high and low for any bugs or hidden cameras around the presidential suite. He did a thorough sweep throughout the different areas of the suite, making sure that it was safe and bugfree. He even used a radiofrequency detector to double check on inconspicuous objects leaving no place unturned.

Although this was not the first time that the hotel had a VIP guest staying in their hotel, this is one of the few occurrences that they had a VVIP guest staying. Since the resort is owned by the Cho's, naturally Samantha is already a VVIP.

However, Daniel specifically told Logan that while he wanted Samantha to be treated as a very important person in the resort, he knew that she did not want to be treated extremely out of the ordinary. He knew that just like before, she wants to be low profile as much as possible despite her status.

Daniel had instructed Assistant Chen to arrange their stay in that resort so the management already knew about her arrival but they did not expect her to be an hour early.

So when Logan informed the management, they were surprised but they still followed as instructed. To greet Samantha, only the three of them came out as to not draw so much attention compared to their standard protocol that would include a good number of high ranking positions to serve a VVIP.

The amount of attention to security detail surprised the managers even if it was only done by one person in the name of Logan, it was quite formidable. They all thought that Samantha must be really cherished by the Cho Corporation's CEO to have this kind of treatment.

The managers had left — leaving Samantha, Hannah, and Logan in the room. The two friends watched as he searched for whatever he was searching under and over things in their suite. Samantha sighed when she thought that Daniel is being overly protective this time.

"Is it only me or does it feel like we're in a movie… like we are some sort of a high ranking politician?" Hannah asked under her breath with a hint of ridicule.

"Tell me about it," Samantha replied. She was already planning on how to tell Daniel to take it easy when he calls later.

What Samantha was not aware of was that apart from the resort's own security personnel, Daniel also added a few more who were part of Logan's team that are lurking around in disguise – as a tourist, a hotel staff or even a waiter. Since Daniel can't be there himself, he had decided to have it arranged like this.

"The suite is clean." He spoke, walking towards them with a neutral expression like he was reporting to his commanding officer. "You should not have any problems but just in case, use this to alert me."

Samantha looked at the object in his hand that looked like a simple women's tungsten bracelet. "What is that?" She probed, unsure what a bracelet can do.

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Seeing the confused look on their faces, Logan explained "This is not just an ordinary bracelet. You can press this one right here." He turned it on the side and pointed on a small push button "And then it will send a signal; alerting me and telling me where you are at the same time."

"Are you saying that is a tracking device?" Hannah asked, unsure if that was something that Samantha is okay with. She took a glance at her best friend and sure enough, she saw her brow twitch a little.

"Why would I need one? I'm going to attend my high school reunion… not some… secret agent or… spy stuff or whatever." Samantha was starting to feel that something was off with the way Logan was being so tight with the security. She nearly laughed when an idea crossed her mind about her having a death threat or something. 'It's not like I'm someone so important.' she snorted at the thought.

"You should wear this at all times." He said as he grabbed Samantha's wrist and placed the bracelet in her hand. "I'm just following orders, Madam. If you're against it, you can talk to your husband."

Logan did not want to overstay in this girl's room as he was starting to feel like they were going to gang up on him using their girl power. Apparently, he does not do well with having a conversation with women for a long time. He believed that he was too stupid to understand women's language and logic. It was better for him to keep his distance.

"If you need anything, I'm just right across." He said before he left and entered his own room opposite to theirs. Samantha and Hannah watched his back when he hurriedly escaped.

Closing the door, Hannah sighed and shook her head. "Daniel sure is being very protective of you. I'm surprised that he didn't put you inside a bubble suit yet."

Samantha chuckled, she does find it funny how things are right now but she convinced herself that Daniel just wanted her safe.

Contemplating for a moment, she looked at the bracelet and decided to keep it for later. She placed it on top of the nightstand and walked towards the window of their suite.

Outside, she could see families that were on a vacation and enjoying the beach and the sun. The moms and dads laid on the sunbeds while the kids played with the sand, making sandcastles like it was their job. She suddenly felt homesick even though she had only left home for a couple of hours ago.

Her thoughts brought her back to when her mother asked her about having kids. And she honestly is not prepared for a huge responsibility like that yet. Samantha thinks that she can barely even take care of herself, her career, Daniel and the house altogether. How can she take care of a baby? That's taking care of another human life. What if she becomes a bad mom?

"I don't know about you but I could use a nap," Hannah said as she went under the covers, disturbing Samantha's train of thoughts.

She thought of calling Daniel again since they have already settled inside the suite but she decided to do it later. "I think I need one too," she said.. After setting an alarm using her phone, Samantha joined her best friend on the bed and closed her eyes.

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