Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 241: Challenge Accepted

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With Hannah pulling him even closer, Seo Joon groaned as he gave in to her request and rolled her onto the side until he hovered over her. They broke their kiss when she felt his weight and their hungry eyes met as their body heat started to soar.

Seo Joon's heartbeat raced as he watched her questioning gaze and he wondered what she was thinking at that moment. He leaned in and captured her mouth with his and in a passionate kiss, their tongues danced together.

His right hand glided her side and found the hem of her top. Sliding his hand underneath the clothing, he felt her cool skin underneath his touch and Hannah stifled a moan. Joon deepened the kiss, pressing himself onto her while the sound of the television noise from the background blurred away and forgotten.

Hannah felt so warm and helpless under his touch. She wanted to give her all to him but she knew that she couldn't… not tonight, 'not tonight', she told herself. And that was the most stupid thing that she thought while they were in the middle of their make-out session because she did not stop him when his hands were already on her breast.

She wanted this man but she believed that they both had to wait. And this belief was another stupid thing that she thought just now while she was anticipating for his next touch. And she almost gave in to her senses when his finger tugged on the garter of her soft pants. Another moan escaped from Hannah's mouth and Seo Joon pulled back against his wishes.

Slowly retracting his hand, he pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry… I know that we agreed-" he trailed off, unsure of what to say until he continued, "I lost myself there for a second."

Hannah wrapped her arms around him and chuckled to herself, "I can't only blame you."

Recalling their agreement of taking it slow, Seo Joon wanted nothing more than to build a stronger relationship with Hannah as they had quite a rocky start. So ever since they started dating, they had been battling with their urges and controlled themselves. He kissed her forehead before he rolled to the side, pulling her close to him again.

Reaching the TV remote control, he scanned the channels and stopped at a cartoon show that they used to watch when they were kids.

*growl* the sound of his stomach interrupted their moment.

"Oops," Seo Joon chuckled as he tapped his stomach.

"You haven't eaten yet?" she probed.

"I forgot."

Rolling her eyes, she scrambled out of the bed and grabbed the phone. "You're just like your sister. What do you want to eat? I'm calling room service," she asked as she tapped the buttons on the phone.

The next morning at the resort's restaurant.

The two couples sat at a round table enjoying their breakfast that was personally prepared by the restaurant's head chef.

Their table had a combination of food from light to heavy meals as each of them had their own preferences.

Samantha and Hannah both had heavy meals to fill their tummy while the two men only had coffee and a few pastries. They have just finished eating the delicious breakfast when Eli came to their table.

"Brother, I hope that you are not going home yet. Tell me that you're staying until afternoon?" Eli asked, bringing his hands together and pleaded.

Confused, Daniel raised his brows in question. "Why?"

"Well… we had prepared some sports and other activities for the class to participate in but the three on three basketball match… well let's just say that they gave up after knowing that Oliver Su is playing," he explained.

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The rest of them looked at Daniel and Eli talking, and they didn't know what Daniel was thinking as he maintained an expressionless face.

Daniel's gaze landed on Oliver who was a few tables away from them and caught him looking at their direction as if he was waiting for his challenge to be accepted. The expression that Oliver had was stoic but Daniel could easily read through him.

"No one else wants to play?" he asked.

Eli shook his head and continued, "No… Oliver was the team captain in high school and no one wanted to go against him."

"How many players do you need?" Daniel questioned, seemingly becoming interested when he found out that Oliver was probably good at basketball.

"To be honest, we need a team of three to play against them. So I was thinking... if you could play? Since you and my brother were both varsity players back then... you still know how to play, right?"

"You were in a varsity team?" Seo Joon asked his brother-in-law in which Eli proudly answered, "My mistake, Daniel was also the varsity team's captain."

Samantha had a surprised look on her face as this was the first time that she had heard of it. But judging at how Oliver was looking at them from the other table, she did not know whether it was okay for Daniel to play the sport against Oliver Su. "Honey, you don't have to if you don't want to," she said.

However, as soon as she finished her sentence, Daniel spoke, "Count me in." Turning to Seo Joon next to him, he patted his shoulder, "You know how to play, right?"

Seo Joon nodded, he knew that he was probably not as skillful as his brother-in-law but he was not bad at it as well.

Daniel lifted his head to look at Logan who was standing on his right and without him saying anything, Logan nodded his head in agreement.

"Perfect! I'll list your names. See you later!" Eli hurriedly bid goodbye and left the group.

Daniel knew that Oliver was anticipating for a match just to show off in front of Samantha.

For Oliver, he wanted to brag his skills since basketball is what he is good at. And if he defeated Daniel in it, then it would look like he is a better man than Daniel for Samantha. At least this is what he believes in at that moment.

The four of them stood up from their seats and they all walked past Oliver's table. Seo Joon saw the mischievous smile on Oliver's face as he stared at Daniel walking in front of him and Seo Joon can only shake his head at the man whose ego is too big.

Ignoring the eyes that were looking at him, Daniel held Samantha's hand and headed towards the elevators making Oliver knit his brows in envy.

The other reunion attendees that were in the resort's restaurant heard their conversation about the sports match. And they were anticipating to see a good show.

"Did you hear that? Samantha's husband is going to play against Oliver Su."

"I don't know if he's good but he better not humiliate himself in his own resort."

"Judging by his physique, he looks like he works out regularly."

"That doesn't mean that he's good at basketball. I'd have my money on Oliver Su, who wants to bet with me?"

Hearing the gossip around him, Oliver was even more thrilled to have a face-off with Samantha's husband.. "Daniel Cho… looks like we're going to have an exciting match."

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