Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 242: The Wife's Wrath

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Samantha's high school reunion continued to celebrate for the whole day with all the activities that were organized by the planning committee. There were several games and fun activities that everyone could join and at three o'clock, the basketball match was about to commence.

It was not supposed to be the highlight of the event but the attendees were subconsciously anticipating for it to happen, seeing that six adonis' were going to go play.

The basketball court was on the west side of the resort near the pool area. Fortunately, the weather was nice and cool and it was the perfect time to play outside.

"Are you worried?" Daniel asked when he noticed Samantha's gaze did not leave him ever since they arrived at the court.

She did not respond and just continued to look at him as if she was trying to read what was on his mind while he was about to play against Oliver. Samantha knew that Logan had already reported to him about what happened last night although Daniel did not talk about it. Suddenly recalling Oliver kissing her hand last night, Samantha clenched her fist and her gaze shifted to the man on the other side of the court.

Daniel saw the change in her expression and followed the direction of her sight and saw Oliver who was playing with the ball in his hand with a smile on his face. "Did you like him?" he asked frankly, startling Samantha that she snapped her head towards him.

"What?! No! Why would you think that?" she questioned, placing a hand on his arm like she was scared that he would think she was being swayed by another man.

Daniel chuckled at her surprised reaction and he could not resist but pull her in for a quick kiss.

Mouths gaped around them upon seeing their public display of affection. And Oliver's smug look was briskly wiped by a suddenly found jealousy. He felt his ego deflating seeing that he never had anything like that before.

Why was he feeling all envious about Samantha and Daniel? Why was she okay with Daniel but not him when they were in high school? He and Daniel were both rich and handsome, so why was he turned down easily? These questions flashed in his mind and he was truly confused.

After their warm-up, the basketball announcer started and everyone's attention was caught. Since this was a 3x3 basketball game, they were only going to use half of the court and with one rim. The players were then called and the game was about to begin.

"Good luck out there, honey," exclaimed Samantha.

Daniel flashed a boyish smile and winked at her like a college jock — she swore that she heard her own heart flutter at his flirtatious move and it made her blush like a red tomato.

A boisterous laugh sounded at her side and she looked at her best friend with a raised brow.

"Oh S, you are totally crushing on your own husband!" Hannah teased, holding her stomach as she giggled some more.

Samantha playfully pushed Hannah's arm and laughed to herself, "Oh, shut up! He's a flirt, okay? And I like being flirted."

All of the players were in the court – Team A consisting Daniel, Seo Joon, and Logan and on Team B were Oliver, Chase, and Louie.

A 3x3 basketball game is a fast-paced outdoor game and the first team that gets 21 points is the winner or the team that gets the most points after ten minutes.

A coin flip shall determine which team gets the first possession of the ball. The referee eyed Oliver as he asked for their choice and Oliver was quick to pick, "Heads"

Sure enough, the coin landed on Heads.

As they stood in their positions and the game began, Oliver passed it to Chase who was also quick in receiving the ball.

Team A started on their defense and chased after the offensive team. Oliver was known to be really fast and this was proven to be true when he received the ball back from Chase while evading Team A's defenses. Maneuvering his way through the court, he dashed and jumped really high, dunking the ball into the basket.

The crowd cheered when they saw that their high school team captain still got his moves.

"Not bad," Daniel commented with a smirk on his face when he witnessed the man showing off as soon as the game started.

Oliver scoffed at his remark, seemingly arrogant that what he did just now was not even close to his full capabilities.

The game continued with the ball being passed around between the teams and shots were made. Team A scored several points after a couple of minutes of playing with Daniel making most of the shots.

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At one point, Seo Joon assisted his brother-in-law and in a flash, Daniel breezed through the court. With his impeccable skills, he flew in the air and whipped the ball into the ring in a dunk surprising the crowd; even Oliver was shocked to witness it.

Five minutes into the time and it was already half of the game. But to the players who were sprinting the entire time, it was quite a long five minutes. The score was now 14:15 and Team A was leading.

Oliver got pretty serious rather quickly especially when he saw Daniel was as quick as him, if not quicker — in which he refused to believe. Daniel still got the ball this time and very smoothly, he swayed from side to side as he avoided the defensive players and found his chance to jump and shoot the ball into the hoop, he scored once again making the lead of two points.

But upon landing back to the ground, he accidentally collided with Oliver, causing the two of them to fall together.


Daniel got up and brushed himself off quickly and offered a hand towards Oliver who was still on the ground.

Oliver slapped Daniel's hand away and got off the floor with a sour expression, glaring at Daniel as he walked away from him.

Samantha gasped in shock at the sight of her husband's small accident and got instantly worried. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw that he was okay.

However, after that fall, Oliver's temper went over his head and he started to play rough. The game continued and Team B caught up with the score after Chase and Louie's shots.

Seo Joon and Logan did not lose to the other two when they also scored one point each right after, causing the score to rise – 16:18 with Team A leading.

Claiming the ball, Oliver tried to get past Daniel's defense who was behind him. A glint suddenly appeared in Oliver's eyes and he elbowed Daniel on the stomach, catching him off-guard and Oliver found his opening.

Daniel clenched his jaw when Oliver made the shot and the arrogant man rejoiced with a bright smile on his face.

Daniel Cho did not expect Oliver to play dirty but he did not call him out and just continued to play. Unbeknownst to him, Samantha was watching everything with her hawk-like eyes, and this wife's instincts started to kick in.

Two more minutes left until the game ends and two points more from Team A or B until either team will be declared as the winner.

Oliver lost his rationality when he decided to become childish and play like a crook once again. The pace of the game was too fast and Daniel was on his guard the whole time.

Raising his elbow, Oliver aimed to hit Daniel's jaw this time. Fortunately, Daniel saw through his actions and avoided the hit just a second before it would have landed on his face. However, because of the sudden awkward position when he did so, he lost his balance and fell on the ground, twisting his ankle on the process.

The referee ignored what happened and Oliver continued to throw the ball into the basket, scoring two points making their team win.

The buzzer sounded and the reaction of the crowd was divided as some of them rejoiced for Team B's victory while the others were shocked to see Daniel Cho on the floor.

"Daniel!" Samantha yelled and rushed towards the court. When she reached his side, he was already on his feet, "I'm okay."

As if Samantha was going to settle for just that, she huffed and sprinted towards the culprit.

"Oliver Su," she called through gritted teeth.

He was surprised to see her approaching, so a smile on his face appeared but it quickly vanished when Samantha raised her knee and hit his gonads, making him bend forwards and groan in pain.

But if he thought that she was finished, then he soon realized that she wasn't when his blurry eyes saw her spin around gracefully, and a kick landed on his handsome face causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud!

The crowd of onlookers' faces contorted as they all imagined the pain that Oliver had just experienced.

With a sinister expression, Samantha bent down next to the man writhing in pain, "Next time, if you hit my husband again… I'll make sure that you will get more than just a kick in your nuts that your bloodline dies with you, Mr. Su."

Oliver's face was red and he was shocked to hear Samantha's threat but he was too busy concentrating on easing his own pain to retort.

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