Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 243: A Lesson To Teach

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Daniel was too stunned to see his wife who just did some moves on Oliver that he stood frozen on the spot as he watched Samantha threaten Oliver to halt his ability to bear children if he does something stupid again.

Earlier when he fell, he was about to get up and get his revenge on Oliver who decided to play dirty. He had actually believed that Oliver was not that childish and low to be even doing that. Daniel cursed himself for trying to see past it because the man has skills and he didn't need to be rough during the game.

Seething in anger, Daniel quickly stood up to pounce on him and beat him up but his rage quickly dissipated when he saw Samantha came rushing to his side. He told her he was okay but apparently, she did not take it lightly.

Seeing his wife knee Oliver in the genitals and kicked his sorry face, he did not know whether he should laugh at how hilarious it was or cry when he imagined the pain. That must've fûcking hurt!

When Samantha got up and left Oliver, Louie and Chase gingerly helped their friend up and led him to sit on the bleachers.

Walking away, her expression instantly changed from being irritated to a worried one as she hurried back to Daniel, "Honey, are you okay? Are you hurt? Your foot! You twisted it, didn't you? Can you walk?" she asked frantically as she was truly worried about him.

Daniel just observed her anxious state and his heart throbbed. This woman never fails to surprise him, "Silly, I told you I'm okay," he said as he patted her head gently.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," he answered and then leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "I still have so much energy that we can test out in the bedroom." His breath tickled Samantha's ear, making her blush. He did twist his ankle but it was not that bad, yet he did not want her to worry too much so he just went on and teased her.

Seo Joon, Logan, and Hannah came and praised each other's hard work. They were about to leave the court when a voice called from behind.

"Brother," turning around, they saw Eli come running to them, "Are you okay? I saw what happened. That Su is really something! I'll go and talk to the referee," he huffed and was about to walk away when Daniel stopped him. "It's okay, don't worry about it. The game wasn't even about points anyway. Even before the game started, I already won."

Just as Daniel said this, Oliver and his friends happened to pass by. Stopping in his tracks, Oliver furrowed his brows and glared at him.

Eli did not understand what he meant at first but judging by the tension that these two men have, he was sure that the game really wasn't about who won by points but rather it was about Samantha. Eli shook his head and chuckled inwardly as he thought that Oliver seems to be digging his own grave.

Daniel returned Oliver's piercing gaze with a smirk before he draped his arm over Samantha's shoulder protectively and started to walk away; the others following behind them.

They had just taken a few steps when Oliver challenged with a smug look, "Fine, how about you choose another game this time? I'm in for whatever you choose," he said confidently.

Daniel and the rest stopped in their tracks. He chuckled and shook his head as he thought that Oliver's ego must have doubled in size. Turning around, he gave him a mocking smile, "Nah, I'm good. I'd rather spend time with my wife while I'm here."

This time, Oliver no longer thought about Samantha. He really just wanted to challenge Daniel Cho and see what he is made of. Playing dirty earlier, he knew that Team A would have won if he did not do that. So why not another challenge that Daniel can freely choose to have a headstart? "It's the first time that I'm having so much fun. Don't tell me that you're going to chicken out?" he taunted.

Daniel thought that this kid was hilarious. He chuckled once more and then continued to walk. However, Logan felt that his boss needs to crush this Oliver for revenge. So without thinking twice, he suggested, "Boss, how about paintball?"

The group looked at Logan and Daniel tilted his head waiting for him to continue, "Paintball?"

"Yeah... when I scouted the area before, I saw a paintball arena not far from here."

Samantha stared at the man beside her who was carefully considering things silently. And truthfully, she wanted him to get back at Oliver but if he just leaves him be, then at least she got to kick his as* earlier already.

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To her dismay, Daniel turned around and headed outside the court.

Oliver laughed upon seeing the man walk away from a chance to get even with him. He thought that Daniel just missed his chance. Seo Joon couldn't stand this guy's mockery so he called for Daniel, "Brother, are you really not going to-"

"What are you all doing? Let's hurry up before the sun goes down. We need to head out to the paintball arena right away," Daniel interrupted, surprising everyone with his words.

The smug look on Oliver's face disappeared the moment he heard Daniel but upon realizing that they were going to start the second battle, he was suddenly pumped up and a different kind of smile was plastered on his face.

Samantha quickly caught up with Daniel and held his hand, "Honey, are you really going to..." she trailed off, unsure of what she really wanted to say.

"I saw the look on your face earlier. Isn't this what you want? Don't worry honey… I won't let him play me this time," he spoke as he dragged Samantha with him out of the court.

The group followed them from behind, seemingly excited for what was about to commence.

Paint ball Arena

Arriving at the Arena, they were all thrilled to have the next competition to happen. After going through the safety precautions and preparations, the same teams were ready to head out to the field.

All six of them wore thicker outfits like jeans, a sweatshirt to protect themselves plus the required headmask.

Samantha nervously checked Daniel's gear, making sure that he did not leave anything uncovered. He was wearing a baseball cap on and was looking so fresh as always as if he did not just play basketball an hour ago. How is that even possible?

They were standing near the entryway when Samantha smiled at him, "Why are you smiling?"

She chuckled at her own thoughts, "I just thought that you look so… manly right now."

"Why, Mrs. Cho… what's going on in that little head of yours?" he said as he pinched her cheek.

Samantha reached her hand out to his cap and Daniel lowered himself for her. She turned the baseball cap around so that he wears them backward and said, "Wear it this way… at least your neck can be covered."

Sighing, she stared back at Daniel, "Honey… I know what you're going to do," she added.

"Do you want me to stop?"

Shaking her head, she answered "No… I want you to kick his as*"

Daniel chuckled at her response and was proud to hear her say that, "Don't worry… I'm going to teach this boy a lesson."

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