Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 246: The Truth And The Tie

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In the dimly lit royal suite, the couple was now on the king-sized luxury bed.

Daniel Cho laid on the bed almost naked all the way while Samantha rode on top of him.

There was light soothing music playing on the background and the smell of lavender scented candles emitted faintly giving the entire room a spa-like atmosphere.

"Are you sure this is what you have in mind, Mr. Cho?" she asked as she rubbed her hands all over his bare torso.

"Honestly, I just want you to touch me all over," he chuckled at his own confession and whimpered when Samantha slapped his back.

Daniel was laying on his stomach with his arms spread on the pillows on the side of his head while Samantha straddled on him from behind. With the body oil that Daniel gave her earlier, she rubbed her hands together and slowly pressed them on his muscular and broad back.

"Mhmm," he sounded as he felt her delicate hands on his tired shoulders, closing his eyes while he enjoyed the massage that his wife was giving him. Samantha smiled upon hearing him getting satisfied with her touch.

But amidst this intimate moment, her thoughts suddenly brought her to the unusual movements that she noticed all throughout the day and she had been wanting to ask him about it. "Daniel… did you tighten the security again?"

His eyes opened and he glanced at his wife behind him, "Why do you ask?"

Samantha felt him stiffen a little underneath her hands and so she decided to be calm about it, "Nothing really, honey. I just noticed that there were more people around us wherever we went. I mean… I'm just not used to it, I guess?"

Daniel recalled that just yesterday, there was someone who seemed to be following Samantha all around but it turned out that it was just an ordinary paparazzi. After scaring the man off, he decided to add a few more men around and to follow her more closely. Thinking that he can no longer hide it from her, he decided to tell her.

She continued to massage his back when he turned around to face her. He was now sitting on the bed with her straddling him on top, her legs on either side of him. "Honey, there's something that I've been meaning to tell you."

"What is it?"

"But first, I need you to be honest with me too, okay?"

After Samantha nodded in agreement, Daniel asked, "Have you been threatened by someone? Do you have enemies that you did not tell me about?"

Samantha was surprised to hear him question it, her brows furrowed, "Not that I know of… why do you ask?"

"I figured as much. Sung Nan confessed that there was someone wealthy behind him who was targeting you specifically but we don't have any leads as to who it is," Daniel answered as he observed any reaction that was coming from her.

"Huh?" averting her gaze, she tried to recall if there was anyone whom she could think of, "I don't think I have offended someone like that. I'm sure Nancy is mad at me but I don't think she is financially capable."

"Same thoughts. Anyone else?" he asked as he brought his hands on her back and caressed the skin under her top.

Thinking that he might not like her mentioning her ex-boyfriend's name, she hesitated, "What about… um… Andrew?"

Thankfully, Daniel seemed to not be bothered by it. He shook his head right away, "I don't think so. I had someone search for information about him and they came out clean apart from his usual clubbing and sleeping around with women, he's not the one."

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Samantha almost irked at what she just heard but brushed it off as it was nothing of importance. "Then I can't think of anyone else who might have a grudge against me. Is this why you suddenly hired security for me? Come to think of it, I think Logan came around that time."

Nodding his head, Daniel cupped the side of her face, "I'm still looking for whoever it is. Until then, you are to let me do what I need to do to protect you."

While he said these words, one thing came to his mind – if it's not Samantha's enemy, it must be his who was after him all along. And perhaps that person was just using Samantha since she is his weakness.

However, because of his status in life, there were just too many people who could be the culprit. The number of people who wants him dead or fall from the pinnacle of his career just continued to rise as he spoke.

Understanding her husband, she knew that he just wanted her safety so she no longer refused, "Okay."

"You're not even going to protest against it?" he asked curiously, tucking a loose hair behind her ear.

Samantha shook her head. "I don't like it at all because I feel like I've lost my freedom but if this is the least that I can do to make you feel at ease, then I will accept it," she said, after all… this is the only thing that she can do for now.

"A few or several bodyguards around you does not really make me feel at ease. I still constantly worry about you," he leaned his head on her chest and hugged her tight, "As long as we are not together, I will always worry about you."

"I know, honey, but you can't always be with me. You also have to trust that I will do all that I can to protect myself, you've been training me… remember?" she said as she thought about the previous days when they woke up early to work out and train together. Their bodies were all sweaty and their muscles all tight — the image in her head made her suddenly feel so lustful.

Daniel chuckled at the sight in front of him and  guessed what she had on her mind that made her blush. His jaw clenched and Samantha bit her lip when she noticed him growing hard beneath her, his stiff member poked through her thin, silk nightgown.

"Why don't we try and see if our endurance has improved?" he whispered into her ear and a glint of sparkle appeared in Samantha's eyes as she thought of his suggestion.

She got off of him and out of bed. "Where are you going?" Daniel's brows furrowed when he could not feel her on him anymore.

"Wait for me for a moment. I just need to look for something really quickly," she said as she rummaged through the pile of clothes from yesterday.

He could not understand what his wife was up to at that moment and was already growing impatient that it was taking her more than a minute to look for whatever the hell she's been looking for.

"Ahh… there it is. I've been searching all over for you," she said as she hoisted up Daniel's necktie in front of her.

Turning around, she circled the tie around her hand and walked towards the bed, meeting Daniel's curious eyes. "What are you going to do with that?"

"Oh… aren't you dying to know, Mr. Cho?" she teased, pulling him out of the bed and dragging him towards the edge of it, forcing  him to sit on that exact spot. "Please sit," she ordered. Daniel chuckled at her words, yet followed her orders obediently.

She dangled the tie in front of him and  leaned in very closely to kiss his lips. Slowly moving towards his ear, she spoke in a very sensual way, "You want me to touch you all over and I will do just that... to satisfy you, Daniel Cho."

Daniel swallowed, closing his eyes as he relished her teasing tone, feeling her hands caressing his muscular arms.

But those eyes quickly shot up open when he felt the soft material slowly closing his wrists together, making him  unable to move.

"But first, while I do all that you wished for, my love… You are not allowed to touch me," she whispered before backing away from him.. A mischievous smile formed on her beautiful face after having just tied her husband's wrists together securely using his necktie.

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