Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 257: Hazy

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Daniel carried Samantha out of the house in a hurry when he snapped out of his panic. He was nervous and he trembled as he held her and placed her carefully inside his car. He did not know what else to do and all he wanted was to make sure that his wife was okay.

"Baby, I'm going to get you to the hospital. You're going to be okay," he said when he got in the driver's seat, unsure if he said the words hoping that Samantha could hear him or if he was trying to convince himself that she was going to be fine.

He wanted to hold her but he was also busy speeding off towards the hospital while ignoring all the traffic lights that he passed.

"Somebody help! I need doctors!" With Samantha in his arms, Daniel Cho cried out as soon as he got inside the emergency room of the hospital. His loud voice caught the attention of the nurses and doctors in the E.R and soon, they all went to tend to her.

They took Samantha from him and she was placed on the hospital bed as the doctors started to check on her.

He got even more scared the moment that his wife was taken away from him but a nurse pushed Daniel out of the way and asked him to stay in the waiting area.

While he waited there for what seemed like forever, he became restless and he felt useless that there was nothing else he could do but stretch his patience.

"Mr. Cho," Nathan Yun called as he walked towards Daniel.

Getting up from the chair, Daniel met him with a worried expression, "Dr. Yun, what's happening to her? What's wrong this time?" He asked.

"I have just finished a long surgery and I got here as soon as I heard. I'll go check on her and I will get back to you," Nathan replied before he patted Daniel's shoulder and walked inside the E.R.


Samantha was then transferred to a private room and Daniel stayed beside her bed as he waited for her to wake up. Holding her cold hand, he brought it to his lips and he stayed in that position to warm her up while he looked at her sleeping.

So many things ran in his mind and his brows furrowed when he started blaming himself for he had been very busy lately that he had not been able to take care of her. As he thought of ways on how to lessen his workload these days so that he can look after her, Samantha's family and Hannah arrived.

After explaining what happened to Samantha, he excused himself out of the room to make some calls. And just as he finished, Nathan called for him. "Mr. Cho, can we talk?"

Nathan Yun explained Samantha's condition to Daniel as simple as he could. But although Daniel understood what was told, it still did not make him feel any better.

"Is that treatable?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes, it is. The high potassium level in her blood isn't severe. However, if it goes critically high, it can be life-threatening. As long as we follow the course of treatment, she'll be fine."

Nodding, Daniel ran a hand on his face. Whatever that needs to be done for Samantha, he will definitely do it.

The door of her room opened and Seo Joon came out. "Daniel, Samantha's awake… and she's looking for you."

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"I'll come by a little later so that you guys can talk," Nathan said before he left.

When Daniel got inside the room, her parents were about to leave.

"You rest well, princess. We'll see you soon," Mr. Kim said in which Samantha replied with a nod and a slight smile. She was still a bit pale and she was feeling cold so the temperature of the room was adjusted to make her comfortable.

Daniel waited for her family to leave before he quickly went to her side and pulled her in for a hug.

"Daniel…" she muttered on his shoulder.

"I was so worried about you. Are you feeling okay? What happened?" He asked while he was still hugging her.

"I… I'm not sure. I don't remember..."

He pulled back a little and looked into her eyes, she was looking weak and it made his heart throb. "What do you mean?"

"I… I don't remember so much. I just know that I… I…" Samantha tried to recall the events before she fainted but her memories only went back to the time a little after her dinner at eight in the evening and anything after that was kind of hazy.

Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Daniel cupped her face and stroked her cheek lovingly, "Honey, look at me. It's okay… you're going to be okay."

"Am I very sick? Why is this happening to me? Is it very serious?" There was an obvious worry in her voice.

Smiling, Daniel placed a kiss on her forehead. "Don't be silly, Samantha. You're okay. We just need to be more conscious and thorough with your health from now on, okay?"

Samantha nodded before she snuggled in his embrace where she felt safe. In his arms, she felt very safe.

In a foreign country.

"Master, the woman was sent to the hospital again." A man walked in to give his report.

The old man who was reading a book just waved his hand and the man left the room.

A sinister smile formed on his face. "Looks like it's going so well for you, Daniel Cho." He said to himself before he went back to reading.. "The show's finally starting."

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