Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 258: Yanovich's Grudge

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The old man's identity was feared by many. He was known as the head of their clan, Yanovich. He was a stern and cruel man, one who does not follow any laws and creates his own. He was someone who was on a higher scale if not on par with Gael De Luca's or Lucas Olsen's.

"Father, are you really going to kill that woman?" a man in his twenties asked. He had never questioned his father before but this time, he thought that his father might have gone too far.

Mr. Lavro Yanovich ignored his youngest son and continued to read his book. Why does he have to answer? He did what he wanted to do and it had always been this way. No one can influence his decisions.

"Father," he called again and this time, Mr. Yanovich closed the book in his hands with a thud. Standing up, he walked towards the window and looked over the vast field outside that was covered in snow as he recalled the memories in his head.

"That bastard needs to learn how it feels like to lose someone he holds very dear," he answered in a restrained voice.

Lavro's son followed him from behind and studied his father's back. His father had already grown old yet he was still as strong as ever, "Whatever he did, it was a long time ago. Why do you still-"

"HE KILLED YOUR BROTHER!" Lavro Yanovich roared as he turned around abruptly, scaring his son who had to step back in fright, "He killed my son!" The old man had so much anger within him as he growled that his face went red.

The son's heart raced, he always gets scared whenever his father raises his voice like this. His father who was the leader of the underworld in their country had only one weakness and it was his older brother who died years ago. He was still a teenager when it happened while his brother back then was in his early twenties.

"But father, my brother was not innocent too," he replied and he believed in the words that he said. He loved his brother but his brother was indeed also a cruel man and he probably deserved to die that day. However, this old father of his could not accept that.

Lavro Yanovich's brows furrowed as he looked back at his youngest son. He did not favor this son as much as he did with his eldest because he thought that this son was too soft in their world and he was not suited to be his heir. "Whatever your brother did, he only followed my orders!" he yelled at his son.

"And yet why do you need to kill this woman? She does not have anything to do with what happened years ago." He truly thought that his father had already moved on from that incident as he had not done anything since. However, after learning that Daniel Cho had a weakness, his father suddenly found the opportunity to strike his revenge on the man who killed his older brother.

Lavro laughed at his son's remark, "You are not to question my actions. I will do what I want and you cannot stop me! No one can stop me!"

"But father-"

"Enough! "We are not going to discuss this any further." He fumed and breathed in a huff before he walked out of the room.


At the hospital.

Samantha was resting in her room and her friends Hannah and Becca accompanied her all afternoon.

"Sam, I heard it's your birthday next week. What do you plan to do?" Becca asked as she sat on the sofa with a tablet on her hand, she was browsing through some skincare products that she planned to work with soon.

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Hannah who was sitting on the opposite chair, looked at her best friend and waited for her response. She was excited but at the same time, she was feeling uneasy.

"Nothing really… we'll probably just have dinner at home." She answered before she met Hannah's eyes who averted her gaze right after. She knew that Hannah must still feel uncomfortable about what happened back then although she never blamed her for it.

"Why don't you let us plan a party for you?" Becca offered, making Hannah's eyes grew wide.

Honestly, Hannah also wanted to throw a party for Samantha again. Of course, this time, she knew better and would only invite their family and a few close friends. It will be nothing like last year and she will make sure of it. However, she couldn't suggest and push her best friend anymore. "I don't think that's a good idea…" she responded.

With a confused expression, Becca turned to Hannah and asked, "Uh… why?"

Before Hannah could answer, Samantha spoke first, "She's still feeling guilty about the party that she planned for me last year."

Hannah pursed her lips as she contemplated and Samantha continued, "Han, really… you don't have to beat yourself up to it. It wasn't your fault, okay?"

Seeing her friends' expression, Becca got even more perplexed, "Okay… now you gotta tell me what happened last year."

After thinking about it for a moment, Hannah recalled the events from Samantha's twenty-fifth birthday and Becca was shocked to hear about it. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Sam… I did not know something like that happened to you."

Samantha shook her head and offered a smile, "That was already in the past and nothing happened. It does not bother me anymore."

"Thanks to Daniel Cho! You married your hero!" Becca exclaimed, her eyes suddenly full of hearts.

The three of them chuckled and Becca added, "Well, we don't have to make it like last year. We can just limit it to your family. I may not celebrate Christmas every year like you guys but I definitely love birthdays! It's the day that you were born into this wonderful world despite its flaws… so you should celebrate it."

"I don't know, girls. You know I'm not much of a planner." Samantha answered with a shrug. She doesn't mind going to parties but she was not someone who likes to plan one.

"You don't have to do anything. You can leave it to me and Hannah. All you have to do is to show up in a pretty dress." Becca beamed at the thought, she was already excited with planning and she was sure that her birthday week was going to a blast that she will love.

"What do you have in mind, Becs?" Hannah asked curiously.

Becca leaned closer and whispered something into her ear. Upon hearing Becca's plan, Hannah's excitement grew more and she was now thrilled. Samantha also became curious at her friends' surprise for her birthday and she smiled when she realized that the two of them had gotten closer ever since Christmas.

Although Becca's idea was indeed an excellent one, what she and Hannah did not know was that Daniel was already way ahead of them.

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