Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 259: Making A Move

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While the women gushed about Samantha's birthday, the door opened and in came Daniel and his brother Liam.

"Hey, honey," Samantha called her husband who came to her side right away, giving her a big hug.

Daniel hated the smell of disinfectant in the hospital just like Samantha did. He was thankful that he got to inhale her faint sweet scent like it somehow made him forget about the bad smell, "Hi… How are you feeling?"

Samantha leaned into his embrace like he was her source of life. Although she felt better, she wasn't all chipper all day but as soon as she saw her husband, she suddenly felt needy and Daniel was very much willing to give in to whatever she needed. "I'm okay now that you're here," she answered.


Hannah went home a few minutes later when the two men arrived. And then half an hour later, Becca stood up, "I got to go now, Sam. I still have an early flight tomorrow morning."

"Oh, right. Enjoy your trip!" Samantha replied to her friend and watched her as she walked towards the door. She then glared at Liam who was only sitting on the armchair. When he met her stare, he flinched a little and asked her in a whisper that only they can hear, "What?!"

Samantha did not speak but she shot daggers at her brother-in-law and waved her hand as if she was saying 'Go and leave with her!'

Good thing that Liam was smart enough to understand what she meant because he rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair. "Becs, wait for me." He said as he caught up with her and they both left Samantha's room.

The truth was, even without Samantha telling him what to do, he was actually going to leave with her anyway.

With a smile of content on her face, Samantha giggled like she had done something good. Daniel chuckled at how adorable she looked at that moment. Giving her gentle pants on the head, he said, "You do know that my brother can handle his own love life right?"

"I do. But it's so much fun to play cupid!" She beamed at him.

Daniel pinched her nose lightly before he kissed her cheek. "You should concentrate more on getting healthy. Now, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

Liam and Becca were inside the car and they were on their way to their condo. The car ride was relaxing with soft music playing on the stereo even though none of them were talking until he decided to break the silence. "So… you're leaving tomorrow?" He asked cautiously. He had wanted to ask her since earlier but he did not want to seem like he was clingy.

Becca looked to her right and nodded with a smile, "Yes."

"How long will you be gone?"

"Just four to five days. Why?" She squinted her eyes as if she was trying to scrutinize the man next to her. Why does he want to know?

Liam chuckled when he glanced and saw her expression, "Nothing, I just wanted to know because I might throw a party. It's better to have no complaints from neighbors, you know? He winked at her playfully, making her scoff, "You are going to have a party while I'm not there?" She questioned.

"Why, Ms. Wise? Did you want to attend the party too?"

She clicked her tongue lightly and looked out the window, "Why would I want to be in your party?" and then she muttered to herself in a low voice, almost like a whisper, "It's not like it would matter if I'll be there. There will be other women anyway."

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Liam caught a few words but was unsure if he heard her right yet a slight smile formed on his face when he thought that she was quite amusing. "What did you say?"

Looking at him, she grinned like a teenager, "Nothing."

As they got inside the elevator, there were a lot of people who rode with them. The two of them went to the far corner, however, there was a drunk man who stood next to Becca.

He was a man in his thirties and he was looking at her with a lustful gaze. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by Liam despite Becca being unaware of it since she was looking at her phone.

Without saying anything, Liam placed his hand on her waist and swiftly moved her to the side to switch places with her. Becca was surprised by his sudden action but when she looked up at him, he was acting indifferent.

What surprised her even more was that his hand remained on her waist, making her heart beat wildly as she felt warm all over.

She glanced at the hand on her side and looked up at him again but he was still acting like nothing was going on until she noticed the drunk man. That was only when she understood why Liam did what he did and it somehow calmed her racing heart.

Reaching their floor, Liam walked her to her door.

"Thanks… for what you did back there," Becca said as she turned towards him.

Liam replied with a smile, "Don't worry. I won't have a party without you." He said resolutely as he stared back at her curious eyes.

Stunned, Becca raised her brows, "Huh?"

Stepping forward, Liam closed their gap and held her hand. They had been spending a lot more time lately since they lived next to each other. But their relationship had not progressed since Christmas.

Although they often met, Liam had respected how close they were as he did not want to make Becca feel uncomfortable. But since she was leaving for a trip, it will be the first time since that they would not see each other for a few days.

Becca felt his gentle and warm touch, making her feel like butterflies were flying in her stomach.

"You know that I have not been with anyone else when I clearly enjoy spending time with you." He said while he looked into her eyes and she gulped. She clearly liked Liam but both of them were taking their time.

"Good," she replied curtly and turned around to open her door but Liam did not let go of her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

Smirking, he clearly knew that there was more to it than just that one word. "Is that all that you have to say?"

Breathing out a heavy sigh, Becca turned to face him and she saw the smug look on his face. She smiled so bright, showing her pearly whites and squeezed his hand gently. "Good. Because neither have I." She announced before she tiptoed and kissed his cheek, surprising him and catching him off guard.

Becca took this chance to retract her hand from his grasp and hurriedly entered her unit. "I'll see you when I come back." She said before she slammed the door, leaving Liam outside with his thoughts.

"Oh… huh… okay.." He muttered and absentmindedly walked towards his door.

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