Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 263: The Rival's At It Again

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After discussing their next course of action, Daniel and Lucas went back to the party.

"Lucas…" Daniel called to his friend as soon as they entered the room. Turning around, Lucas raised his brows in question and waited.

Clenching his jaw, Daniel contemplated for a moment before he continued, "Let's keep this between us for now."

The look on his face looked resolute but Lucas knew that his friend did not like keeping their suspicion a secret from Samantha. "Though honesty is important in a relationship, I know why you're doing this," Lucas nodded, patting Daniel by the upper arm indicating that he supports his decision.

"We are not sure about this yet and I don't want to give her unnecessary worries. Unless we are sure and we find the solution, it's best to keep it from her for now… Otherwise, it will not be good for her health if she stays uneasy. If... if she faints again… I-"

"Brother, don't worry…" Lucas interrupted to stop his friend's distress. "I understand and I won't say a word. I have already asked my men to bring me those files and they will arrive tomorrow. We will work on it as soon as possible."

Nodding, Daniel felt more at ease that his friend got his back. Lucas had always been helpful to him especially recently without questions. Feeling slightly better, he replied, "Thank you, brother."

Soon, Daniel found Samantha talking to Charlie, Quinn and the other racers. Samantha's brother Seo Joon and her friend Hannah also joined their conversation, seemingly interested in their stories of adventure.

Walking up from behind, Daniel placed a hand on the small of Samantha's back, catching her attention that she looked up to him. "Hey, I've been looking for you… Where have you been?"

"I just had a conversation with Lucas out in the balcony," he answered, stroking Samantha's back that made her feel warm.

"Oooh, look at our girl Kira… I didn't know you could talk sweetly like this," Quinn commented with a teasing tone, nudging the racer next to her and they sniggered at her comment. Samantha chuckled and leaned onto Daniel's embrace making Quinn feel jealous because of the dogfood thrown at her.

Extending his hand out to Daniel, Charlie greeted, "Swift… it is great to see you again. And congratulations on your marriage."

Receiving Charlie's handshake, Daniel gave him a smile. "Likewise, Charlie. And thank you. I hope everyone will enjoy your stay here."

"I'm sure we will. In fact, we have already planned our route for the next few days. I hope you could join us, it will be an honor to be able to race on the road with you again."

"Sure, anything for Samantha. As long as she wants to do it, I'd be more than happy." Daniel replied before he kissed the top of his wife's head.

Seo Joon's eyes brightened upon hearing their conversation. Though his previous Porsche was not as fast as Samantha's Bugatti Chiron, he was actually quite skilled with fast cars too and he loved drag racing. "You must take me with you, Dopey." Seo Joon said, looking so hopeful.

"Yeah? With what car? Surely you can't use your current one or you'll be left behind and you no longer have your old car." Samantha responded, making his brother's eyes narrow even though he knew that she was only teasing him.

"I'll take your car! It's not like your husband will allow you to race right now," he replied with a smug look as he used the card to his advantage.

Almost immediately, Samantha snapped her head to Daniel, "You won't allow me to race? But why?"

"We'll have to see whether your doctor will give you the clearance."

"But… it's just driving... If the doctor says no… So, that means… I can't skydive too?" She pouted, feeling dispirited. She finally saw her friends again but the thought of not being able to do the activities that she used to do with them made her feel sad.

"Daniel's right, S." Hannah added, "We don't want you passing out while you're driving or while you're high up in the sky."

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Knowing that they were right, Samantha could only make a face and silently wish that Nathan would give her an okay sign. Though she doubted it after realizing that her doctor slash ex-boyfriend would probably not want to risk her health as well.

A high-pitched giggling sound interrupted their conversation and their attention was brought to the little man who was enjoying his time playing with Samantha and Daniel's mothers.

Samantha excused themselves and she brought Daniel with her to where Jacob was and as soon as the little boy noticed her, he escaped from their grasp and jumped to her arms. Samantha immediately caught him while Daniel supported her from behind, afraid that Jacob will knock her down.


"Jakey!" She exclaimed while they both snuggled together. Samantha nuzzled her face on his soft skin and plump body, relishing the moment as she missed the boy very much. Daniel stifled out a laugh together with their mothers when they saw the pair acting so cute. "Wow, you have gotten taller and bigger! I can barely carry you now!" She said.

"Yes! I'm a big boy now, Kira! I missed you!" Jacob said before he placed his little hands on either side of Samantha's face. "But why do you feel thinner?" His brows furrowed and his head snapped to Daniel's direction, obviously blaming him, "Did he not feed you enough?"

Taken aback by the child's accusation, Daniel felt wronged that he flicked Jacob's forehead playfully, "You little rascal! Did you think that I would neglect her?" He responded as he protectively draped his arm over Samantha's shoulder.

"Then why is my wife skinnier?!" Jacob chided like he was bigger than Daniel, making the adults in the group laugh at his statement — he sounded so mature and looked so adorable.

"Huh! She's not your wife, little man. I married her, so she's MY wife." Daniel replied in a childish manner, teasing Jacob that his eyes grew wide like he felt cheated.

"Is that true, Kira? You really married this man? You're his wife?" He asked.

Chuckling, Samantha thought that Jacob's questioning was cute. She pinched his little nose before she answered, "Yes, sweetie, that's true." Seeing the change on the little boy's face, Samantha transferred him to Daniel's arms. "So you two better get along now."

"Oof!" Daniel huffed as he received Jacob and the two of them stared at each other. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm thinking if you can really take care of my Kira," the little man said. He looked at Daniel as he squinted his eyes like he was trying to intimidate his rival.

Daniel found him hilarious and could not help but play with him so he also knitted his brows and returned Jacob's stare – he must not back down to this little creature!

Mother Kim and Mother Cho were both awed at the sight in front of them. Samantha's mother held her friend's hand and they instantly had the same thought – they wanted a grandson!

Samantha and Daniel looked loving with Jacob and the three of them resembled that of a small family. Mother Kim watched as her daughter brushed the hair away from Jacob's face like a caring mother while Daniel carried him with one arm like a strong father. Oh, how she wished to see this picture very soon with their own child.

As the party died down at almost midnight, everyone started to say their goodbyes and the people from country D went to their respective rooms.

The little man fell asleep on Daniel's shoulder after playing for a long time. So Daniel and Samantha offered to bring Jacob upstairs so that Frankie does not have to carry the heavy boy.

Samantha and Frankie watched as Daniel carefully placed him on the bed before he removed Jacob's shoes and tucked him in.

"Kira, I am very happy for you now that you found your happiness," Frankie said, patting Samantha's back lightly.

Turning her head towards the old man, Samantha's heart felt warm, "I remember what you told me when I first arrived at your bar, 'You always gain by giving love'. And I have kept that in mind.. Thank you, Frankie."

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