Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 264: You Can Trust Me

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On the way home, Samantha fell asleep in the car and when she woke up, she was already on their luxurious king-sized bed.

She looked to her side but found that it was empty. Realizing that she was alone in the room, she immediately wondered where her husband could be. Noticing the time from the clock at the bedside table, Samantha squinted her eyes and saw that it was three in the morning. 'Where is Daniel?' She wondered as she got up the bed.

Hastily standing up, she saw black dots forming in her vision causing her to feel dizzy – it must have been her anemia again. She shook her head but her dizziness won't go away, making her stomach turn so bad. She went towards the bathroom in a hurry and the moment that she arrived, she gagged before she threw up on the toilet, clutching her stomach for dear life.

After what seemed like forever of emptying her stomach, Samantha felt better again. She washed her mouth and gargled mouthwash to remove that smell before she decided to look for Daniel. The first place that she went to was the study as it was where Daniel had mostly spent his time recently. Since Samantha kept getting sick, he worked from home a lot more often so that he could keep an eye on her.

Sure enough, she found the light in the study was on through the cracks and a smile formed on her face.

"Hi, I was looking for you…" Samantha said as soon as she entered the room.

Daniel looked up in front of him and met the eyes of his wife. He saw that she was a bit pale and thought that she was sick again. He was about to stand up from his seat when Samantha already arrived next to him, "Honey, you woke up. Is there anything wrong? Are you feeling sick?" He pulled her down and made her sit on his lap.

"You weren't there when I woke up so I was going to look for you. But I got up very quickly that it made me a little dizzy… I vomited but I'm okay now." She explained while Daniel stroke her back to comfort her. He noticed that she became better compared to the past few days, however, she still got nauseous easily.

"Let's go to the doctor later in the morning," he replied, kissing her shoulder. He hated seeing her like this but there was only so much that he could do.

Nodding, Samantha cupped his face and saw the dark circles around his eyes. She knew that he had been working so hard lately, juggling work and taking care of her so she had to listen to him — it was only fair for Daniel. "What were you doing up this late? You should rest now." She said.

"Okay, I was just finishing something," he urged her to get up and led her out of the study. "Let's go to the kitchen, I'll heat up some chicken soup for you."

"But I'm not hungry."

Holding her hand, Daniel brought her downstairs, "Be good. You need to replenish what you've lost just now."

At nine in the morning, Samantha and Daniel arrived at the hospital to see Nathan Yun for another checkup. While Samantha was brought to a laboratory, Daniel took the chance to talk to Nathan about Lucas' theory.

"I need to talk to you about something confidential. Can I trust that this will stay between us?" Daniel asked.

After a thorough background investigation before, he concluded that Nathan was not a threat and so he decided to trust him. While he was aware of the fact that Nathan was Samantha's ex-boyfriend, he knew that he would never hurt her.

Seemingly perplexed, Nathan's brows knitted as he tried to understand what Daniel was about to tell him. He breathed deeply before nodding his head and responded, "You can trust me."

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Taking out a medium-sized brown envelope from his coat, Daniel handed the thick object to Nathan. "Can you tell me your thoughts about these notes?"

Nathan looked at the brown envelope before receiving it. When he held it in his hand, there was a nagging feeling in him that whatever he was going to see inside will complicated things further.

Opening the envelope, he took out the notes and started to scan over the scribbles, the data, and other medical terms. Clenching his teeth, his hair stood on end upon reading the familiar and unfamiliar words written all over the papers. Even though there were some that he did not understand thoroughly, he was already positive about what it meant. "Where did you get this?" He asked, staring at Daniel in the eye.

Carefully reading the situation and the expression on Nathan's face, Daniel knew that Nathan must have found something unsettling from the papers. "From a friend. What can you tell me about it?" He answered.

"At first, it looked like an ordinary drug… like a supplement of some sort but the data and the results from…" Nathan trailed off, he was disgusted by the thought of what he was about to say, "from the test subjects… it… Mr. Cho, this is a very dangerous drug. Why do you have this?!" He asked, gripping the paper with his left and pointing it with his index finger from the other hand.

"Test subjects?" Daniel probed. Although he had already heard about it from Lucas, the way Nathan said it sounded like it wasn't that simple.

Looking to his left and right, Nathan signaled Daniel to follow him to the corner of the hallway for some privacy. "This dangerous drug was tested on humans."

Daniel's expression turned dark, he did not think that it was that ghastly. His mind wandered and thought of whoever was responsible for this had to be someone very cruel and wealthy.

"Wait…" Nathan uttered, interrupting Daniel's train of thoughts, "holy… motherfu- was Samantha poisoned by this?!" He worried as he scanned through the papers in his hand again, it was only then when he realized that she was experiencing the similar symptoms that were written on the paper.

"We don't know that yet, that's why I'm showing this to you. How do we test that?"

"When did she start getting sick? Think about the very first time that she showed some signs of weakness. Any small detail is very crucial."

Daniel thought long and hard until he remembered that one time back in Cho Corporation. "It was about two months ago when she almost fell. She said that she was suddenly in pain and lost her balance."

Nathan's heart raced when he learned that her symptoms and the duration matched the data on the paper. Although he did not want to admit, he was almost sure that Samantha was indeed poisoned using the very same drug that was in the file. He ran a hand on his face and when Daniel saw his reaction, anger started to boil up inside him.

"Do you have a sample of this drug?" Nathan asked and Daniel told him about what he knew from Lucas' story.

"Then there is no way that we can be a hundred percent sure as we have no access to it. We can only rely on the partial results in this paper and the tests that Samantha is getting today. I will need to do a blood test but it will take a while before I can give you an update as I need to study this first."

Understanding what he meant, Daniel nodded and clenched his jaw, obviously tensed about what was going on at the moment. "Thank you, Dr. Yun. I will place my trust in you."

Nathan was about to leave when he stopped in his tracks and told Daniel in a serious tone, "I'm sure you know that I care about Samantha. So don't worry, Mr. Cho.. I will do whatever it takes to help."

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