Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 283: Party Crasher

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It was already six in the evening and Becca Wise was still not ready for their date night. Liam was going to pick her up at half-past six and she had not decided what to wear yet.

There were piles of dresses on her bed and she was still rummaging through her closet, "Why don't I have anything better to wear?! Ugh!" She groaned. Becca was not the kind to stress out when it comes to date night but for some reason, she was both anxious and excited about that night. Even when she dated Seo Joon back then, she did not bother so much and just chose what she would normally wear. But why was it that Liam made her feel this way?

"You're so silly, Becs!" She told herself.

She was about to give up when she remembered the shopping bags from a couple of weeks ago. She and Hannah had a little bonding over shopping and she bought a few clothes back then.

When she found the bags, she hurriedly searched for a dress and saw a sleek black midi dress that had a figure-hugging fit. Her smile reached her ears and she got thrilled to get ready.

Later, her doorbell rang and she pranced her way going to the front door. "Coming!" She shouted.

However, she accidentally hit her foot on a chair, making her shriek. "Ow! Fu- Damn it! Ow Ow Ow!" She bent down and rubbed her foot to ease the pain.

"Becca?" Liam asked from the other side of the door when he heard her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah… I just… I'm coming," she said as she carefully walked towards the door, limping a little before she opened it.

Liam's brows raised when he laid his eyes on her and the corner of his lips lifted up into a smile but it quickly faded when he remembered what he heard just earlier, "I heard you shouting. What happened?"

"I hit my toe on the way to the door," Becca pursed her lips and a blush appeared on her cheeks.

Liam chuckled, imagining how she skipped her way to greet him. "Were you that excited to see me?"

She playfully hit his chest with her purse and scoffed, "Whatever." She giggled when she realized that she was caught red-handed.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. Resting his hand on the small of her back, he whispered as he leaned closer, "You look beautiful by the way."

"Of course," Becca smiled before she tiptoed and gave him a soft peck on the lips. "And you look striking." She complimented him in his dark grey knitted long sleeves, topped with a black coat.

"Of course," he mimicked her answer and they both grinned. "Let's go."

When they set up their date night the day before, the two of them decided to choose a random hotel that was recommended online and the one that they had picked was located outside their city.

Arriving at the hotel, they marveled at how huge it was and how grand it looked. Both of them had never been there before so they were not sure what to expect yet.

The restaurant was packed with diners and fortunately, they got the last available table which was in the middle of the room. Not knowing what to order, they asked the waiter for a recommendation and followed it.

"How's your pasta?" Liam asked as he cut through his steak.

Raising her eyes, Becca looked at Liam, "Honestly? It's salty. I can't finish this." She grabbed a glass of water and downed it in one go.

He looked down on his dish and finished cutting his steak before he exchanged their plates.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"I'm not really that hungry, I'll just have this salad. That steak is good, you should try it." Liam said as he started eating his greens.

"But you ordered this." She tentatively poked the meat on her plate.

"It's okay, you can't eat the pasta if it's too salty and we can't wait for another order."

Becca was touched by his gesture that it made her smile. Sighing, she picked half of the steak from her plate and placed it on top of his salad, surprising him. "I'm on a diet," she said.

Liam chuckled at her reasoning. They both knew the real reason behind their words and it just made the atmosphere that evening lovelier despite the food mishap.

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After eating their meal, they agreed to go up to the roof bar to enjoy a drink. However, when they got there, there was a sign that said:

"Exclusive Party. No invitation, no entry."

The roof bar was packed with people partying and drinking and loud music filled the place; it was inviting and it looked really fun.

"Hmmm… too bad, I guess we'll just have a drink-" Liam stopped when he turned to look at Becca but found that she was not beside him. "Becca?" He searched left and right until he found her waving at the corner of the hall. "What-"

"Come on!" She gestured for him to come over.

With knitted brows, Liam walked up to her with a confused expression. "What are you doing?"

She grabbed hold of Liam's hand and dragged him. "We're sneaking in. Oh well… in this case, we're sneaking out?" She giggled as they walked through the door and entered what seemed like a preparation station or a mini kitchen where the staffs were busy.

Liam's eyes went wide but he just followed Becca quietly until they exited the other door. As soon as they got out, they were greeted with a very lively atmosphere. Everyone was dancing with drinks in their hand as they enjoyed the party on the roof. The bar was on the left side while a pool was on the right.

"Are we really crashing this party? We don't know anyone in here." Liam questioned. His heart raced because of excitement and worry.

"Who cares? Let's just enjoy the party!" Becca swayed her hips and danced to the music, signaling Liam to come closer with her finger.

With his hands on his waist, Liam chuckled and shook his head before he joined his woman. The two of them moved their body to the rhythm of the music in the middle of the crowded roof bar.

A waiter with a tray of drinks passed by and each of them snatched a glass of sparkling wine. They laughed as they looked at each other and clinked their glasses, knowing that they just stole drinks from someone's party.

"I've never done this before," Liam admitted.

"Neither have I!" Becca replied in a louder voice.

Setting their glasses down on the bar, Becca pulled Liam towards the pool.

"Oh no… you're not…" Liam widened his eyes but Becca had already started removing her dress. "Woah! Uh… what what-" He quickly removed his coat and covered her with it. "What are you doing?!"

"You and I are going to go on a swim," She said. "This is a pool party, sweetie. Let loose." She winked and threw her dress on the sunbed next to her.

Liam swallowed as he watched her strut towards the pool with only her plain black underwear on. His heart beat rapidly and he quickly looked around but no one bothered to look their way as they were too busy enjoying the party.

"Oh F*ck it!" He muttered before he removed his own clothes and placed them on top of Becca's dress.

Becca eyed Liam as he walked towards the pool to join her. He wore only boxer briefs, showing his toned abdominal muscles for everyone to see. He was definitely a sexy man. It was no wonder that he attracted many models and celebrities.

Liam shook his head when their eyes met and formed a boyish smile on his face. "You are one crazy woman, Ms. Wise," He whispered in her ear after closing their gap.

"That must be why you like me," She hooked her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss in which Liam gladly cooperated.

Under the water, he placed his hands on her back and they traveled down to cup her bottom. He lifted her up and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, all without breaking their kiss.

Liam moved towards the end of the pool until Becca's back touched the wall. Their bodies pressed against each other in the water, the little waves rocking with them.

Without a care about other people and without caring whose party they crashed, Becca and Liam were in their own little world.

Slightly parting her lips, she welcomed his invading tongue. She slipped down his body a little and was surprised to feel him hard down there. He groaned as he slightly pulled back and whispered, "We should go home."

She saw the fire in his eyes — something that she had not seen from him before but it did not scare her.. She pressed her lips on his once and nodded.

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