Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 286: A Source Of Vexation

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CEO's Office at Cho Corporation

"Come in," Daniel said when he heard a knock on his door.

His secretary came inside and placed a folder on his desk before she started, "Here are the documents that you asked for, President. And also, Mr. Su is already waiting for you in meeting room 3."

Daniel looked at his watch and nodded. "Okay."

Getting off his chair, he grabbed his coat from the rack. He was already expecting to see Mr. Su that afternoon but he was not aware of what they were going to talk about. The last time that they had talked to each other was several months ago as they did not have any projects together since.

Reaching the meeting room, Daniel opened the door and entered. He was surprised to see that it was not the 'Mr. Su' that he was expecting to see, rather it was actually his son Oliver Su who was the one sitting on the chair.

"What are you doing here? Where's your father?" He asked with his brows knitted, obviously bewildered why Oliver was there.

A smirk appeared on Oliver's face when he saw Daniel Cho. He appeared quite nonchalant when he answered, "The one you're meeting this afternoon is me and not my father, President Cho." He extended his hand but Daniel ignored it.

Daniel looked at him and observed the young man's expression and appearance. Oliver was wearing a business suit and his image looked more decent than the last time that they had met each other during Samantha's high school reunion.

Daniel was a bit hesitant but he decided to humor his visitor, "Okay, what can I do for you?" He sat down on the chair at the end of the table which was just next to Oliver's.

"I admit that you are an impressive person… what with our little competition from a couple of months ago. Honestly, my father knew about what happened and had been bugging me to come here and apologize for my behavior."

Daniel Cho chuckled when he heard his explanation, his fingers were interlaced and he looked down in amusement. "Apologize? What exactly are you apologizing for?"

"Honestly? I don't really want to apologize for anything… Well, maybe except for that time when I… the… um… during the basketball game. But that's all!" Oliver responded with an arrogant tone.

"Hmmm," Daniel hummed. "Okay, and?"

Averting his gaze, Oliver became reluctant. "Well… I came here to learn from you."

Daniel raised his head, crossed his arms and stared lazily at him, "What now?"

"I…" Oliver cleared his throat. He did not want to repeat what he just said because although that was what he planned, it was still embarrassing for him to ask for Daniel Cho's help.

Daniel sighed and glanced at his watch. "My time is very expensive, Mr. Su. If you don't have anything sensible to say, I'll have to go." He threatened as he moved to get up form the chair.

"No! Wait!" Oliver held Daniel's arm and released it right away when Daniel glared at him. "Sorry."

"It's just… I've heard a lot about you from my father and I've also read up articles... In all honesty, it's already very irritating-"

"Cut to the chase."

"Okay!!! Jeez… Well, I don't want to be useless anymore. And I thought that if I can prove to my father that I can also contribute to our family business, he might start believing me." He pursed his lips after confessing his intentions.

"And what does that have to do with me?"

Seeing that Daniel had asked further, Oliver's eyes lit up in anticipation, "I want to learn from you! Please teach me your ways, senpai!" He blurted.

Daniel's lip twitched upon hearing the cringy statement, "What?!"

"Teach me how to be… well... not useless anymore! I want to learn how to manage a business."

'What is this kid on about?' Daniel's brows raised upon hearing the words that came out from Oliver's mouth. "What makes you think that I'll agree with... whatever this is that you're trying to ask from me?"

"I don't but… what do you want? I can pay for your time!" Oliver's face brightened. He thought that it was going to be easy to convince Daniel and that all he had to do was to bargain.

"I don't need your money," Daniel easily dismissed.

"Well… what else can I pay you with?" Oliver asked with a lot of anticipation. He was actually serious about what he was asking from Daniel. However, Daniel thought that the young man's request and offer were quite ridiculous. 'What learn? What teach? What the hell is this guy talking about?' He wondered.

"Nothing. And I don't agree with your proposal. I don't have time for your games." Daniel Cho stood up from his seat and headed towards the door while Oliver followed after him.

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"Hey! Brother! Come on! What do I have to do? Huh? Please!?" He continued to plead as they got out of the meeting room, following Daniel as he walked.

Daniel shook his head in resignation and ignored the noise from behind him while he marched towards his office. "Please show Mr. Su the exit," he ordered his secretary before he entered his office. He did not even bother to look at Oliver before he left.

"No! Don't go! Let's talk some more! Brother!!!" He called but Daniel had already closed the door from his office. Oliver wanted to go after him but Daniel's secretary blocked his path and gave a polite smile, "Mr. Su, I'll escort you to the elevator," She said in a very composed manner. Ready to follow her boss' orders.

Clicking his tongue, Oliver sighed in disdain when his agenda for the day had already gone down the drain as Daniel did not accept his request. 'Now, what am I supposed to do?'

He turned around and walked towards the elevator with Daniel's secretary walking behind him. "Is your boss always like that?"

"I'm sorry?"

"He's always so uptight! Tsk! I wonder what Samantha sees in that cold man. I really don't get it! What's there to like about him?" He spat.

Daniel's secretary chuckled when she heard Oliver complain but she only thought that he was being funny. She pressed the button of the elevator and gestured her hand, "President Cho is really very busy but he always makes time for his wife."

Oliver scoffed once more when he felt sour. He got inside the elevator and started to contemplate on what he was going to do next to convince Daniel.

Meanwhile, at the CEO's office, Daniel Cho removed his coat and hung it back on the rack. He loosened his tie and ran a hand on his face before he resting both of his hands on his waist. He turned his head to his door and shook it when he recalled what Oliver just told him at the meeting room. "Is he nuts?" He said to no one in particular. "What a crazy guy."

The meeting was scheduled for an hour and since it ended early, he had some free time until his next appointment. Taking out his phone, he dialed Samantha's number and waited for her to pick up.

On the third ring, Samantha answered, "Hello~"

"Hey, honey. Where are you?"

Samantha giggled when she heard his question, "Daniel, you know where I am… I have like a battalion of bodyguards around me."

"Even so, I still like to ask you these questions."

She rolled her eyes and still answered him anyway, "We're still at the cafe. We plan to go to a spa later."

"A spa? Are you going to be okay?" Daniel worried. He had been very reluctant in allowing Samantha to go out without him because of their current situation but after much convincing from her that morning, he allowed her to go to Hannah's cafe as long as she brought bodyguards with her. But if she goes to a spa… who knows what could happen if she was unattended by the bodyguards?

"Honey, I'm going to go to a Spa. Why are you so worried?" Samantha heard a beep from the other end.

Daniel quickly checked his phone screen and saw that it was his mother calling. "Honey, don't do anything yet. Wait for my call, I need to answer my mother."

"Okay, fine…"

When their call ended, Daniel answered his mother's call. Mother Cho told him to come over their house for dinner and she was not taking no for an answer. After much thought, Daniel agreed to go, thinking that it was better than letting Samantha go to the spa.

And thus, after telling Samantha their plans for the night, the three women decided to have their spa date next time instead.

At half-past five in the afternoon, Daniel decided to pick up Samantha from the cafe and head towards his parent's house. But just as he exited the parking lot, a black sports car stopped in front of his Maybach, blocking his way that he had to step on the brakes. The driver of the sports car got out of it and walked towards his car.

"What the hell?" Daniel cursed when he saw that it was Oliver Su blocking his way. "What is this idiot doing?" He muttered under his breath.

Oliver knocked Daniel's window and the latter reluctantly lowered it down, "What do you want?"

"I won't move my car unless you agree to my proposal," Oliver spoke with an assertive tone.

Hearing Oliver's ludicrous attempt to convince him, Daniel glared at him in return as he revved up his engine in response as if he was ready to bump into the sports car.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" The younger man's eyes widened in horror when Daniel stepped on the gas pedal and the engine roared, making Oliver panic.

"If you don't move your car aside, I will crash into it," Daniel continued to step on the gas, creating the revved-up sound.

Despite feeling nervous, Oliver chuckled when he heard him. "You won't do that or you will damage your car. Hah!" He proudly said when he assumed that Daniel cared.

Clenching his jaw, Daniel's glare turned dark, "Try me." He spoke in a low and dangerous voice that made Oliver gulp, horrified at the aura emitting from the glorious man. Oliver swore that he felt a chill run down his spine.. And without realizing, he stepped back in response.

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