Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 289: I Would Rather

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The next day at Cho Corporation.

"You still have no updates about the search?" Daniel was already growing anxious as he talked to his friend Lucas about the matter.

Lucas sighed as he was also getting anxious. "Not yet. Both for the doctors and also Yanovich. What about Nam?"

"She's still in hiding. She's gotten better over the years, Lucas. She's not an easy one to deal with." Daniel massaged his forehead. He had dark circles around his eyes because of not getting enough sleep and the stress was already taking a toll on his body.

"Did you tell Samantha about this?"

"No. What am I supposed to tell her? There's no point, Lucas."

Lucas did not know what to say to his friend. They had exhausted a lot of resources but getting everything looked like they were catching a ghost. He was really in a predicament; one that involved a life and death situation. "I'll keep you posted, brother. Just hang tight."

"Mhmm." The call ended but Daniel's mind was still in chaos. They had been searching for Devyn but she just suddenly disappeared under their noses.

He continued to strategize his plans on how to go about the predicament that they were in. While he was in deep thoughts, Assistant Ahn came rushing in his office. "President, we have a problem."

Knitting his brows, Daniel asked, "What's happening?"

"I have just received a call from our men in City S, the construction has been halted due to some problems with the permit." Ahn showed him a document that listed things of why they couldn't continue with their project. "The same thing is happening in City G."

Everything had initially been ready and thus they were able to execute their plans but for some reason, their permits were no longer recognized.

"Have my brother fly out and fix this problem for G City. You go to the other city and report everything as soon as possible."

Daniel suspected that it was Yanovich who was attacking him on the business matter. He figured that the old man must be doing this to attack all the things that mattered to him which is his family and business. He vowed to himself that he was not going to hold back.

"Yes, boss." Assistant Ahn left the office in a hurry. He knew what was happening with his boss and he felt terrible that Daniel was facing all these kinds of problems. As if Samantha getting poisoned wasn't enough, the problems with their projects added to the weight on his shoulders.

Ahn knew and believed that his boss was capable to stand strong amidst the chaos but he also had his worries. Daniel is only human and he worried until when his boss was going to be able to endure everything that's happening to him. The only thing he could do was to support and help his boss as much as he could.

The Busy Bean Cafe's roof garden.

Samantha had not been going to her company much as Daniel told her to take a leave from work but she did not want to be a bum all day at home so most of the time, she hung out with her friends.

Samantha had not told Hannah about what happened to her yet and even told her brother Seo Joon to keep it a secret as she wanted to be the one to tell her. Hannah was out of town that day when they found out from the doctor and so Samantha decided to tell her when she came back.

And so when she told her best friend, just like her, Hannah was also a little emotional.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, S. I didn't even know what happened to you. I'm such a bad friend." Hannah scolded herself, her eyes were misty and her lips trembled.

"Don't be silly, Han. You didn't know because I did not tell you yet."

"How are you feeling? You must have been devastated huh?"

Samantha stood up from the bench and walked towards the side. She watched the movements of the people and the cars below the building, thinking that those strangers must be so lucky not to have the same problem with her.

"Honestly… yes, I was and I still am a little. I didn't even know that I wanted to have a baby, Hannah. All the while I thought that I was not ready yet… that I… I did not want to have that kind of responsibility yet. But when I had that possibility, I suddenly began to hope only to get my heart broken when I learned. I could've have been a mother already, Han. Have you thought about that?"

Hannah listened to her friend's wishes and she knew that Samantha was definitely depressed. Although she may have said that she was already okay, knowing her for so many years, Hannah understood that Samantha was still deeply hurt even if she appeared strong and even if she told herself that she was already okay.

Walking towards her friend, Hannah wrapped her arms around Samantha, surprising the latter for the sudden act. A tear fell from Hannah's eye and she sniffed, "I'm sorry, Samantha."

"Wha-" Samantha froze and allowed Hannah to comfort her. Without realizing, her eyes had also watered.

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"Okay, that's enough!" She wiped her tears and turned around to face her friend. "Why are we getting so sad about this?"

"You're right… if you really want to have a baby, you can just try again! No big deal!" The two of them snickered.

"You know what? I will definitely do that! Even if it will take a while, we can keep trying!" Samantha cheered, a smile formed on her face.

"You have to get yourself checked first though. Make sure that you are healthy and all. Okay?"

"Yes, but…" Samantha paused when she thought about the poison. She was still recuperating and she could not see just any doctor. "I think I need to go see Nathan."

"Nathan? But why? The last time I checked, the dude's not your OB. So why would you see him about this?" Hannah wondered. Samantha had decided not to tell her best friend about the poison so Hannah did not understand what Samantha's purpose was.

"It's just… he's been my doctor since I've been getting sick so he knows everything that's happening already. It's just easier to ask someone who's familiar, I'm sure he will recommend a doctor if ever…" Samantha reasoned.

"Hmmm… I guess you're right." Hannah agreed without any doubts. "When do you plan to see him?"

Looking at her watch, Samantha responded, "I still have time before Daniel gets off the clock so I should probably leave now."

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

"No, it's okay, Han. I have a few men with me anyway so I won't be alone." Samantha politely declined. She had to talk to Nathan alone so it was best not to bring Hannah with her.

"Oh… okay then, call me after!"

It was already four in the afternoon when Samantha left the cafe and got inside the car. She instructed the driver to go to the hospital and when they got there, the driver tried to text Daniel on the phone to tell him their whereabouts.

With two men walking behind her, Samantha headed towards Nathan's office. Arriving at the door, she was about to knock when she heard two people talking inside. Realizing that Nathan must be with a patient, she wanted to step back and wait for her turn but she stopped in her tracks when she heard the familiar voice from behind the door.

"Have you told Samantha about this?" Nathan asked.

Daniel was sitting on the sofa, both of his hands interlaced in front of him as he worried, "How could I tell her? What am I supposed to tell her?"

Nathan knew that it was such a hard decision to make and his response did not actually help at all but he just had to say it. "I don't know.. The truth? Everything… you know how she reacted when she found out about the poison."

"How could I possibly tell her what's at stake to get another dose of that antidote?"

Nathan did not say anything. It was indeed a dilemma for Daniel.

"We have only been married for a few months… the thought of divorce had never even crossed my mind and I refuse to believe that it's the only solution that I have just to save her. That's fûcking ridiculous!"

Nathan bit his lip. Even he himself found that the idea of it was indeed absurd. "How much time did she give you?" He asked.

"About a week."

"Can't you just fake the divorce?"

"Do you really think a cunning woman like her will believe that? I'm sure if that were to happen, she would just make more troubles."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Daniel… but if it really was your only solution, what would you do?"

Daniel paused and thought to himself. Even imagining a day without Samantha was already causing him heartache, what more if he were to really divorce her? "Divorce to saver her life?"

The door to Nathan's office opened and in came Samantha, her lips trembling and she gaped in fear. "What do you mean?! You can't do that! Why would you think that?"

Samantha clenched her jaw and tears started to stream down her face, "I would rather die, Daniel!"

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