Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 290: Is It Not Enough?

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Daniel was immediately on his feet as soon as Samantha barged in through the door.

"Sam…" he muttered. His heart raced and he gulped, not knowing how to handle the situation when he did not want her to know what was going on but she found out anyway. Everything just seemed to be against his wishes lately. Was this his retribution from his bleak past?

"I can't believe that you would keep this from me. Were you really considering it?" The pain in her voice could not be masked. Thinking about separation and even hearing the word divorce was like a stab in her heart and the way she asked did not hurt only her but Daniel as well.

"Sam, let me explain." Daniel walked towards her but she stepped back, unwilling to be comforted by him. So many questions ran through her mind and all of them scared her.

"Explain what? That you seriously thought about agreeing to her plan? Isn't this what she wants? To separate us?" She questioned as she clutched her dress. "Are you really just going to agree?"

Nathan couldn't bear to see her like this. It didn't matter that she was hurting because of another man, he just didn't want her to be in pain. "Sam, we were only discussing the options that we have and right now our priority is to save you."

Samantha glanced at Nathan but the feeling of rejection overwhelmed her. It consumed her and made her feel vulnerable.

Shifting her gaze to Daniel, she felt her heart shatter when she saw him. He looked hurt as well as he was contemplated how to go about the situation. "I won't allow you to divorce me, Daniel." She shook her head and turned around. "I would rather die."

Samantha headed out of Nathan's office in long strides. She quickened her pace until she started running, not minding where she was going.

"Samantha!" Daniel called but she ignored, shutting out his voice and the noise in the hospital — she wanted to be numb but it seemed like a thousand needles kept poking her heart.

Her legs moved on its own as though she did not even need to tell them where to go. She ran until she exited the hospital. Her heart throbbed when the memory of hearing the conversation between Daniel and Nathan replayed over and over in her head. How could they separate? They had just gotten married!

She slowed down until she reached the street and without realizing it, the rain had fallen from the sky. The rain poured down on her, soaking her hair, clothes, and body but she did not care at all. She aimlessly walked until she arrived at the nearby park. That's when she noticed that she had been drenched and that people around her were in a hurry to get some shelter.

She couldn't care less and just found a bench to sit on. And as soon as she sat, she burst into tears. 'Why is this happening to me? What wrong have I ever done in my previous life that I have to suffer like this?' She started to question herself, her actions, her decisions in life and all that she cared for. She hugged herself as she felt so desolated with everything that's happening to her.


Daniel ran after her but she was just too damn fast and he lost her among the sea of people in the hospital. He reached the parking lot but was not able to see her.

"Sam!" He started calling out, afraid that she had gotten hurt or was in trouble. He kept calling for her until the rain started to fall yet he did not stop. He felt terrible that she had to find out like that and the look that she had earlier made his heart throb.

Daniel continued to search for her until he reached the park in front of the hospital and found her sitting on the bench with her head down.

"Sam!" He called her from afar but she did not lift her head.

Samantha already knew that Daniel found her but she was too down to respond and too hurt to look at him.

He treated over the wet ground and hurriedly went over to her. He panted when he arrived and immediately pulled her up to his embrace.

The rain continued to pour down over them and it was chilly but the moment that she felt him around her, she became weak. The temperature was cold yet she felt warm with him.

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Daniel tightened his embrace. Knowing that his wife was hurt by what she discovered, he whispered to her, "Samantha… I'd never want to leave you."

She raised her head to look at him and despite the rain, Daniel knew that she had been crying. "But why do I feel that you-"

"I love you and you know that. So don't you ever think that I don't." He interrupted her, not wanting her to think those ill thoughts.

The world was so cruel to them and she hated that they were in that situation. All they did was love each other yet it seemed like the universe wanted them apart.

Was that really how love was supposed to be?

Was their love really not enough?

Two days later at The Royal Rose

Lucas, Daniel, and Sean were standing outside of a door. Daniel hurried over when he received a call from Lucas.

"He is one of the doctors that were part of the project. We barely found him but he made a mistake when he went back to his old apartment. My men immediately caught him then." Lucas explained as they looked at the weak-looking man who was tied up on the chair, seemingly frightened about what was happening to him.

"Have you asked him anything?" Daniel probed.

"We tried while we were on the way here but… it's not much." Lucas shook his head.

"Go ahead, Swift. Do what you gotta do." Sean said when he joined them.

Clenching his jaw, Daniel nodded once before he went inside the room.

As soon as Daniel laid his eyes on the doctor, he felt disgusted as he recalled what Nathan told him about what he learned from the notes on how they created the drug. Seeing the doctor, Daniel wanted so much to break every bone in the former's body.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. "I need the antidote. Where is it?"

The doctor refused to meet his eyes — he was obviously terrified of Daniel. "I... I... don't know..."

"You don't know?" Daniel scoffed when he heard him.

The doctor gulped and beads of sweat formed on his head. "I-I-I don't have it."

Daniel's eyes darkened. He ordered with his voice so low and dangerous, "Then make one. And I need it now."

The doctor snapped his head to him and his eyes widened in shock. "That's impossible! It takes at least four months to make it!"

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