Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 291: Glimmer Of Hope

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Dr. Gu was one of the doctors alongside Devyn Nam who was part of creating the drug. All of them worked for Lavro Yanovich. At first, Dr. Gu was not aware of what they were formulating but because he was threatened, he did not have any other choice but to cooperate. Eventually, he just treated it just like another project. But unlike the doctor who got away, he was there the entire time until the drug was finished.

They were all paid with a hefty amount and it made him think that he was compensated more than enough. So even though he knew the effect of the drug, he did not bother.

Daniel's expression turned from shock to furious in a split second. "What?" He bit out. The look on his face scared the doctor out of his wits.

Dr. Gu swallowed in fear and avoided Daniel's threatening look. Looking at the floor, he spoke, "The drug had to be made for a long time and it was the same for the antidote. It took about five months to make it and the earliest was already three to four months."

"Why does it take such a long time?"

"The process of making it is very meticulous. It's not that easy. So… unless you have the final product of the antidote, there is no other way to save the patient."

With his long legs, Daniel strode towards him and coiled Dr. Gu's collar with his hands, "Don't you lie to me!" He spoke under gritted teeth.

The doctor's eyes widened in surprise and stuttered, "I-I- I don't dare! If you don't believe me, you can check from the papers that you got from my apartment. You emptied my place, I'm sure you got those documents with you too."

Daniel stared down at the skinny man and his glare almost burned the doctor into ashes. He roughly released Dr. Gu and looked at Lucas' men. As though they already understood what Daniel wanted them to do, they nodded and left the room.

He could feel the rage burning inside of him. He only had a few days left to save Samantha and yet their chances were so slim.

Feeling dispirited, Daniel turned around and exited the room in a huff, slamming the door behind him. He told Sean and Lucas what the doctor said and discussed. Even after finding the doctor, it seemed like their chances were still really low.

When Lucas' men arrived with a couple of boxes in their hands, they started to search and look for the details that they needed. Sure enough, Sean called their attention, "Guys… come check this out."

They hovered over and saw some prints on a pile of paper that showed a detailed report of the making of the antidote. There was a mixture of jargon and understandable words written on it. Daniel grabbed the papers and ran towards his car.

"Swift! Where are you going?" Lucas called but Daniel was already out of the basement.

Hurriedly getting into his car, he started it up and sped through the highway. He was already overspeeding but did not bother about the violations that he was about to get. Everything was already in his hands and he needed to hand it over to Nathan.

Daniel's heart drummed in his chest. There was a fusion of hope and anxiousness in his heart when he started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This glimmer of hope pushed him to save his wife and his marriage. Because if that still wouldn't work, he wouldn't know what to do anymore.

Arriving at the hospital, Daniel hurried to Nathan's office and without even knocking, he opened and barged inside.

Nathan had a patient who was in for a consultation and they were both surprised because of Daniel's abrupt entrance.

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"Daniel," Nathan muttered at the same time that Daniel slapped the stack of papers onto his table.

Shifting his gaze towards the paper, he saw some medical terms and his heart skipped a beat when he suspected what it was. Turning towards his patient, Nathan had an apologetic look. "Mr. Xin, do you have any more questions?"

The man shook his head and stood up. "Thank you, Dr. Yun. I will see you again for the next check-up."

The patient left Nathan's office and as soon as the two of them were alone, Nathan immediately grabbed the papers and flipped over the pages. "Daniel, where did you get this?"

"We found one of the doctors who were part of the creation of the poison. This was in his belongings."

Nathan continued to read through the pages and his eyes narrowed in concentration. Daniel was anxious as to what Nathan was going to say.

"Can we save her?"

There was no response as Nathan was busy skimming through everything. After reaching the last page, he lowered his head in distress and Daniel clenched his jaw at the sight.

"What did that doctor say to you?" He asked with a calm voice.

"The antidote takes months to make," Daniel responded. "What he said… is it true?"

Nathan nodded and slumped back in his chair. "This is a detailed report of how they made the antidote. We could make one… but the problem is, we don't have the time. It needs at least three to four months to create. By that time…" He did not even have to finish his sentence and just pursed his lips but Daniel already understood what he meant.

Daniel stepped back, the shine in his eyes was gone and all that was left was emptiness. "Isn't there any other way? Can't you speed up the process?" He asked in a voice so low and melancholic.

"I'm afraid not," Nathan was also helpless at that moment and there was nothing else they could do. "I think the only way is-" His voice trailed off when Daniel turned around and left his office.

Daniel reached his car and threw his head back in frustration, slamming his hand on the wheel. Without much thought, he drove towards his brother's bar 'The Fortress'.

Liam was not there when Daniel arrived as it was still a few minutes before five but when the staff saw him drink glasses after glasses of whiskey, they phoned their boss.

Worried, Liam arrived in a hurry and saw his brother Daniel on the bar, drinking alone. He was not aware of what happened to him and thought that he and Samantha must have had a fight.

"Brother," he said as he sat down next to Daniel. Liam signaled to the bartender and he was given a glass with a shot of whiskey.

Lazily, Daniel glanced at his brother before he continued to drink his booze, drowning himself in anguish.

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