Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 296: Waking Up

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Standing up, Daniel walked out of the room. 'Take care of yourself, Samantha.' He said in his thoughts when he refused to look back at her.

He met Nathan right outside of Samantha's room. They stared at each other, already knowing what either one of them was thinking.

They shook hands and Daniel left the hospital without looking back.

Nathan watched as Daniel walked away before he entered Samantha's room. With the antidote in his hand, he took a syringe and extracted the dose of liquid. Breathing out, he administered it to Samantha and patiently waited as he sat on the armchair next to her bed.

Looking at her, he shook his head, "How could this happened to you?" He reached out to hold her delicate looking hand, it was cold and he felt pity for his ex-girlfriend. His fingers slowly slid to feel her pulse and found it quite weak. In fact, it was rather weaker than before.

Knitting his brows, he used his stethoscope and checked her heartbeat — he found that it was definitely weaker than earlier.

He was about to call for assistance when Samantha's fingers twitched and her eyes opened half-way. "Daniel…" she muttered under her breath. She was feeling very weak and delirious — she swore that she heard her husband whisper something inaudible in her ear. 'What did you say?' she asked herself when her lips felt so heavy to move.

"Sam, it's Nathan. Can you hear me?" He asked. However, she quickly fell unconscious again and this time, she was sent into a deep slumber.

He checked on her once more and discovered that her pulse and heartbeat was a little stronger than a couple of minutes ago — perhaps the antidote was already working.

He decided to stay to monitor her condition and without realizing, the sun was already up. Nathan had fallen asleep on the chair and the sound of the door opening woke him up.

The first thing that he saw when he turned his head was a group of men wearing a white gown together with Samantha's father entering the room.

He stood up rather quickly, causing his head to hurt. "Uncle, what's-"

"We're moving her." Father Kim spoke in a fierce tone, interrupting Nathan. "And you're coming with us."

Confused, Nathan did not know what he meant. As he recalled from last night, Daniel did not say anything about moving Samantha somewhere. Did something come up?

He studied Samantha's father who looked so strong-minded. "I'm not sure I understand what's happening. Where are we going?" He questioned.

Father Kim turned his back and watched as Samantha was slowly being prepared to be discharged from the hospital. "You will know once we get there." He replied with a low voice.

"But uncle, Samantha might be too weak to move now… she could be-"

"It's okay, Nathan. Just trust me." He said before the team of doctors wheeled Samantha out of the room. "Go and prepare, bring your passport. We will leave in an hour."

Nathan could no longer say anything and was left stunned by everything that was happening before his eyes. He snapped out of his trance and brisked towards his office, simultaneously calling Daniel on his mobile phone.

It was still seven in the morning and as soon as it was picked up, he did not waste any more time and told Daniel what happened.

Nathan heard the sound of breathing from the other end of the line and he knew that Daniel heard everything.

"Daniel?" he probed as he opened the door to his office.

"Go with them. I place my trust in you. After this… try not to call me anymore unless I contact you first. As long as you keep her safe and healthy, I… I have nothing else to wish for." The line died after Daniel spoke.

Nathan stopped in his tracks upon hearing Daniel's words. 'What does he mean by what he said? Does he really intend to stop caring for Samantha?' He had a lot of questions in his mind when his phone beeped again and saw that it was Samantha's father who sent him a message.

[Meet us at the airport in 30 min.]

Nathan blew out his sigh and without anymore delay, he retrieved his valuables and only took a backpack with him before he left his office and headed towards the airport.

As soon as he arrived at where he was told to go, he saw a private plane that was chartered by Samantha's father and a few men surrounding it. Seo Joon stood next to his father by the stairs and waited for Nathan to approach them.

"What is going on? Where are we going?" Nathan asked as he was nearing.

Mr. Kim shifted his gaze from Nathan to his son, "I trust you boys in this. No one else can know, do you understand?"

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"Don't worry, dad. I'll take care of things from here on out." Seo Joon reassured his father before he turned to his friend Nathan, "I'll explain it when we board the plane."

Even though Nathan was confounded at what was going on, he trusted his friend and so all he could do was give him a nod.

Soon, they boarded the plane and the two friends were settled on their seats, preparing for take-off while Samantha was in the private room with two doctors.

Nathan chuckled as the pilot announced something before the plane started moving forward.

Seo Joon turned to his friend and raised a brow, "What's so funny?"

Nathan sighed, "Everything. I can't believe I'm going away without even telling anyone. How long are we going?"

Seo Joon shrugged as he himself was not sure as well, "As long as Samantha needs."

Nodding, Nathan understood how grave the situation was. "You're right. Let's worry about that later. For now, her health is our priority."

The plane ascended to the sky and they flew for almost sixteen hours. When the plane landed, that was the only time that Nathan and Seo Joon knew where they were.

And the two of them laughed together when their feet landed on the tarmac. "So we're going to stay here huh?" Nathan smiled.

"Looks like it," Seo Joon high-fived with his friend as they looked around the airport of a foreign country that they were familiar of.

A month later, Samantha was already clear from the poison. Her health has recovered from the damage that it did to her thanks to the antidote that was given. However, she had remained comatose since that night when Daniel left.

"When is she going to wake up?" Seo Joon asked Nathan right after the latter checked Samantha's vital signs.

"The incident took a toll on her body. It's understandable that she's going through this… let's just believe that her condition will continue to improve and hope that she'll wake up soon."

When Nathan did not hear a response from Seo Joon, his gaze shifted from his chart to his friend. "Are you worried about... that?"

Seo Joon nodded, he sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm just… worried that when she wakes up… she'll-"

"Come on, you're her brother. You should know her better… it's Samantha we're talking about here. I'm sure she'll do just fine." Nathan comforted his friend even though he was also unsure what will Samantha's reaction be when she wakes up.

Samantha's parents and Hannah were able to visit her a couple of times but they decided to patiently wait in Country K as it was going to be dangerous for her if their enemy will find out where she was.

Although her health condition had improved, she still had not woken up. Samantha had been in a coma for months and her family was getting anxious the more time passed.

"This is driving me nuts, shouldn't we do something to wake her up? It's been about three months since she's asleep!" Seo Joon ran his fingers on his hair, frustrated that he had been waiting for his sister to come out of her sleep.

Nathan had also been worried but there was nothing else that they could do at that time. "I'll-"

"Ah! Ah! Did you see that?!" Seo Joon's eyes grew wide as he pointed to Samantha's bed. He was shocked and his heart drummed in his chest.

Nathan followed his gaze but did not see anything. "See what? What happened?" His eyes scanned Samantha's body up and down but there was nothing until a slight twitch of her fingers caught his sight.

Samantha heard muffled sounds from the background but could not make out what the noise was. She tried to move but her body seemed too heavy. Focusing her mind on her hands, she tried to lift her fingers despite the difficulty.

"Sam?" He heard a man's voice.

Someone's calling her but she didn't know who. Although it sounded familiar, it was not the voice that made her heart skip a beat. She didn't know what she was waiting for but she was sure it was not the voice that she wanted to hear at that moment.

"Sam, can you hear me? If you do, try to lift a finger." Nathan patiently said.

Samantha followed what she heard and moved her index finger slightly.. "Nggnnn," she groaned before she fluttered her eyes open.

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