Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 319: Not A Negotiation

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Livingroom of Samantha's Suite.

"Perfect, you're here," Gael greeted as Daniel joined them in the living room. The latter furrowed his brows when Gael acted like he was in charge of things. An Alpha like him can't stand another Alpha in the room, (as much as he wanted to think Gael was a beta).

Meanwhile, Samantha looked at him like he was breakfast. He was fresh from the showers with his hair still wet. Had he always looked this good back then? Now that she looked at him with the natural light illuminating the room, Daniel seemed to look even better than the last time she had seen him almost two years ago.

His hair had grown longer though he still kept the sides neat. She could see the dark shade under his eyes but his skin was still flawless and he seemed more muscly than he was before.

She shook her head when she realized that she was staring too much. Was he really hotter? Or was she just thirsty? She cleared her throat at the same time that she cleared her thoughts.

"We meet again, Mr. Cho," Gael said, extending his right hand for a shake but Daniel only stared at him in the eye while he stood next to Samantha.

Ignoring Daniel's rudeness, Gael lowered his hand and placed it in his pocket whilst he sat back in the armchair. A piece of velvet box laid on top of the coffee table, earning Daniel's attention; it was the same box that Samantha saw last night.

"Is that the necklace from the auction?" She asked in which Gael nodded and slowly opened the lid, revealing the huge diamond necklace sitting beautifully inside its storage. 

Samantha could not deny the fact that the piece of jewelry was indeed stunning. The smaller diamonds on the rose gold chain looked sparkly yet if she were to decide, she still won't wear something like that. "You said that piece belongs to Yanovich. What do you mean by that and why do we need it?" 

Crossing his legs, his gaze shifted from Samantha to Daniel and a smile appeared on his face. "I believe your ex-husband knows why. Don't you, Mr. Cho? Isn't that why you were also adamant on winning this necklace from the auction?"

Samantha turned her head to Daniel and her brow raised as if she questioned him. In return, Daniel nodded slightly and answered, "This necklace was a gift from Lavro to his wife. When his wife died, this necklace was supposed to be buried with her like he wished."

Samantha diverted her stare towards the beautiful necklace and a chill ran down her spine at the thought of it. 'That necklace belongs to a dead person?'

"But it was stolen," Gael continued.


Daniel breathed out a sigh, "Yes. There were too many people who saw it during her wake and so a lot took interest in it. Sure enough, a few days after her burial, her grave was dug up and the necklace was stolen. Whoever stole it, no one knows."

Gael got up from his seat and confirmed Daniel's explanation. "It seems that you were also well-informed, Mr. Cho. That's right, this was stolen and it only showed up early this year however it was not for sale then. Yanovich has probably already heard about it and perhaps had a few people looking for it."

"But if he already knows, wouldn't that mean that he had people from last night?" Samantha worried if that was the case, 

"It's possible but I doubt that," Gael answered as he glanced at Daniel. 


"I already told you, Samantha, the charity gala was a private function and was not even televised. No one else knows about it except for the people invited. And all of the people that were invited last night were businessmen and celebrities from this country and who were less likely related to Yanovich. All of the staff were also taken cared of by me. I've checked it… I'm sure Mr. Cho did his homework as well." Gael assured before he took a sip of his tea.

Samantha glanced at Daniel who did not even bother looking at her. Was he still playing? She did not know anymore as his poker face was on maximum the whole time.

"Hang on, you told me that you don't know who was coming to the charity gala. But now you're telling me that you have checked the people who were attending?" Samantha crossed her arms in front of her as she scrutinized Gael's proud expression. "So, you knew that Daniel was also invited yet you lied to me."

A grin spread across Gael's face as he shrugged, unaffected by Samantha's accusation.

"So… what do we need to do next?" Samantha decided to ignore the matter and proceeded to probe but as soon as she did, the realization hit her. "Ah… we're going to use this necklace to lure the old man in?"

"This is why I like you, you're a smart woman," Gael complimented with a smile on his face. A smile that Daniel wanted to wipe off with his punch.

"You don't have to get involved with this matter anymore. I will buy that necklace from you and I and my family will settle this ourselves." Daniel spoke with his low voice, his expression became dark and it was enough to cause even Gael's men to shift their weight and gulp. 

But Gael was not fazed at all. Clicking his tongue, the corners of his mouth lazily curled up and he stared back at Daniel. "I can't possibly do that. It will hurt my reputation, Mr. Cho. I'm a man of my words and this is a promise that I have to fulfill to your lovely ex-wife." 

Gael's voice was calm but every one of his men in the room knew that it was like a knife that was ready to slice. 

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"Thank you for your kind consideration but we no longer need your assistance," Daniel retorted under his breath.

Gael chuckled upon hearing Daniel's attempt to shoo him away. "Oh yeah? It did not seem like it when Samantha begged me to help her."

"I did not beg you!" She tried to make it clear.

"Oh right… but you did want to pay me for my services," Gael continued to smile handsomely that it annoyed the heck out Daniel. "That, you can't deny. Am I right, Samantha?"

The air in the room was suffocating. The testosterones of the two men went through the roof, making Samantha uncomfortable. She was just about to stop the two of them when Ashton woke up from his sleep and a cry broke the tensed atmosphere.

Her motherly instinct kicked in and without saying anything, she left the two men and went to her son.

While she was taking care of baby Ash in the bedroom with Hannah, Daniel and Gael continued to talk. Whatever the two of them discussed, Samantha did not have any clue. She just wished that they would peacefully converse and set their egos aside.

An hour later, Daniel entered the bedroom and Hannah excused herself to give them privacy.

Samantha ignored his presence and continued to play with Ash on the bed. She was still sulking and did not exactly know how to act around him that morning.

Seeing his son awake, his heart fluttered as though tiny feathers tickled it — it was such a bizarre feeling for him. Though he only met him recently, he had already fallen in love with his little boy. He could still not believe that he was already a father.

His gaze landed on Samantha and was thankful that she was saved. More importantly, he was thankful that a miracle happened to them when Ashton Daniel came to life. 

Walking towards the bed, Daniel lifted his baby up in his arms and inhaled his soft scent which had become his new favorite.

Ash, like the baby that he was, ignored what his father was doing and continued to suck on his little fingers and drooled over them.

Daniel looked at Samantha and their eyes met. Softly, he told her, "Pack your things. You're flying back in a few hours."

Samantha was not surprised but she firmly stood on her ground. "No, I'm not leaving you again."

"Be good, Samantha."

She scoffed at his words, "I'm not a child, Daniel. I don't want to go back there." 

"This is not a negotiation. You... are going back."

"Will you at least come with us?" She got off the bed and walked towards Daniel, there was longing in her eyes and he was well aware of it.




Almost twenty hours later, Samantha and the rest landed safely back in Country A. She was quiet the entire time and only talked to Hannah. She decided to ignore Gael when he was insistent on not telling her what the plan was. Because just like Daniel, he was also trying to keep her away from the mess.

During the car ride on the way home, Daniel's answer kept replaying in her head:

"I can't right now... but I promise I will visit you soon."

She rolled her eyes and scowled by the thought of it.

When they got home, what waited for them scared the shiz out of her when a man's voice greeted them. "Where the hell have you all been?"

Samantha's heart drummed in her chest when she called the man in front of her, "Dad."

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