Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 325: Not A Game

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Seeing that Samantha was being stubborn, Daniel breathed deeply and walked out of the basement. "Follow me."

When Samantha arrived outside, she saw that Daniel had already softened his expression. "Sam, you can't be here."

"And why not?"

"I don't want you to see what's going to happen there. It won't be pretty." Daniel gazed at her and saw the conflicted look on her face. He knew that she hated Devyn, both of them hated Devyn to the core.

Samantha continued to stare at him, wondering if he truly understood that she wanted to be there to make sure that the woman gets what she deserved.

She looked away and crossed her arms in front of her as if she resigned. 

"Look, baby... I know that you to be part of this and you already did your part. Though I did not expect that you would do that... But I can't have you stay here."

Flexing her jaw, Samantha sighed, "I need to know that she's not going to get away with what she did, Daniel."

"You and me both. I can assure you that she won't. Trust me on this."

That's the thing, she did trust him. She always had and always will. She nodded, chewing her lip because she could only do so.

He gently held her elbow and asked, "Where's Ash?"

"He's at my parent's house. I left him with mom."

"Good," he answered briefly.

"What's with your look earlier? Are you mad at me?" She was so bothered by it that she still felt the chills.

"It's nothing. Go home.. Go home to Ash." 

"I know it's not 'nothing', Daniel. Tell me what and then I'll leave."

"It's silly. I just didn't like that you called Sean first instead of me. And you almost got yourself in danger again and you did not even tell me about your plans." The look on Daniel's eyes when he looked at her made her heart thump.

She bit her lip, guilty that she did call Sean first but it didn't mean that she was not going to tell him. "I didn't dare to call you right away thinking that it was not safe for me to call you… I planned to when I came here so I was going to ask Sean to contact you… but you already got here… so…"

Daniel understood what she meant and nodded but he still insisted for her to leave. "You did a great job today but I still need you to go. We'll talk later, I'll go to you... Just wait for me." 

Samantha was actually reluctant to leave even though she knew what they were going to do.

While she was in the middle of her thoughts, a car had just parked near them and a lady with long legs got out of it. Samantha recognized her at first glance, she was that woman back at the auction.

"Daniel! Where's everyone?" The woman asked as she took out some things from the trunk.

At that moment, Samantha's phone rang and when she looked at the caller ID, she picked it up right away. "Mom?"

Her mother called her because Ashton kept crying and would not stop. They figured he was probably missing his mother.

"I'll be right there," Samantha looked at Daniel as she scoffed and gave him a glare as she muttered, "I don't like that woman," before she headed towards the car. "Let's go, Philip."

"Samantha." Daniel called but Samantha had already gotten inside the car and drove away.

Strutting towards Daniel while carrying a box in her hand, she asked, "That was your ex-wife? Pfft… No wonder you don't even look at me. She's very pretty." She walked past him and headed towards the basement.

Daniel rubbed his forehead and ran a hand on his face before he walked back inside, a dangerous killing aura started to emanate within him.

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Samantha, on the other hand, was feeling bitter. She was the one who caught Devyn and she could not even participate in the fun?! But why? She imagined the doctor being tied up and she was holding a whip in her hand. She tilted her head and thought that the image in her mind didn't feel quite right. Maybe she was not the torture material. Was she just that mild?

Inside a dark room, Devyn was tied up on a chair and had only one light from above her head, illuminating her unconscious state.

The walls were padded and there were no windows at all, making it the perfect place for what they were going to do.

The door to the room opened and in came Daniel ordering the men with his commanding voice, "Wake her up." He leaned against the wall opposite her.

The men brought a pail of cold water and splashed it on her. She gasped as she opened her eyes and shivered as she felt the water trickle down her skin.

She noticed that she was only wearing a very thin layer of clothing which did not give her any protection from the coldness of the basement. The climate has been chilly recently and since they were already under ground, it was definitely colder.

"Wh-who's there?" She stammered, her shoulders shaking, her teeth chattering. 

Daniel took his time and observed her. The rage within him grew as time passed by slowly and everything that she did to him and Samantha flashed before him. He was thoroughly disgusted by this woman.

"Show yourself!" She sneered as she tried to show her tough side but her expression changed when she heard heavy footsteps slowly nearing. Daniel Cho dragged a metal chair as he moved forward and sat on it, unbuttoning his coat as he did. He leaned forward and when the light shone on his face, Devyn swallowed in fear.

"So, we meet again." He said without an ounce of amusement in his expression.

She was clearly afraid of Daniel when she saw him but she sucked in air and put on a facade. "Hello, Daniel... still as handsome as ever, did you miss me?"

"I don't have time to play games with you. Why don't you tell me where Yanovich is and I might just give you less of a hard time in here." 

Devyn laughed like crazy. "That old man? Ha! If I knew, I would not be in hiding anymore!"

Daniel continued to observe her behavior and thought that the way she answered must mean that something must have happened between them.

"How foolish, you're already tied up and yet you are still full of lies. How could you not know where the thick thigh that you're hugging is hiding right now?"

"I don't have anything to say to you." Devyn gritted her teeth and glared at the man in front of her. She lusted for Daniel for years and was obsessed with him but she hated him at that moment. She imagined clawing him if only she was not tied up. 

Having had enough though it had only been a couple of minutes since he arrived, Daniel stood up from his seat and headed out of the door. "Well, we've got all the time in the world."

Devyn smirked at the sight of him leaving. "You're giving up so soon?"

"Of course not." Daniel opened the door and in came a woman with a box in her hands. The sounds of her heels clicking on the floor gave her goosebumps.

The room was quite dark so Devyn did not know who came in and had to concentrate on the sounds that she could hear. "You like hurting people so much… how about getting a taste of your own methods?" Daniel said.

The woman by the door walked closer to Devyn with a smirk on her face. "Hello, bîtch. Miss me?"

The moment that Devyn heard the voice of the woman and saw her face, the expression on her face drastically changed to horror. "Shît. Vivian!" She panicked. "Daniel! Don't you dare leave me in here with her! She's a psycho!"

"What? You expect me to hold your hand?" Daniel scoffed at her. "Enjoy, Vivian."

"Oh, I sure will, Swift." A demon-like smile appeared on the woman's face as she moved her head closer to Devyn. "Don't worry, because I won't use all of my fantasies on you."

Vivian turned around and took something out of the box. When she faced the frightened Devyn again, she opened the wooden case in her hand in which it revealed several large needles.

Taking one out of the group, she inspected it carefully before she looked at Devyn and said, "I will use yours on you instead."

Soon after Daniel closed the door and walked out of the basement, a muffled shriek sounded from inside the room that he just came from.

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