Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 344: Whirlwind (1)

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18th floor of Blue Condominiums

Inside a large bedroom, Nancy sat on the bed as she stared into the wall. For the past hour, she had been thinking about her situation and what she was going to do about it yet nothing came to mind. She was in big trouble this time. Her career will be over and not to mention, the father of the child was not Andrew. 

She placed a hand over her stomach and lightly caressed it. She was both excited and scared about her pregnancy. What kind of life could she give her child? What would happen if Andrew finds out that it's not his child?

"Don't you have a shoot today?" Andrew asked as he dried his hair with a towel. He had just finished his shower and there was only a white robe covering his body. He noticed that Nancy had been in a daze and wondered what she could be thinking. "Nancy."

Snapping out of her trance, Nancy looked up and saw Andrew in front of her. She smiled instantly. "Did you say something?"

"What's going on? Did something happen?" He hung the towel on the nearby chair and walked towards her.

Like the actress that she was, she brightened her smile and shook her head. "It's nothing, I was just thinking about the scenes that I have to do later. By the way, we'll have to stay on-site so I won't be able to come home."

Andrew pulled her up and placed his hands on her hips, gliding it down to her bottom and squeezed it. "Too bad, I'm going to miss you then," he said before kissing her.

Nancy liked his every touch. Whenever he becomes touchy, she would always end up wanting more. "Mhmm… I still have time." Nancy had not had sex for a couple of months since she knew that she was pregnant and she had been wanting to. She returned Andrew's gaze with hers as she slowly pulled his robe open. 

"We can't… I don't want to hurt the baby." Stopping her hands, he stared at her but she did not stop. Instead, she undressed in front of him.

Licking her lips, she went down on her knees. "Well then... at least let me satisfy you." 

Andrew complained no more and allowed her to please him. Who was he to complain?

Later in the evening.

Nancy was already in the shooting area and had just finished filming her scenes. She went to her trailer and decided to rest early at eight in the evening.

After cleaning herself, she was about to lay down on her bed and study her script when there was a knock on her door. 

Opening the door, she saw Director Smith who stood there with a smile on his face. Looking around, Nancy made sure that nobody was in the area before she let him in quickly. 

Director Smith was a foreigner who had been living in Country K for a long time. He was famous for his craft and was also known to be very close with his lady actresses. He had always liked Nancy for a long time but knew that she was with CEO Andrew so he kept his distance.

Except for that one night that they had spent together. And ever since then, he could not stop thinking about her. When he received her text message that morning, he was excited and even came on time. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Smith sat on the sofa and waited for her to start.

Nancy had forgotten that she had actually asked him to come. She had decided that she was going to tell him the truth because after all, it was his child that she was carrying. And now that he was there, she felt extremely nervous. She was totally clueless as to what his reaction would be when she tells him.

Sitting next to him, she clenched her fingers as she nervously bit her lip, catching Smith's attention. 

He reached out and placed his hand on top of hers, his thumb gently caressing her skin as if he was trying to soothe her and she liked it that she suddenly blurted out, "I'm pregnant."

Nancy saw the change in his expression and immediately felt his hand leaving hers. 

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Smith did not expect her news at all; he was actually confused. With knitted brows, he turned to ask her. "How far along are you?"

"Four months."

"But." Smith looked at her stomach. He did not know what to say. How was is possible for her to be four months pregnant and he did not even notice!

"I've been trying to hide it and my stomach is still very small… but I went to the doctor just recently and I-"

"Who's the father?" He suddenly turned fierce as he looked at her in the eye. He was observing her carefully, afraid to miss anything. Nancy got scared when he raised his voice a little and sensed danger. "Nancy, tell me who the fuck is the father!"

"It's you." She almost whispered and anticipated for him to lash out but to her surprise, she saw his face slowly turning gentle.

"How sure are you?"

"It's four months, Troy! I only did it with you at that time. So of course, it's you."

Closing his eyes, he asked, "What about your boyfriend?"

Nancy averted her gaze to the side and continued to play with her fingers. "He thinks it's his."

Smith ran both of his hands on his face. "Holy shit."

Biting her lip, Nancy was unsure about his reaction. She was just about to get up from the sofa when Smith pulled her to him and embraced her. "I like you, Nancy. I don't care what people will think. I will take care of you and our child if you let me."

Nancy felt warm because of his words. Did he really mean that? Her feelings swayed but she thought of Andrew. She loved Andrew despite their unstable relationship since the beginning.

She pulled herself away from him and turned away. "But… I'm…"

"Do you really love that moron? He's a prick who has always left you and come back when he needs you. What kind of man is that?"

Nancy was feeling protective of Andrew. "You're not any better, Troy. You also have lots of women around you."

"While that's true, I don't hurt any of them and they know their limits and their places."

"And where does that put me? Tell me, if I go to you, will you make me your wife while you still keep your mistresses?" She bit out.

Smith was exasperated. "Of course not! I just told you. I will take care of you. From now on, I will only have you."

Nancy was weak. She needed to feel loved and wanted. It just so happened that Smith looked like he was willing to give all of him to her. 

Without even waiting for her response, Smith pressed her down the sofa and kissed her. 

"No, Troy… wait." She tried to push him away.

"Don't say no, Nancy. I know you want me too, so don't deny it." He looked at her seriously in the eyes and she did not say anything back at him. Smith took her silence as an agreement so he kissed her again and stroked her body with his hands until he found her sensitive spots.

Nancy could no longer resist.. She wanted it and so she allowed him.

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