Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 350: To Us

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Inside the Kim's dining room, the couple had just finished eating their lunch. Both of them wearing comfortable white shirts, Samantha in denim shorts while Daniel in linen. It was a Friday yet Daniel decided to stay at home again instead of going to the office. He had promised Samantha that he was going to spend as much time with them as possible to make up for the time that they were apart. 

It had also been a long time since his last vacation so he planned to spend more time at home and possibly go on a short vacation with just the three of them. 

Daniel was trying to feed little Ashton; actually, he was more like supervising since Ash can already manage to put food in his mouth as they had introduced weaning to him a couple of months ago. 

In the high chair, there were several small pieces of boiled broccoli and strawberries. Baby Ashton loves strawberries very much.

However, no matter how much he loved the food, he wasn't able to finish them because his eyelids were already half-closed. 

"I told you that he needed to take a nap two hours ago, honey," Samantha sighed as she was cleaning up their table. She felt pity seeing Ashton was trying to eat broccoli while his eyes were closed, his head swaying a little. 

"I tried but he didn't want to sleep." Daniel watched his son's struggle; baby Ash needed to eat but he also needed to sleep. "Hey… bud, are you going to finish your food or what?"

Ashton was already halfway to dreamland. His cute lips formed an adorable smile as if he had just heard something funny but his eyes were still closed, making Daniel chuckle at the sight. He found his son very cute.

"My poor baby… Daddy has let you suffer huh?" Samantha kissed Ashton's head as she passed by, carrying some dirty dishes in her hand.

Shaking his head Daniel got up from his chair. "Daddy's little boy just wanted to play with daddy, right?" He quickly washed his hands from the sink and kissed Samantha on the cheeks. "Love you," he said before he walked back to Ashton's high chair.

"Mommy, can you clean my chair for me please?" Daniel asked nicely, peeking at his woman who smiled and nodded at him. 

"Clean him up first before you change him, okay?" Samantha reminded as she started cleaning Ashton's mess.

"Alright… now, who wants to go take a fun nap?" Daniel lifted baby Ashy from his chair and the little boy instantly cried because his sleep-eating was disturbed.

"I know baby… I know… It's no fun, huh? That's okay… We'll have fun in our sleep. And then after your nap, we'll go play outside. Okay?" Daniel coaxed Ashton as they walked up the stairs, making Samantha chuckle at the way he tried to talk to his son.

Shaking her head, Samantha started to wash the dishes. Just as she started to rinse, Seo Joon came in. "Hey sis, can I borrow your car? Mine's at the shop." 

"Sure. The key is over there." Samantha pointed at the spot by the door. "You're dressed up nicely."

"Yeah, Hannah wants to go to this art thing." 

"But you hate art." Samantha raised a brow.

"Hey… I don't hate art, alright? I'm just not… much of a fan. But you know, the things I do for love." He winked at his sister as he retrieved the car key. "You're not going anywhere tonight, right? Coz I'm taking her to dinner at the bayside area."

Samantha nodded. "It's okay. We'll just take Daniel's car if ever we need to go somewhere."

"Sweet. Bye, Dopey." 

"Have fun!" 


Seo Joon had just paid the bill after his dinner with Hannah when they decided to stroll on the bayside. The moon was shining brightly in the sky, illuminating their night romantically.

Walking hand in hand, Hannah breathed the fresh air and felt especially relaxed. "Ah… This feels nice." She stopped and looked over the soft waves of the water below them. Seo Joon followed and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as they enjoyed the scene. Kissing her temple, he felt her lean back onto his chest.

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"Han… Have you thought about what I said last time?" Seo Joon gently caressed her arm as he rested his head on her shoulder, waiting for her answer.

Hannah pursed her lips and lowered her head. She had honestly been having a hard time and she was still unsure about her decision. Turning around, she placed her hands on his waist while Seo Joon straightened yet he still kept his hands on her. "How long?" She asked.

"About two to three years." He stared at her and when she did not respond, he continued. "It will be hard for me to constantly travel back and forth all the time since the travel time is going to eat up the schedule. If you come with me, then we wouldn't have to be away for a long time."

Seo Joon was going to pursue further studies for their company's future. As the heir to their family's business, he was the only one that his father could trust and he needed to strengthen and hone his skills and expertise first so that he can proudly manage their business when his father retires. And the last time, he had asked Hannah to go with him to Country A — that way, they won't be in a long distance relationship.

"Honestly, moving and staying with you there isn't really such a big deal since I've stayed in Country A for months while Samantha was there but… for me to move and stay there for three long years… That would mean – leaving my family and business for a long time." She had to think hard about it. 

"I understand. And I'm probably being selfish for asking you this but… I just can't leave you here and not see you for a very long time." Seo Joon tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I know, Joon. I feel the same way." Hanna tiptoed and gave him a kiss. "And you're not selfish. I'm yours as much as you're mine so you're allowed to keep me with you all the time."

Returning her smile with his own, Seo Joon sighed. "I love you, Han." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply.

The two of them shared a sweet moment under the moonlight before they chose to spend the night at the hotel by the bayside. They had actually been wanting to stay there for a while now but haven't had the chance. Since they were already nearby and didn't have any plans for the weekend, they both decided to enjoy it fully.

Inside their suite, they were greeted by a luxe king-sized bed decorated with rose petals and two glasses of champagne. 

"This is nice," she commented as she checked the ocean view from their room.

Setting their things aside, Seo Joon dimmed the lights of the room, making it even more romantic. 

Loving the vibe of their mini getaway, Hannah Chu suddenly felt brave and for once, she wanted to take charge of things. 

"Why don't we toast?" She handed one glass to Seo Joon and the two of them clinked. "To your success." She cheered. "And of course, to us."

Seo Joon revealed a gorgeous smile. "To us."

Once they had taken their sip, Hannah placed the glasses aside and let Seo Joon sit on the edge of the bed. Amused, he allowed her to do what she wanted as he observed what she was planning to do.

"Are you going to do what I think you're about to do?" Seo Joon sat casually, waiting for Hannah to start. He chuckled as he watched her prepare.

"Don't laugh. I haven't done this before. Just let me try." Hannah laughed as well, despite feeling nervous. When the music started to play, she walked forward until she was about two meters in front of her man.

The two of them smiled and laughed as Hannah tried to dance with the music in a sexy way but she would just end up giggling.

Feeling even bolder, she started to unzip her dress while swaying through the music, making Seo Joon feel excited with her attempts.

Hannah managed to pull the zipper down and the dress fell to the floor. However, something moving at the side of the bed caught her eye.

It was a big rat.

To her shock, she screamed at the top of her lungs as she jumped up and down. "Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!"

Seo Joon did not know what happened and was stunned to see her get frightened by something. Just as he got up, Hannah twisted her ankle, causing her to fall down.

"Han!" Seo Joon hurriedly rushed to her side to help her up and while he did, that's when he saw the big rat that was scurrying away towards the bathroom. He did not have the time to be scared by it as his girlfriend was already in pain.

Looks like their night became a memorable one.

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