Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 357: Love And Hate

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Seeing that they were left there alone, Samantha acted quickly and tried to help Nancy up while the latter was still crying in pain.

"Let go! What are you doing? Can't you see that I'm already bleeding? Do you still want to do something to me?" Nancy bit out before she winced in another wave of pain. 

"Are you really an idiot? Can't you see that I'm helping you?" Samantha struggled to pull Nancy up as she was also feeling weak and Nancy's pregnancy weight and current state didn't make it easy for her.

"Why would you help me? We hate each other."

"Yes, and I still hate you. That's not going to change but I'm not a heartless person who will leave you here. So just shut it and help yourself up." Samantha pulled her up and placed Nancy's arm over her shoulder. 

Footsteps were heard and Samantha's brows raised, "How many people did you hire to kidnap and keep me here? Why are they not coming when I asked for help?" 

Nancy was still feeling pain in her lower backside as they walked towards the door. "Only one. I didn't intend to keep you here very long, I only wanted to scare you so you would stop threatening me."

"And I swear, I'm not the one who's threatening you. I really don't have the time to think about other people besides my family. I didn't realize you'd be this stupid, Nancy. Where did your brain go?"

Just as they were about to reach the door, three men appeared in the doorway.

"Daniel," Samantha called as soon as he saw him.

While Daniel still had a very shocked expression not only because he finally saw Samantha but because there was blood all over her and the woman next to her. "What happened? Are you hurt somewhere? Who did this?" he asked as he dashed forward, that's when he realized that it was Nancy beside Samantha.

"We don't have much time. We need to get her to a hospital, she's bleeding." Samantha looked past Daniel and signaled, "Philip." 

Philip nodded and did not hesitate to carry Nancy up and rushed her outside. As soon as Nancy was brought out, Daniel immediately pulled Samantha to him and checked her body. "Did they hurt you? What happened to you? I'm taking you to the hospital." Daniel's expression was full of worry, his throbbing heart did not calm down.

"I'm okay. This isn't mine so you can stop worrying." 

As soon as Samantha said, Daniel relaxed a bit and wrapped his arms around her. Closing his eyes, he sighed as he stroked the back of her head. "Thank God you're okay. I was so worried, you have no idea."

"Wait, I'm very dirty and full of blood."

"I don't care."

Samantha missed Daniel so much and was finally able to relax too now that he's there with her. "Thank you for coming. I was waiting for you." 

"You were? How did you know we were coming?" Daniel pulled back and saw Samantha reach into her pocket. A small red beaded bracelet was in her hand.

Smiling, Samantha gave it to Daniel, "Ashton's my lucky charm."

"He is indeed and you are mine." Daniel tilted her head and placed a kiss on her lips. He pulled back with a worried gaze and said, "You're feverish…" 

"I'm okay. Where's my baby?" 

"He's asleep now. Let's get you home so that you can rest." He removed his jacket and placed it over her, zipping it up to cover her thoroughly as it was getting cold.

"I… I want to go to the hospital and make sure Nancy's okay." She looked up and saw Daniel's brief questioning look but it was instantly replaced with a nod. He did not question Samantha and understood her right away. "Okay. Let's go." He knew her so well to know that whatever happened between her and Nancy, Samantha still has a heart of gold.

Spring Grove Hospital

When Samantha arrived outside of Nancy's room, she stood there with Daniel while they waited for the doctor to finish talking to Nancy.

They couldn't hear what they were discussing about but from the glass part of the door, they could see that Nancy was crying as she touched her stomach.

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The moment that Samantha saw that, she couldn't help but also touch her own. She recalled a memory from the past. She was devastated for what happened to her even if it was a chemical pregnancy. Whether it was because of the poison or not, it was still a pregnancy loss. But for Nancy, Samantha learned that she was four months pregnant already. She must also be heartbroken to lose a baby like that. 

Noticing her getting tensed, Daniel, placed an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. He knew what she was thinking and his heart throbbed for her.

When the doctor left, Samantha entered Nancy's room alone while Daniel waited for her outside.

Nancy was still crying and lying on her left side. Samantha walked around the bed and sat on the armchair. She could see Nancy's guilt and other emotions that were written on her face. 

"I'm… sorry for your loss," said Samantha.

"Are you happy that my life is now a mess and I'm miserable?" Nancy bitterly spat.

"Can't you lower your guards? It's so tiring to be angry all the time." Chuckling, Samantha shook her head. "I understand your loss. As a mother, I wouldn't wish for anyone to experience a miscarriage. But take this as a lesson, Nancy. You should live your life better now. Don't be around toxic people and learn to be happy with what you have. Being greedy will always lead you to Karma."

Just as Nancy wanted to respond to Samantha, the door to her room opened and in came Andrew and Hazel together. "Babe… What happened?" Andrew shifted his gaze to the woman sitting in the armchair and his expression turned soft. "Sam? What are you doing here?" He asked, confused and surprised after not seeing her for a long time.

Nancy and Hazel turned to Andrew and saw how he looked tenderly at Samantha. This man's love for Samantha will probably never die.

Seeing Daniel by the door, Samantha thought that she should go. Daniel was standing there with his eyes on Andrew as if he was ready to charge at him if ever he tries something funny. 

"I was just leaving." Samantha was about to stand when Nancy held her hand to keep her in her place. Surprised, Samantha stood but remained by Nancy's bedside, confusing Hazel why the two of them seemed close when they have always been in bad terms.

"Why are the two of you together?" Nancy asked directly, making Hazel's heartbeat very fast. Hazel was not prepared as Nancy never questioned them before.

"The nurse only called Andrew since he's in my emergency contact but why did you come with my boyfriend, Hazel?" Nancy's voice was stern and her eyes were fierce.

Hazel was suddenly feeling nervous. "What? I was… I was just-"

"Why are you questioning her like this? We just met downstairs and told her that you were here so we came up together." Andrew answered for Hazel as he walked closer to Nancy's bed. He can't make her angry or it will be bad for the baby. "Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" 

"Do you love me?" Nancy looked into Andrew's eyes with an unreadable expression.

"What are you talking about? Of course, I do," Andrew answered.

"Then will you marry me?" Nancy asked another question, making Andrew's brows knit together, perplexed why she was asking these questions at that time. 

But Andrew could not go back on his word. After all, he had already planned a future with Nancy or he will lose his inheritance to his father's second family. "Yes, we will get married soon. I will give you and our son the best in life."

Hazel had a very sour look on her face when he heard Andrew. 'So he never really planned to leave Nancy, huh?' She clenched her hands into fists as she stared at the pair.

A sinister smile appeared on Nancy's face. "Really? If all of that is true, then why the hell is this b*tch wearing your T-Shirt?" Nancy threw a ferocious glare at Hazel who shook when all eyes fell on her.

Hazel looked down and saw that she had grabbed and worn what she found quickly without realizing that she had taken Andrew's shirt that she kept in her drawer. The blood drained from her face before she turned to Andrew, as if she didn't know what to say.

Samantha found it funny that she let out a chuckle. How interesting it was to be there in the front row to watch this kind of scene unfold before her eyes. This doesn't happen all the time so she might as well just enjoy.

Before anyone else could react, another man appeared by the door. Daniel gave way to a foreigner who came rushing inside Nancy's door. 

"Nancy!" Troy Smith rushed to her bedside, surprising everyone else in the room except Nancy. "You came," she said.

"Director Smith?" Andrew and Hazel called at the same time but Troy did not answer them instead, he was focused on Nancy. "Are you okay? Don't worry about it... we'll get through this."

Nancy was the one who called Troy about what happened before the doctor came to confirm that she lost her baby. Seeing the genuine concern on his face, Nancy was touched as it looked very different from Andrew's gaze towards her.

Andrew became enraged when he saw Director Smith's actions and concern towards Nancy.

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