Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 356: Distraught (2)

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Back at the Kim's Family Estate, Daniel and Seo Joon entered Samantha's room again when they heard Ashton's cry. The little boy had been restless since they came home from the pool. Daniel immediately lifted him up and the instant that Ash felt his daddy's warmth, he hushed and his cries turned to sobs.

Seo Joon, on the other hand, started tidying up the room as there were toys and baby stuff everywhere. While he was arranging things and putting them in their rightful places, he noticed a blinking device in Ashton's diaper bag. He picked it up and flipped it around a few times, trying to figure out how to turn the screen on. It was a small device the size of a palm with an LED indicator on the side. 

He remembered that Samantha bought it several months ago back in Country A but never really seen it blinking like that. Turning to Daniel, he raised the device up, "Hey, bro… I think this needs a charge. It's been blinking for a while. How do you turn this thing on by the way?" Seo Joon was still searching but did not see anything.

"What is that?" Daniel walked closer to look at the device but it was the first time that he was seeing it.

"Oh, Sammy has probably forgotten to tell you about it but it's like a GPS tracker or something." Seo Joon chuckled. "She ordered it off on the phone while watching a home shopping channel and thought that it was nice to put on Ash just in case he starts walking around and hiding somewhere." 

"She put it on Ash?" Daniel placed his warm hand on Ash's back when he became curious. "What did it look like?" 

"That red bead bracelet thing that Ashton wears? That's the one." Seo Joon tilted his head to check on Ashton's wrist but found nothing. "Huh… he's not wearing it now. Did you take it off earlier?"

Daniel held Ash's hand and felt that it was bare without the bracelet. "Yeah, Samantha takes it off whenever she gives him a bath or when we go to the pool. It must still be in the bag somewhere." 

"Hmmm… maybe." Seo Joon took another try on the blinking device and randomly touched it. "Oh, there you go! I guess it works with swipe… wait, where is this place?" He zoomed in and out of the screen to check it but it looked unfamiliar.

Peeking, Daniel's brows furrowed as he looked at the small map. "What's that?"

"That's strange… the bracelet seems to be somewhere up north from us. Holy sh*t. Is this…"

"Samantha!!!" Daniel and Seo Joon uttered the same time as they looked at each other. Without second thoughts, Daniel passed Ashton to Seo Joon in which the latter readily accepted, knowing what his brother-in-law had in mind. At the same time, Daniel received the device.

"Dan, bring her back." 

"I will," Daniel said as he hurriedly exited the room.

Getting into his car, he dialed Logan's number and as soon as it was picked up, he said, "I know where Samantha is. Meet me at the Sycamore intersection. And Logan, bring your team."

"Yes, boss." Logan did not waste time and started to move while Daniel sped off towards the agreed location.

An empty building in the north of the city.

Samantha snorted when she found Nancy's words amusing. "Bluff? You know… I'm actually not surprised that you are receiving threats. Especially since you're with Andrew." 

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"Say that again!"

"Gladly." Samantha shrugged, not affected by Nancy's aggressiveness. "I don't mind telling you the truth. Back then, I was aware that Andrew had many women on the side while he went out with me. But I told myself that as long as he does not do it in front of me or I don't catch him, then I won't mind. I was just dating him for companionship anyway… besides, he had connections to many people that I was able to use without him knowing. So it's a win-win."

"How ridiculous!" Nancy spat.

"True, the only thing I regretted was that I trusted that he won't hurt me but I was naive and didn't know any better. You… however…" Samantha sneered.

"Is that the best you can do? Destroying him in front of me? He's a changed man and he loves me!"

Samantha wanted to laugh again. "He is? Coz I swear to God I just saw him exit a hotel with a woman just recently."

Nancy's eyes grew wide upon hearing Samantha's accusation. Her body was shaking in fury as she shouted, "How could you make up stories about him? Are you that desperate in separating him and me?"

Samantha looked at her like she was an alien. She was sick of acting nice that she just lashed out on her. "Are you seriously hearing yourself? Just face it, Nancy! Andrew is a two-timing, three or four whatever bastard who can't live without women! He can't be satisfied with only you, how special do you think you are?! He will always be with his-"

"You b*tch! Take that back!!!" Nancy attacked head-on, flinging her hands towards Samantha but the latter was fast enough to cover herself.

Remembering that Nancy was pregnant, Samantha did not retaliate and just continued to defend herself. "Why would I take back the truth?! Why don't you ask your best friend who is always with you? I'm sure she enjoyed Andrew so much."

Nancy's hand hung mid-air, glaring at Samantha even more. "Hazel?! She would never do that to me!"

"I bet she's actually the one who's threatening you!" Samantha bit out. She wasn't exactly sure but because of what she saw when she passed by the hotel, who else would want Nancy out of the picture?

"Shut up!" The deranged woman reached out to grab Samantha's hair but Samantha stopped Nancy's wrist and moved to the side to avoid another hit.

"I swear! I will kill you! I will kill you!" Nancy became wild, hating Samantha to her core.

She moved even closer as Samantha was trying to avoid her hits. However, her foot landed on a slippery surface making her slip and fall. Nancy landed on her back with a groan. Her head also hit the hard floor, making her dizzy.

Samantha was stunned, seeing Nancy just had a bad fall and was suddenly on the floor. The next thing she noticed was blood flowing on Nancy's thighs, making her freeze on the spot. She was frightened and did not know what to do while Nancy was still whimpering from the fall. Samantha's hands shook and a memory of her chemical miscarriage flashed in her mind. Unknowingly, tears started to flow from her eyes and she immediately ran towards Nancy.

"Help! Somebody help!!!" Samantha screamed. This time, Samantha did not think of anything else. Her only concern was the baby in Nancy's womb. "You're bleeding… your baby…" she muttered.

Nancy, who was alarmed because of Samantha's reaction, looked at her lower region and saw blood soaking her dress and flowing on her thighs. She paled instantly as she reached down and touched the red liquid with her fingers. It was only then that she let out a cry, "Ah… Aaahhh!!! My baby!!!"

The door to the room suddenly opened and a man came in panting, "Miss! There are people outside!" Seeing the blood on Nancy, he was frightened.. "I… I'm out of here," he said before running away, leaving both Samantha and Nancy in distress.

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