Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 359: Did You Hurt Your Hand?

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Daniel stroked Samantha's back as he didn't want her to be agitated over a matter like this. She wasn't supposed to be involved in their mess but because of what Hazel said, Samantha got triggered. He understood her wife so well but he didn't want her to be exasperated. 

Samantha calmed down because of Daniel's coaxing. If it hadn't been because of him, she would have surely thrown her other shoe to Hazel's nose. That would have been lovely!

Nancy was also surprised to see Samantha defend her. They had been on bad terms ever since that incident with their friend Mia when they were still teens. She had always been rude to Samantha but at that moment, she was the only one who stood up for her. Nancy felt a prick in her heart. She felt guilty about what she had put her old friend through. She swore to be a better person.

"Why are you even here, Samantha? Aren't you and Nancy mortal enemies?" Hazel bit out as she hid her body behind Andrew. She was pissed and hurt because of that shoe but she was also afraid that she would do something even more reckless. When Nancy saw this, she could only shake her head and roll her eyes.

"So?" Samantha lifted her chin and raised her brow at Hazel. "You're right. Nancy and I have always hated each other and we both know that already. But how is our relationship related to your filthy mouth?"

"Ha! What did you just say? You have such a sharp mouth!" Hazel Kun almost lost it. She wanted to dash forward and scratch Samantha but Andrew held her back, "Stop," he said as he glared at Hazel.

"Nancy has indeed done some bad things but she doesn't deserve a miscarriage! No one is ever deserving of it! And yet you casually said that to smite her? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth of yours?!" Samantha had a fierce look on her face. Her stance was imposing but she very much played the part. 

"Oh… I forgot… you only use your mouth to the different men that you bring to bed aside from Andrew huh?" Samantha didn't dare to back down. She really hated Hazel and she was disgusted by her. She always had a bad impression on this woman ever since and especially now for running her mouth like that. 

"How dare you, Samantha! You don't know me at all!"

"Yeah? If that isn't true, why don't you answer Nancy's question earlier? Why are you wearing Andrew's shirt?"

"Yes. Please do enlighten me, Hazel. I thought we were friends but clearly you think that we share everything including Andrew!" Nancy added.

Feeling cornered, Hazel scowled at her, "This isn't really about me, Nancy. Why don't you tell Andrew that Director Troy Smith was the father of your dead child?"

Nancy sat up abruptly when she felt the urge to slap Hazel but she got dizzy and slumped back down on the bed. At the same time, the nurse came back with security.

"Everyone out!" The nurse scanned the room while the guard marched forward and was about to pull Andrew out. 

"Let go of me!" Andrew forcibly got away from the guard's grasp and sneered. "Tell me the truth, Nancy!"

"Yes!!!" Nancy yelled back. She was already tired of the drama and just wanted to rest. "The baby was four months old and Troy was the father!"

"How could you do this to me?" Andrew stepped back. He had just received the shock of his life. 'Everything's ruined. All my plans... everything's gone.'

"Are you seriously hearing yourself? It's not like you have always been faithful to me. You have been seeing other women behind my back and you're even sleeping with this slut." Nancy nodded her head to Hazel. "Besides, we broke up four months ago for weeks. Whoever I was with during that time does not concern you!"

Andrew's eyes narrowed and his gaze shifted towards Troy, "You… this is your fault," he bit out before he ran around the bed and charged towards him. He threw a punch on Troy's face but the latter was able to dodge it the last minute and only suffered a graze.

"How is this my fault? You're the one who screwed around!" Troy Smith did not let himself be on the weak side so he also launched a punch at Andrew.

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"Stop!!!" The nurse yelled and more security guard came, breaking the two hot blooded man apart. 

The guards dragged Andrew and Troy away but Nancy stopped the guards who held Troy so the latter stayed beside Nancy and this only angered Andrew some more.

"Let go! Don't touch me! I'll walk by myself!" he said through gritted teeth and the guards loosened their grip on him. 

Andrew glanced at Troy before his gaze fell on Nancy. He really did like Nancy compared to his other women but the betrayal that he felt ate him up. He turned around and as he passed by Samantha, his eyes wavered, seemingly ashamed of what happened to him.

Daniel protectively tightened his arms around Samantha. 'One wrong move and I'll make you carry your head on your way home,' he spoke in his thoughts. 

When Andrew and Hazel had left the room, the nurse checked Nancy's vital signs. She was already behind her rounds and so her mood was quite sullen. Turning towards the other three people in the room, she warned, "You should all let the patient rest. She can't be agitated anymore or it will be bad for her." She turned on her heel and left the room.

The tension has cleared up and Daniel had exhaled a sigh of relief. "Sit," he told Samantha in which she followed without questions, biting her lip when she noticed the coldness of his voice when he spoke.

Daniel walked towards the other side of the room and bent down, picking up Samantha's left shoe. He shook his head as he walked back towards Samantha. His gaze darted to her eyes and she gulped upon seeing his unreadable expression. 

He bent down in front of her, putting her left shoe back on her foot. "How could you just throw your shoe like that? Are you a gangster?"

"I wasn't thinking. It just happened... my hand moved on its own." She pursed her lips into a thin line.

After tying her shoelaces, Daniel sighed again and looked up. He stared at her for a few seconds before he held her hand in his. "Did you hurt your hand?"

Nancy rolled her eyes. "She was the one who threw the shoe and you're asking if she hurt her hand?" She snorted.

Samantha chuckled. "I'm fine, honey."

Nodding, Daniel stood up and pulled Samantha with him. "Then let's go home."

"Okay." Samantha turned to Nancy and stated, "You should rest." She turned to walk away but Nancy called her back, "Sam... I..."

Samantha shook her head, "We'll talk next time. You need to rest." 

When Daniel and Samantha left the room, Troy Smith sat on Nancy's bed and held her hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Aren't you mad at me?" Nancy couldn't look at him in the eye as she spoke.

"You are also hurt. How could I get mad at you?" Troy caressed Nancy's face. He was truly in love with her despite her imperfections.. He comforted her some more when she broke down again and stayed the whole night with her.

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