Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 74: Carpe Diem, Mon Cœur.

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Hearing Samantha speak fluent French and having an accent just like a native, Melissa was shocked and very embarrassed. She had insulted her awhile ago thinking that Samantha wouldn't understand anyway, so she spoke without care. Melissa lived in Country F for years but her accent has not improved. So having been told that she speaks like a Spanish cow, she took it as an insult. That's because it means that she was trying too hard to sound authentic in French accent and failed.

When Daniel heard Samantha, he had understood what happened. Melissa must have said something offensive to her. His brows furrowed as his expression turned dark when he glanced at the woman. He didn't even wanna talk to her, he felt that it was too much a waste of time.

"How did she offend you?", he asked.

"She couldn't, she was speaking gibberish. It was hard to understand. Doesn't matter, it's not important."

The woman was taken aback by what she's hearing, 'Gibberish? Not important?'

Daniel snaked an arm around Samantha's waist and pulled her away, "Good girl, let's go home."

The couple left the hall, leaving Melissa Qin pissed and embarrassed. Samantha wasn't mad, she couldn't be bothered but she wanted Melissa to know that she couldn't insult her anytime she wants. So when Samantha spoke to her, she was calm but it was actually an insult. Compared before, Samantha feels more secure with Daniel that she doesn't need to do unnecessary things; she trusts him.

As they reached the car, Samantha exhaled slowly, trying to ease the sore that she's feeling down there.

"Everything okay?", Daniel asked.

Samantha subconsciously looked down and saw Daniel's feet.

"Stupid feet.", she mumbled and got inside the car.

Daniel was puzzled, "What's wrong with my feet?", he lowered his head trying to figure out what made his woman irritated.

He shook his head and walked to the driver's side.

When they reached the beach villa, he stopped Samantha from getting off the car and quickly, he walked around to her side and lifted her in his arms.

"Why are you carrying me? Put me down."

"No, you've been grimacing since the afternoon. Let me make it up to you."

When they reached the bedroom, he set her down on the bed before he prepared the bath for her. Retrieving a box of Epsom salt from the kitchen, Daniel poured enough into the warm bath.

Daniel said, "Take off your clothes and soak in the tub."

Samantha bit her lip, walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Why... why are you... are you shy, Ms. Kim?"

She didn't respond.

"I've already seen every inch of you, there's nothing to be shy about.", Daniel teased.

Samantha blushed and hid inside the bathroom. She removed her clothes and did as she told, she sat in the tub and enjoyed the warm bath.

After her bath, she felt so much better. She came out from the bathroom as she dried her hair. Daniel was on the bed reading some documents on his tablet. She didn't disturb him and just went about the room doing her nighttime skincare routine.

When she was done, Samantha snuggled next to him. He shifted in his position, moving his arm to allow Samantha to nestle under it while he continued to check his work. It was a quiet night and everything felt right. Even without talking, just being like this next to each other, it felt home.

Half an hour later, Daniel closed his tab and placed it on the bedside table. He glanced at Samantha who was in a daze in his arm.

"I thought you've fallen asleep, you're so quiet. What are you thinking about?", he spoke softly, stroking her waist.

"Nothing in particular."


"Fine, I was thinking about what I should do when I get back."

"What do you mean? You have Trident, your company."

"I don't know… I like it but I don't think that's where my passion lies. I don't know what I want yet."

Daniel pondered for a minute before he began to speak again, "Well, whatever it is, I'll support you."

"Really?", Samantha lifted her head and beamed at Daniel.

"Of course, do whatever you want to do. Carpe Diem, mon cœur (mon cœur = my heart - a very sweet endearment.)"

Samantha nodded and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"Which reminds me, you owe me something.", Daniel tilted his head as he looked at her, and her lips.


Samantha searched her memories for what Daniel is referring to,

~You speak French?~ / ~Yes, I speak and I kiss.~

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Upon remembering her answer earlier that night, she froze. Her big mouth always causing her trouble.

Noticing Samantha's expression, Daniel thought that she must have remembered it. He smirked, and it sent chills to Samantha's spine causing her to shiver.

"Are you cold? I can warm you up.", Daniel whispered.

Samantha couldn't move.

Swiftly, he flipped Samantha on top of him. She was so startled that she yelped.

Daniel pressed her body to his and lowered her head to his level. He gently touched his lips to hers, slowly giving her soft pecks.

Caressing Samantha's back, she began to feel warm. Daniel grazed his tongue across her bottom lip as if he was requesting entry, Samantha parted her lips a little and welcomed his tongue. He was kissing very tenderly and Samantha responded to his kisses as she allowed her tongue to dance with his, it was slow and sensual.

His hands found their way under Samantha's shirt, touching her bare skin, he began to feel a change in his trousers. Samantha felt his change too and her cheeks flushed, she started to feel hot.

Daniel felt his urges rush through his body. Holding her rear, he rubbed his bulge to her abdomen and Samantha moaned.

He flipped Samantha to her back on the bed and hovered on top of her. Kissing and tugging her earlobe, he played it with his tongue and teeth, sending tingles to her core. Working his way from her ear to the base of her throat, he made love bites. She clenched her hand and gripped his firm shoulders.

Daniel kissed her lips again for a few more seconds before he pulled back and kissed her nose.

"How's that for a french kiss?"

Samantha swallowed. 'That wasn't just a french kiss! Also… Why did you stop?'

Daniel smirked, "Good night, Samantha.". He laid back on the bed and pulled her into his embrace.

Samantha was bothered, 'WHY? Is he doing this on purpose? How could he excite me like that but leave me hanging?'

She had those thoughts in mind but couldn't voice it out. Thus, the entire night, she kept tossing and turning because the man beside her decided to sleep.


The next morning, Samantha and Daniel woke up about the same time. It was quite early and the sky was clear. Daniel prompted her to run with him, and because she was feeling frustrated the night before, she agreed to go.

After their morning run, just as they stepped inside the house, her phone rang.


Chris: Hi, Kira, sorry for calling this early. Do you have a minute?

"Chris? Yeah, sure what is it?"

Daniel's brow raised, he watched her as she spoke on the phone.

Chris: Yes. I was wondering if you could watch after Jacob for the day? My dad and I need to drive for a few hours to visit my mom's grave. The town is quite far and I'm afraid the long ride wouldn't be good for him, his nanny was supposed to come but she backed out the last minute. Jacob insisted to spend the day with you, I know this might ruin your plans for the day... I'll understand if you're not available.

"Is that all? Of course, that's not a problem. I would love to look after him."

Daniel's brow furrowed.

Chris: Really? Then I'll drop him off on our way, yeah? We'll be there in half an hour.

"Sure, see you soon."

The phone call ended and Samantha turned to Daniel who had a puzzled expression, thinking that he may not be on board with it, she took the initiative to persuade him.

She sauntered towards him and brushed her hands on his chest and hooked them around his neck, by instinct, Daniel held her waist.

"Honey... will you help me today?"

Daniel knew that she's about to ask something from him.

She pulled him down to meet her kiss. She pressed her lips on his, and kissed his neck and then his ear before she whispered, "Little Jacob is going to spend the day with us today."

Upon hearing her words, Daniel's eyes stilled. 'That little creature?'

Soon enough, after Jacob was dropped off by his father, he was sitting at the breakfast bar with Daniel beside him.

They were facing each other, exchanging stares.

"What are you doing at my wife's house?", the little boy probed.

Daniel's lip twitched. This little man is really pushing the right buttons.

"Jakey... do you want some pancakes? I will make you anything you want for breakfast, baby", Samantha said while her back is facing them.

Little Jacob's face brightened up, he turned to Daniel again and gloated, "My wife's making me anything I want for breakfast. She called me baby..", he said before he stuck his tongue out.

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