Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 75: Crying Jacob

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Amusement Park

Daniel and Jacob were sitting on the bench waiting for Samantha who was lining up for the entrance tickets to the Amusement Park. He had insisted earlier to go on the queue but she really wanted to do it herself. She said something like, 'I haven't tried lining up for amusement parks, I really wanna try.'. Daniel who almost always gives in to Samantha's wishes didn't have a choice but to let her go in line, "Have fun.", he said.

Earlier before they left, they realized that his and her cars are all 2 seaters. Not really convenient for riding with a child so they decided to take the taxi instead. And during the entire car ride, Jacob sat on Samantha's lap, not even allowing Daniel to sit closer to her.

Whenever Daniel looks at him, Jacob would always have a smug smile on his face. This boy was too sly for his age.

Now, he and little Jacob sat in awkward silence while waiting for Samantha. Daniel never left his eyes on Samantha while the little boy was playing with his action figure.

"Do you like Kira?", Jacob suddenly asked.

Daniel turned to him and raised a brow, "Why do you ask?"

He shrugged his little shoulders as he played with his 'Flash' action figure, "You always look at her."

"Is that wrong?"

"I guess not."

"Yes, I like her.", Daniel paused and thought, 'more than just like, actually.'

"Where's your mom, Jacob?"

"In heaven, my dad said she left us when I was a baby."

Daniel's heart suddenly ached for the boy, "I'm sorry… Do you miss her?"

He shrugged his shoulders once more, he doesn't really know because he couldn't remember when his mother was still alive.

"Sorry it took so long, there were a lot of people. Are you guys ready?", Samantha skipped on his way to them.

Little Jacob's head lifted up and instantly, his eyes brightened. "Yeah!", he exclaimed as he jumped off the bench. He grabbed Samantha's hand and pulled her towards the entrance leaving Daniel behind.

"Slow down, Jakey… we have all day."

Daniel got up from the bench and followed the two. Jacob had so much fun trying out all the rides that allowed his age and height. The boy ate, ran, laughed and jumped; the CEO could only sigh as he accompanied the two. It was more like Samantha's date with the little boy and Daniel was their bodyguard.

"Look! I wanna go there!", he said excitedly.

"But that's a haunted house, are you sure you want to go in? Aren't you going to get scared, Jakey?"

"Come on! Come on!", he said as he ran towards the queue. He was so thrilled that he didn't notice a hollow on the ground; he stumbled and fell. The little boy wailed as he had fallen to the ground.

The first to react was Daniel, he swiftly went over Jacob and picked him up, checking his body if he had any wounds. Samantha was frozen for a few seconds when it happened, she only moved again when she realized that Daniel was already picking Jacob up and carrying him towards a resting area.

The little boy didn't stop crying as he clung onto Daniel, his face scrunched up and was stained with tears. Daniel let him sit on the bench as he knelt in front of Jacob and with a wet tissue, he started wiping his legs that were dirtied when he fell down. Daniel got another clean tissue and wiped the snot and tears off Jacob's face. The little boy sniffled and whimpered.

"Does it hurt?", he asked.

Jacob sniffed and shook his head.

"So why are you crying?"

Little Jacob tried his best to stop, his mouth pouted and trembled a little.

Daniel wiped Jacob's hands. "It's okay to cry sometimes. You fell down, it probably hurt. You must've been scared."

Jacob composed himself, he had already stopped crying. "I was scared.", he admitted.

"I know. But you're okay now, do you still want to try the haunted house?"

He nodded in response.

"Okay, we can go but you can't run. You understand?"

He nodded again.

Samantha who was silently watching the two from behind had a smile on her face. Daniel was actually very good with kids. He had earned brownie points for that.

Daniel helped him off the bench and Samantha walked over.

"Are you okay, baby?", she asked Jacob.

The little boy nodded.

They headed towards the attraction and started to line up. Jacob who was excited to go inside started to feel nervous, he grabbed Daniel's hand.

Daniel was surprised by his action, he bent to Jacob's level and asked, "Are you sure you want to go in? We can leave and go to other places."

Little Jacob looked at him in the eye and pursed his lips before he said, "I want to ride the Carousel."

Daniel smiled and ruffled the little boy's hair. "Let's go.", he held the boy's hand in his right and took Samantha's hand with his left.

The rest of the day went by smoothly with Jacob constantly sticking to Daniel.

The little boy and Daniel seemed to have changed their minds about each other. They've already become friends at the end of the day.

Jacob was tired for running around all day so Daniel carried him while they waited for a taxi ride home.

"You look…", Samantha started to speak but couldn't find the right word.

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"I just thought you and Jacob looked like father and son.", she smiled.

At this time, Jacob had already fallen asleep on Daniel's shoulder, he smiled back at Samantha when he realized that he actually liked the little boy.

When they got home, Samantha received a phone call from Chris that they're stuck because of a thunderstorm. They've decided to let the rain pass first and leave very early in the morning.

"Looks like Jacob is staying for the night.", Samantha said when she turned to face Daniel who was currently bathing the little boy.

Daniel looked at the little boy in the tub who returned his gaze with a smile.

'I liked you just a minute ago, do you have to steal my night with her too?', he thought.

Samantha and Daniel tried to coax Jacob to sleep but it took them about an hour before he finally slumbered.

The two of them were also exhausted, playing mommy and daddy for a 5-year-old boy. Daniel needed a drink after everything that happened that day, he took out a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

Samantha came to the kitchen and saw him, "Tough day, Mr. Cho?"

He scoffed, "You have no idea."

Samantha chuckled and sat at the breakfast bar.

"Do you want some?"

"Maybe a little.", she said.

Daniel walked around the bar and stood beside her. He took a sip from his glass, pulled Samantha to him and pressed his lips. Tilting her head a little and prying her mouth open, he transferred the wine from his mouth to hers.

Samantha's eyes widened in surprise and before she could recover, Daniel had already pulled away and smirked.

"How was it?"

Samantha glared at him.

"What? You said you wanted a little.", he said nonchalantly as if it was something very normal to do.

Samantha just sighed and Daniel chuckled. Moving closer to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Recalling about their day, Samantha couldn't help but ask, "What do you think about kids?", Samantha openly asked.

"They're all right, I guess. As long as they don't misbehave."

"Mr. Cho, they're kids they are entitled to misbehave from time to time."

"Not mine. I'll put them in military school right after they are born."

Samantha's face grimaced. "You're so cruel."

Daniel chuckled, "Do you want to have kids?"

Samantha thought about it for a bit and answered, "Yeah, in the future... not anytime soon... you?"

"Yes. As long as it's ours.", he declared before leaning in to give her a peck on the lips making Samantha blush.

"Have you thought about going home?", he asked.

She paused before she nodded, "Yeah…"

"When do you want to leave?"

"I'm not sure… I want to say goodbye to everyone here before I leave."

"Why don't we invite your friends over?"

"That would be nice.", she smiled. "Can I… hmmm.."

"What is it?"

"I want to skydive again…"

Daniel's expression changed, he tried to study Samantha's face.

"Are you feeling sad again?"

Samantha shook her head, "It's not that… I just want to do it again before leaving."

"I see... Then let's go tomorrow."

"Really? And… will you jump with me?"

"I wanted to say I'll think about it but, baby... I'd do anything for you. Even if I have to jump out of a plane."

Samantha giggle and pulled Daniel closer and kissed him. Even though they were together during the day, she seemed to miss him. Hooking her arms around his neck, Daniel allowed her to take the lead, his hands skimmed her thighs.

She unfastened all the buttons of his shirt and let her hands slide across his perfect abs and chest. Daniel was pleased by her initiative, he kissed her deeply.

They made out in the kitchen until they were panting, but before they could take it further...

Daniel pulled away, giving her small pecks on the lips, he said, "It's late, let's go sleep.".. He helped the bewildered Samantha down the chair and brought her to the room to sleep.

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