Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 94: Curious Minds

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In a white plush bed laid two people who had just spent the night together. It was 5 in the morning at that time, the woman sat up on the bed with her back on the headboard while she was on her laptop. The light tapping of her keyboard woke the man who was on the bed with her.

"Morning.", he said with a smile as he rubbed his eyes.

She lowered her gaze at the handsome face and smiled. Setting her laptop on the bedside table, she moved closer and snuggled to him. "Good morning."

Stroking her hair and smelling it, he thought that it was such a nice morning. "You're up early, were you working?", he asked.

"Yeah, just doing some editing, what time are you leaving for work?", she probed.

He glanced at the clock beside the bed and answered, "In 2 hours. Why? Are you kicking me out already?"

Becca snickered and her sound made Seo Joon's heart flutter, "No… I'm just asking.", she said.

He asked further, "Where are you going today? Do you want to have lunch together?"

"Well, I have an endorsement that I need to shoot and interview for a local brand later at 10 a.m. but I guess I can go for lunch if it ends on time."

He nodded, "Okay, just let me know if you can."

Becca Wise sat up on the bed and looked at him excitedly, "Are you officially taking me out on a date?", she said with a pretty smile, she looked adorable.

He chuckled at the sight, "Well, I guess yeah… I mean… yes, I am."

She crossed her arms and put on a semi-serious face, "Then, you should treat me to dinner instead."

A grin spread across Seo Joon's good-looking face. He flipped her onto her back and hovered over her, "Is that all? I can treat you for dessert. And you can have it right now.", he said in a slow manner, making Becca's lower region tighten.

He pressed his lips to hers and instantly, Becca's arms wrapped around him pulling him closer even more.

The two of them actually look nice together, and Seo Joon seems to be really fond of Becca. Comparing her to the other women that he used to fool around with before, those women were quite immature and really just wanted to be with him because of his status. Becca, on the other hand, is not only attractive but she also has an active lifestyle, very fun to hang out with and she just makes you feel positive.

Becca is an optimist and her aura is very captivating. It is no wonder that Seo Joon is attracted to her, she is, after all, a beautiful, gregarious and a sensible woman.

Trident Company.

"Did anybody understand what I just said?", Samantha asked when she noticed that the employees in her meeting room were just looking at her, their eyes were full of wonder and curiosity. There were 10 of them including her and Alexander.

Alexander looked around and laughed at their employees' expressions. He turned to Samantha who was looking puzzled, "They're fascinated by you. They probably have a lot of questions."

She was still unsure of what Alexander meant, "What questions? If you have any, please raise them now", she ordered.

A woman from the end of the table timidly raised her hand as she pursed her lips, Samantha asked her, "Yes? What is it?"

"President Kim, ummm… well, how old are you?", she swallowed, afraid that the big boss will find her nosy.

Samantha was shocked at her question, she glanced at Alexander on her right who just gave her a smile and a shrug. "They're curious.", he said.

She turned to her employee once again who was anticipating for her answer, "25.", she said.

All 8 of her them gaped as they leaned forward, seemingly more curious about her. "Wow, you're young, Big boss.", said the one who just asked her.

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"Am I? I feel old.", Samantha said as she chuckled and her employees were mesmerized once again by her smile.

Most of her employees in the meeting room were actually in their 20s and 30s and all of them think that their boss is very impressive. She was wearing a simple white dress but her simplicity made her look charming, yet the impression she gave off was that of a leader.

"Will we be able to see you regularly now, Boss?", another female employee asked.

Samantha nodded, "Yeah, I guess. I mean… I won't be hiding from you guys anymore if that's what you mean."

Her answer seemed to satisfy them as she watched them look at one another with a hint of smile on their faces. 'Are they that happy to see me?'

"Do you have a boyfriend?", one male employee bravely questioned.

Everyone else in the room turned their head towards their colleague thinking, 'Are you stupid? How could you ask Big boss that?', they all have the same thoughts in mind before they looked at Samantha. Seriously, who could stop their curiosity? Of course, though they feel that the question was too personal, they all want to know if their boss is dating.

Samantha glanced at Alexander again before she answered the very interested bunch. "I am… happy."

Hearing their Boss' answer, they thought...

'What? Boss… what do you mean you are happy?'

'Are you happy being single? Are you happy with your boyfriend? Or… are you happily married?'

'Can you be more specific?'

Seeing the bewildered expression of her employees, she smiled faintly. "Okay, that's all for today. I expect everyone to give your best for this phase. I believe in you guys. You're all dismissed.", she said before she stood up from her seat and walked out of the room, leaving her people in awe.

Alexander followed after her and asked, "Are you sure you want to do the prototyping yourself? Why don't you do it with the team?"

"I have to. This is my way of proving to them, my people, and to Cho Corp that they didn't make a mistake of putting their trust in me. My employees barely know me, how can they follow an unknown leader who showed up out of nowhere and they don't even know what I'm capable of."

Samantha was speaking the truth, the only way to gain their approval was to show her skills. She added, "Besides, it's just a software prototype, it's a huge one but... I'll manage."

"Okay then, I know you're very capable anyway but just keep in mind that it's okay to ask help. Alright?", Alexander reminded her that she's not alone.


It was already lunch time and she was ready to meet Hannah as they have agreed to have a meal and spend the rest of the afternoon together before she gets busy.

When she stepped out of the company, her baby Taz was already parked in front of the entrance. She walked towards it and the welcome lights turned on, this always makes her smile.

Just as she was about to open the doors of her car, a voice from behind her called her name, "Samantha."

A voice that she was very familiar with made her not want to turn around as she already had an idea why he was there.

But she gathered her strength to turn around and face the man in front of her, "Andrew."

His attractive features became too familiar for her. It's no wonder that Andrew Park is tagged as City M's welcomed playboy because of his looks, status, and 'reputation' in bed. But of course, he's no Daniel Cho.

Andrew looked better than the last time she saw him. He had a calm expression on his face as he tried to form a sentence to talk to her.

"What do you want Mr. Park?", she suddenly turned formal.

"Sam, Let's have coffee."

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