Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 101: PAYBACK TIME II

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The next day, Serina's classmate called princess woke up with a bright smile on her face. She was happy that Serina was suffering and she couldn't wait to hear the news from the man who helped her make things happen. She was very delighted with the progress of her plan. She was sure that sooner or later, Lambert will find her worthier compared to Serina.

She showered while humming to her favorite song, dressed into her school uniform with twinkling eyes and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast with her parents. However, the moment she saw them in the living room, a deep frown appeared on her face. She could sense the gloomy atmosphere and it affected his happy self.

"What's going on? Why do you guys look so sad?" She questioned her parents while carrying her books in her arms.

"I don't know what's going on but a lot of unfortunate events just happened since last night. I was supposed to attend a fashion show last night but the suitcase that contained the dress I was supposed to present was switched at the airport. And around 5 o'clock in the morning, I received news that hundreds of people complained about the recent dress we sold. Some were even asking for a refund." Her mother stated, looking shock and confused at the same time. She had been doing her best to provide the best quality dress she could and she couldn't believe that hundreds of people will complain about it.

Her father sighed and also shared the unhappy events that took place in less than 24 hours. "Last night, I was supposed to have a conference meeting with Mr. Vallardi for the expansion of our business in their city but he canceled it and said that he didn't want to do business with us. This morning, I received an email that three of our investors withdrew their investments of the current mall we're building. Those investments amounted to millions. Where will I get those funds to continue the project?"

Their daughter listened to their words and felt like she got the worst migraine in her life. If these things have reached her parents at five in the morning and now she's standing in front of them at seven, there's no way her classmates haven't heard of it. They always pay attention to her rich life.

"You must be kidding me."  She mumbled with her face changing expressions. She felt her knees has gone weak and she looked for a place to sit.

"Also, your teacher called us to attend a meeting later. Let's have breakfast and sort things out later. These things must be one of the hardships we need to go through to make us even stronger. These will all pass. Let's just face them head on." Her mother commented, trying her best to appear cheerful despite the sadness she felt.

One hour later, when they arrived at the school, many students were looking at them. As a student which everyone was envious of, she felt embarrassed at this moment. She walked behind her parents with her head down, looking at her foot every step of the way.

"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Lavigne." The headmaster's secretary met them at the lobby and led them to the office. She was silent the whole time while looking at the student who was following her parents meekly. She looked so innocent that you would never think she'd do something to evil.

As soon as the door opened, Mr. Lavigne's face lit up. He saw Nicholas sitting beside a beautiful student. He knew that Riordan and Zalia Vallardi have a son and daughter but he never met Yiran before. So, he thought Serina was Riordan's daughter.

Contrary to his happy face, his daughter looked really pale.

"Why…why are you here?" Their innocent princess asked with fear reflecting in her eyes. It seems she already has an idea of what this meeting will be all about given the fact that her accomplice was also present.

Serina smiled at her beautifully while keeping a calm face. "This is a meeting. Weren't you informed?"

"Of course, we knew. Sorry about my daughter's rudeness." Mrs. Lavigne bowed her head lightly.

"Well, that's nothing new to me." Serina commented which startled both parents.

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"What do you mean?" Mr. Lavigne asked but the headmaster's secretary led them to the vacant seats and the three of them sat quietly. Their daughter was fidgeting on her seat and that when they knew she had done something wrong.

There were many people present who served as witness to this meeting. It wasn't a normal meeting because there were only three students present at the moment; Serina, Ms. Lavigne and Mr. Roman - the delinquent from another school. However, there were many teachers present at the moment and all of them were subject teachers who have taught Serina in the past and the current academic year. They all have her records in case the headmaster needed it.

The headmaster opened her laptop and the secretary turned on the projector before switching off the lights inside the room. It was now clear to everyone what the headmaster was showing to them. It was the first and original posts that appeared on the forum about Serina. It talked about her being a slut. The headmaster showed the IP address of the source before moving to another slide.

"There were thirteen slides and all of the IP addresses were the same. The last post I showed you was the very recent post we have online and this caused a huge uproar in our campus. Students can talk behind their classmates back and even if we stop them, we cannot really control their behavior. But this incident has gone overboard. Not only the student spread these rumors, hurting the person in the process, ruining her reputation in so many ways but she also planned to ruin her entire life. She called people to rape her once she goes out of school campus."

"I never said they could rape her!" With this strong accusation, the beloved princess of the campus burst out in anger. All eyes were on her and they were all surprise with her words. There's no need for doubts because they have confirmed how evil she was. Even her parents looked at her in horror.  They couldn't say a word to defend their daughter at all. She just confirmed it. "No. No. It wasn't me." She tried to deny but no one was willing to listen to her anymore. The headmaster kept on showing proof of her evil deeds.

"Apparently, we hired an expert when it comes to hacking in order to trace the source of this malicious cybercrime and the IP address led us all to one location." The headmaster showed the location and it was the Lavigne's home. "Not only that, there was proof of her communication with this delinquent, asking her to ruin her classmate's life." When talked about classmate, Mr. Lavigne's eyes turned to Nicholas and Serina. His last hope vanished in few minutes because of his daughter.

On the projector, the conversation between Mr. Roman and Ms. Lavigne was exposed. She regretted texting him that day when she just finished her call to him. She shouldn't have texted him anything. And now, the man has confirmed everything in front of so many people.

Nicholas borrowed the headmaster's intercom which was connected to all speakers around the campus and turned it on so he can speak and make people hear him loud and clear. He needed to clarify a lot of things.

"Good day everyone." At his greeting, everyone stopped from moving and all their attention was on him. Of course, he used a spell on his voice to make them listen to him. "I'm Nicholas Vallardi and I have to this campus in order to clarify the rumors about my fiancé." Serina looked at him with wide eyes, not expecting him to say these words in front of so many people. "She's been hurt so many times but she never said anything because she didn't want to cause trouble in a foreign land. She had been accused of so many nasty things even though she didn't do anything. If she hadn't called me yesterday because someone has set her up to be raped, I wouldn't know that she's been going through so much. If I didn't come on time to rescue her, her life would have been ruined by you people now. You would have spread the nasty news, to continuously torture her with your bullying. I, Nicholas Vallardi, will be seeking payment from all those people who commented maliciously on the posts, who helped spread the rumor between her and Lambert, my best friend." As if they were released from a spell everyone started deleting their posts but the next words from Nicholas brought them despair. "It's too late to delete them now. I have seen all the comments last night and I have asked someone to trace them to the sources. You better prepare yourself because I won't let this matter go." Nicholas turned off the mic and looked towards Serina with a faint smile. "I'm sorry you'd have to experience such thing because of my carelessness."

"Ha?, not at all." Serina was blushing while looking down on her fingers. Her heart was beating so fast after hearing all those things from Nicholas. She felt really safe and protected because of his words.

Mr. and Mrs. Lavigne finally figured out what caused the unfortunate events to happen in their life. While they worked so hard to give their daughter a bright future, their one and only daughter was doing a lot of things to ruin them. They wanted to defend her, but what defense do they have? They can claim it as false accusation but their daughter just confirmed it in front of everyone. In the end, they lost this battle without even having the chance to lift their sword.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vallardi." Mr. Lavigne got out of his seat and bowed deeply in front of her. "I didn't know anything about his matter." He didn't even expect that the woman was his fiancé. If the woman really turned out to be his sister…Mr. Lavigne shivered in fear. He didn't want to imagine anything. "I know we won't be able to change anything but I am deeply sorry with what my daughter did."

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior." Mrs. Lavigne also bowed her head but Nicholas only looked at them coldly before leaving the office with Serina beside him.

"I don't want my fiancé to ever see your daughter's face again."

"What?! How could – "

"Or I can wipe you off from the face of the earth." Nicholas added which stunned everyone inside the room. "I'm not afraid of doing it.. Try me and you'll see."

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