Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 100: PAYBACK TIME I

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They were about to leave the house when Serina found the cat sleeping at the porch. Her eyebrow arched immediately the moment she saw him. Damon opened his cat-eyes and looked at her but he only did it for a second before closing them again and went back to sleep.

'Nice idea.' Nicholas snorted telepathically towards Damon.

'It's none of your business.'

'Yeah. Just make sure you won't pull my girlfriend into this as well.'

'She's not your girlfriend.'

'She's my mate. Sooner or later, she will still be mine.' Nicholas responded while tugging Serina close to him. She looked at him with a confused look but when he smiled, she just smiled as well. There's nothing wrong when it comes to getting close to the person you like.

Corrine looked at the cat and tried to communicate with him but Damon ignored it. He blocked her from getting into their link because it will expose him. "What a strange cat." Corrine commented while crouching low to stroke his black fur. "He's bigger compared to normal cats and his fur is a shiny black. I have never seen this kind of cat. It must have come from a rich household."

"I thought he's yours." Serina retorted. A huge grin was plastered on her face as she got close to Corrine to look at Damon's cat form as well. "He must have wanted to be with you." The cat's ears twitched and his whiskers moved, earning a series of laughter from her. "I guessed it right. This cat must have wanted to be with you. He probably saw you and decided to escape from his previous owners."

"That can't be true." Corrine replied, chuckling at Serina's story. "He probably just wanted to rest. He'll go back home soon. I'll just leave him some cat food here before going to work."

"You might be right about that, too. Anyway, where's Damon?"

"He probably went home as well. He doesn't live here, okay? He can go back to wherever he lives."

"You don't miss him?"

"Why would I miss him?"

Hearing this response, the cat leaped off towards Serina with his sharp claws aiming at her. 'Stop making her say those words. Are you that happy to see me hurting?'

'Didn't you say it yourself? You'll give her freedom. You want her to live a good life. You don't want to be fated with a human!' Serina fired back and flicked the cat's forehead. 'You reap what you sow.' She finally stood up, dusted up her pants before stepping back to Nicholas.  "We are leaving now. Make sure to lock the doors and your windows. Do not let any strangers get inside specially cats. They can be vampires in cat forms."

'Why are you ruining my plans?'

'Because I don't want you to ruin my sister.' The cat's golden eyes turned red but Serina only rolled her eyes at him. 'Suit yourself. I trust my sister and I know she's not foolish.'

"You can't be serious about cats turning to vampires. That's kind of weird." Corrine mumbled but she continued to look at the cat in front of her as if she was observing it. "It was a joke, right?"

"Well, they can shape-shift. They can be whatever they wanted to be." Serina continued to add fear on her sister's heart.

"Don't worry. I don't feel any evil or malicious intention coming from that cat." Nicholas added which made Serina glowered at him. "He might even protect you from harm. Well then, we're leaving now. See you next time. Bye."

Serina waved her hand at her sister while walking beside Nicholas. She can't even control her own fate, why would she try to control someone else's fate? Thus, she gave up on the idea and just let Damon do what he wants. 'You are a stupid cat.' She told Damon through their mind link before bidding farewell to her sister. "Bye, Corrine. Inform me when Natalya's back. We can have lunch or dinner together next time."

"Sure. Bring Nicholas with you and Lambert, too."

Damon's eyes snapped open when he heard the man's name. He was alright with Nicholas because he knew that the man would never fall for Corrine. He's got Serina in his heart and he was set on having her and only her in his life. However, it was different with the other man. Lambert was human and Corrine was human. Both of them can relate to each other and both of them went through so much in life. They'd have so many things to share and things they have in common. Compared to him, Damon has lived a very different life. He never suffered. He didn't lack love from his parents. He didn't experience poverty. He didn't experience being incapable of something.

"Are you hungry?" Corrine asked him and when he shifted his gaze at her, she was smiling happily while stroking his head. "I don't have cat food at home since we never had a cat. Shall we buy some? We can also look for your owner while we're at it."

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"Is that a yes or a no?" She wondered because she couldn't get read the animal's mind. She actually thought he was a vampire in cat's form but when she tried reading his mind earlier, she only found a void. It was blank and she couldn't find any hint of him being a vampire. So, she regarded him as an ordinary cat. When she questioned Serina about shape-shifting, she was observing the cat's reaction but it didn't do anything. Thus, she confirmed him being a normal cat.


"I actually don't get what you are meowing about. I'll fry some fish inside and give it to you. You can just rest there." Corrine stood up and turned around but the cat jumped and brushed his head on her legs.

Meow. Meow. Meow.

"You want to come with me inside my home?"


Corrine thought about it for a while. She never had a pet in her life and she didn't know what they would want and how they'd express it. It will be difficult for her to do so. "Alright. I'll bring you inside the house but you cannot mess my things, okay? I don't know if you understand me but if you mess things up, I will throw you out."


Corrine lifted the cat and brought him inside the house. She placed him on the couch and he laid there contentedly with his eyes closed.

'I'll have to do my best to make sure that she won't throw me out.' Damon thought to himself. It's the only chance he got to get close to her, to study her likes and dislikes, to know her better. If he messed things up, he won't get this chance again.

On the other hand, rumors about Serina's bad behavior and nasty attitude has gone overboard. There were students who vandalized her desk, asking her to leave the campus and to stop flirting with men. Her desk and chair were a mess and no matter how the teachers tried to stop the student, their hatred for her just continued to soar.

When Lambert tried to defend her, they got even angrier and they looked at her with so much sympathy as if he was very pitiful for being friends with him. Lambert didn't expect that jealousy could turn other people blind and deaf. They refused to see his points and refused to hear his words. He couldn't do anything for his friend at all. He felt so weak against so many people. His good opinion of her was drowned with so many spiteful words.

This has already caught the attention of the administration and all the teachers whoever come across Serina was called for a meeting. They needed to do something to this issue or this will affect the school's reputation.

As for the person who was responsible for everything, she was having tea with her friends, looking calm and serene even after the chaos she made.

Nicholas sent Serina to school but before she could get inside the school gate, he checked her phone to see the update of the school forum. "Do you really want to stay in the school dorm with this issue brewing around you?"

"You will fix this for me, right? I don't have to be afraid with this small thing. I can survive this one night and see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Wait for me tomorrow. I will make sure to find the person responsible for this and make her pay." Nicholas retorted as he handed the phone back to her.

Serina placed it inside her bag while asked him a question, "Her? You are so sure it's a girl?"

"Boys don't do this underhanded attack. We use our fists. Only woman's jealousy can cause this kind of chaos. Anyway, just have a goodnight's sleep and look forward for the next morning. I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks, Nik."

Nicholas pulled her into a warm hug and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head. He was gentle with her but there was nothing gentle with the way he looked at the school in front of him. The red dot on his blue eyes glimmered once again, a sign of his rising anger.

That night, while Serina slept peacefully in her room, free of worries and fears, Nicholas was busy making calls here and there. He called his father's secretary to investigate the source of Serina's problem. After getting the name, he conducted a background check himself and called several people right after.

'She used her wealth and power to make Rina's life difficult. It's only natural that I'd use mine to do the same thing.' Nicholas told himself as soon as everything fall into places. He'll make them suffer hundred more times from what Serina went through.. It's what he needed to do in order to protect his mate – the only woman he'd ever spend his life with.

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