Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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Nicholas didn't care anymore. He jumped to the balcony despite the attacks coming at him. He swiped his claws against his father and he him really hard. Yiran was angered at the audacity of her brother hitting their father but she knew she couldn't win. Compared to her brother, she's nothing but a small pebble that couldn't cause a ripple on him if she didn't have magic. She relied on her magic attack instead of her physical attack.

Nicholas roared at everyone and swung his tail at them. He couldn't care less if everyone dies from his attacks. All he wanted was to get close to Serina.

All of a sudden, Serina's blood was absorbed back to her body. The ripple of the liquid was clear in everyone's eyes as she lay there unmoving.

A white light coated her whole body and she was slowly lifted off of the ground. There was no one holding here but she was elevated as if a string was attached to her own body.

"Nicholas. You've done enough. You have done your best to protect her. Trusting her is already a big thing and Serina is very grateful for what you did. I am glad that you stayed for her. I am glad that she found the one who loves her despite the differences of your species."

Everyone looked around to find the source of the voice. Serina wasn't speaking so it was impossible to be her. Inside the room, there was a single lady and that was Yiran yet the voice didn't belong to her.

"You are the dragon princess residing in her?" Nicholas questioned which earned audible gasps from the people present at the moment.

They were familiar with the energy of the dragon princess and even though they felt it, they still doubted Serina to be her. They have seen the previous dragon bearer and they didn't expect her to be dead and the dragon has reincarnated to the young woman in front of them.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Brittislava used the broken window to go outside and brought Serina's body to the vast forest. 'Ayla.' Brittislava called out and Serina's body trembled at this summon. 'It's time for you to come out. I deeply apologize for what suppressing you all this time. Now, I'll leave Serina to you. In this world, the two of you will be the strongest pair. As long as she won't let her guard down, no one and nothing can defeat both of you.'

At the dragon village, a place that Alina has guarded all her life, the children stopped playing and the elders looked up into the sky before kneeling on the ground to pay respect.

Serina's body was coated with an energy ball and it grew bigger and bigger as the time passes. The werewolves were stubborn to bow down before her but their stubbornness still couldn't do anything. They were forced to kneel and pay respect towards her.

"Serina has nothing to do with the curse of your Luna. It was the previous dragon bearer who did it. Ever since I've found her, she had been practicing how to lift curses, hoping that one day, when she finds the Luna of Blue Moon Pack, she'd be able to cure her. She had done her best already. I hope you won't make things hard for her again."

Among everyone, Nicholas was the only one unaffected of the dragon's energy pressure. He remained standing on the ground, looking up to see what was happening to his mate.

'Alina, it happens a little earlier but I don't regret anything. Please look after Serina from time to time. Also, her father is still a dragon even if he hides it away from everyone. He's the last water dragon. I hope you will protect them. Don't worry I keep my promise.'

'You can count on me.'

In front of the mansion, Michael and Irene arrived, along with Corrine. Natalya and Damon appeared out of nowhere as well and was watching from afar.

"Are you sure she's self-detonating?" Natalya questioned Damon while watching Serina elevated hundreds of meters from the ground. "Why would she do that?"

"We don't really know what transpired but it's not Serina who's trying to perish. It's the dragon in her. She chose to vanish in exchange of Serina's freedom. After all, everything started because of her."

"But Rina..." Natalya covered her mouth to stop her sob from coming out. She couldn't bear to watch it unfold so she left and went to the deepest part of the forest instead.

Damon also sighed. He received so much help from Serina but when time calls for it, he couldn't even do anything to help her.

Michael watched the ball of light up in the sky and dread was feeling his heart. He knew it! He's very familiar of this event. He saw his father do the same thing in the past.

He walked towards the backyard, ignoring the fact that he was trespassing someone's home. No one tried stopping him. And since he's a dragon bearer, he was able to fight off the pressure and stay unaffected by the pressure.

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"Give me back my daughter!" Michael screamed at the top of his lungs and this caught everyone's attention. They all looked at him but he paid no attention to them. His eyes were focused to his daughter. "Please. I'm begging you. Don't take her away from me. You already took my sister and my father. Please, just let her live."

Nicholas looked at the man kneeling on the ground, begging for the dragon to stop and he felt so guilty for him. He promised to protect Serina but he wasn't able to. He couldn't keep his promise.

"Mr. Wentworth." Nicholas spoke softly, his hoarse was voice and when he transformed back to his human form, his wounds were visible. There were so many of them that even with self-healing ability, it would take him three hours to fully recuperate. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Nicholas kneeled and kowtowed several times towards Michael, humbling himself to this point because of Serina.

"Who did it?" Michael asked.

"Everyone except me."

"Nicholas!" His father shouted angrily. "How dare you?!"

"Why don't I dare? You ordered everyone here to attack here and you wouldn't take responsibility of what happened?"

Amidst their conversation, without them knowing, Brittislava used her power to take all curses away from Zalia, helping her to recover in the shortest amount of time. Along with it, she poured her power to the wolf residing in Serina's body as well as strengthening the energy field around the dragon village.

Because of this the energy ball surrounding Serina started to grow smaller.

'Michael, I am sorry for what happened in the past. I know I couldn't bring your father and sister back to life but I can keep Serina's. I promised it myself and you know that dragons don't turn back on their words.'

'Will she have her memories intact?' Michael asked back, worried for this to happen because he knew that once a spirit is damaged, the memories of the bearer will also received damages.

'I cannot really tell but don't you think it's better if she won't remember this painful event?'

'I can't decide which is painful for my daughter or which is not. I just hope she'd be alive.'

'As you wish.'

Brittislava made sure that everything's fine before destroying her own spirit. She checked Zalia one more time and injected a little more power to wake her up. She has her own plans and that includes people owing Serina. They will be living in guilt for destroying her and that will make them do everything at her bidding. All in all, it was Serina who benefitted a lot from this.

Zalia felt groggy when she woke up but when she sat up on her bed, she felt her body was light and full of power. The dizziness she felt only lasted for a second before things became clear in front of her.

Shattered glasses, ripped clothes, bloodstains everywhere and many broken furnitures. 'What the heck happened?' she thought to herself while turning around to see her surrounding. The window glass was gone and she could see people outside the balcony.

"Who fought in my room?!" she asked angrily and walked out to the balcony. Since there was a dragon energy flowing in her body, she wasn't affected with the pressure coming from Brittislava. "What's...what is happening?! Rina?!" she questioned with wide eyes when she found Serina up in the air. "Why's Rina up there?! Bring her down!"

She didn't notice the horror appearing in everyone's face. She thought they feared for Rina's safety as well. She has no idea that they were afraid of their mistake.

"Nicholas! What are you still sitting there?! What are you all doing?!" She jumped from the balcony but the moment she landed, the ball of energy surrounding Serina also exploded.

It was so loud and the energy rippled all over the world causing tremors and landslides wherever it the energy hits. The sky turned dark and the heavy rain poured down.. Just like that Brittislava disappeared completely from the world.

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