Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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"I didn't expect to see you here." Yusef commented as he led Liam to a nearby cafe. "Are you here for business matters?" he asked as the two of them took their seats.

Liam smiled faintly while looking at the menu on the table before deciding to truthfully answer him. "I actually came here to find Sofi."

"Sofia? Oh. She's indeed here in C country particularly in this city. Our father sent her for business meetings here and there. She's really a busy person." Yusef turned on his phone and on the other side, Niko and Yusef was listening to the conversation.

"But I take it that she's doing fine. Am I correct?"

"Yes, of course. We will never allow any harm to befall her." Liam nodded his head but he didn't look convince with his words at all. "Why are you looking for her? She doesn't have days off in the next two months because of what she did last time. She has to finish her assignment before she can date you again."

"Yeah. She told me about it. I was just hoping I could get a glimpse of her out of worry."

"Worry for?"

"I don't know. I just got worried for no reason. I went to the hotel she visited last and found there was a commotion earlier. I called her few hours ago and during that time she was watching a movie. Now, she's gone and there was that accident. I feel a little restless."

"Chill." Yusef reached out and gently patted Liam's right shoulder. "I am glad that you cared so much for Sofia but you don't really have to worry. She's fine. I don't know what she was doing earlier but she wasn't staying in that hotel. If I remember correctly, she was supposed to meet a client there. I didn't know why she'd be watching a movie."

"Right. It's weird." Liam agreed and sighed heavily. "Anyway, do you know where Sofia is?"

"She's visiting someone for a business proposal in J prefecture. She should be home tomorrow."

"What time tomorrow?"

"I am not sure about that. I will ask her secretary. Will you be staying for few days more or are you going back to our country."

"I'm on leave until tomorrow. I should be able to see her."

"Alright. Let me know where you stay. I'll tell Sofia about it once I get hold of her."


The two of them ordered and chatted a lot of things, mostly circling around Sofia. Liam was happy to know so much about her and her childhood which was just parts and tidbits of what really she went through. Of course, Yusef cannot tell her Sofia's daily routine back in Italy when she was still training.

The two of them talked for over an hour before they decided to part. Yusef finally sighed in relief after seeing Liam board a taxi.

Meanwhile, Cole was standing in awe outside the Basilischikov mansion in A City. The house was really huge, like a fortress in European country. It was the first time he ever laid his eyes on this kind mansion personally. Most of the time, he only saw them in drama.

"Excuse me."

The burly man who came out of the huge gate startled him and Cole almost stumbled on the ground from the sudden appearance of the person in front of him.

"You have been standing there, gawking at the place and our young master thought you are a suspicious person."

"Ah? No. No, I am not. I am here in behalf or my friend William Ion Hughes. He's an officer. I'm officer Cole. I'm not here for crime related matter but may I know if Sofia's brothers are here?"

Hearing the man mention Sofia's real name, the burly man let his guard down in front of him. "Her two brothers left for business matter. We have sir Niko inside the house. Please come in. I'll ask the butler to call him for you."

Cole went pass the huge gate and the vast area really amazed him. 'She's way over richer than Liam. She's really an heiress and I bet, this is not the only place they own.' Cole commented while following the man to a gazebo at the garden.

"Just wait here." The man said before he left and Cole followed his instruction. As an officer, it's important to follow instructions and it was already engraved in the deepest part of his brain.

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While waiting he observed the place. The wide lawn had many tables and chairs, ready for a tea party if they have one. There were lots of trees and flowers that accentuated the beauty of the place and there were so many guards.

"Rich people with rich problem." He commented.

Ten minutes later, the burly man came out once again and behind him was a handsome young man who seemed to be of the same age as him and Liam.

"Good day to you, sir." Cole stood up in greeting and offered his hand for a shake. "I'm Officer Cole." He took one of his business card and placed it on the table.

"Niko Basilischikov. Nice to meet you." Niko said and sat on his chair at the same time gesturing for the man to do the same. The butler brought them tea and poured each a cup while they converse.

"Likewise. I'm actually sent here by a friend who was very worried right now for his girlfriend. He currently got a day off and wanted to meet her. He couldn't contact her though. Do you perhaps have an idea of where your sister went to?"

"Why didn't he come by instead?"

"Actually, Liam went to C country because we thought Sofia was there but we lost track of her."

"Sofi is indeed in C country right now." Niko answered as he lifted his tea cup. "She was sent there for a meeting. However, during her assignment to succeed as the heiress of the group, she can't meet Liam. Last time, she sneaked out for a date and our father was furious when he found out. This time, we cannot let them meet. Though, it would be different if Sofia choses to meet him."

"Why is that?"

"Well, even if we say no and she goes opposite to what we said, our father won't really do anything. He'd be furious and would probably deduct her allowance but he won't be interfering with their relationship."

"I see. I guess that is good for Liam. Anyway, do you know which specific she's currently at?"

"She's probably on her way to J prefecture or she may have arrived there already. I just knew that it's the next place on her schedule."

"Thank you so much, sir. I'll let William know about this."

Cole left the Basilischikov mansion after half an hour. He felt a little out of place compared to the people there. Although he was considered above average to other people, in front of those true wealthy people, he felt like he was an ant looking at an elephant.

As soon as he got inside his car, Cole called Liam and told him about Sofia. He didn't say anything unnecessary and just wished his friend to see his Sofia soon. He didn't know that a small hearing device was slipped into his car when he was inside the mansion.

Niko was just careful. Anyone can betray them and as someone who's been betrayed several times, he learned to take precautionary measures. Anyway, if the person was genuine and just supported William without any evil intentions, Niko wouldn't do anything to that person.

"Sir, he didn't say anything out of hand. Well, he was a little awestruck with the mansion and all but aside from that and the news related to the young lady, he didn't say anything unrelated."

"I see. We'll keep that device on his car. We may learn a lot of things from him and his colleague." Niko responded before returning back to the huge house. In the leaving room, the fake Sofia was designing some jewelries as part of her hobby. She didn't need to pretend anymore because Qin Yu and Sofia has known each other's true identity now. But even so, since she wasn't sent back to Italy, she knew that she still have other purpose to them.

"Sir Niko, how about this design?" the woman asked and show her ipad to Niko. "We can place the tracking device on this clover shaped pendant and cover it with aluminum plate with some letterings. No one would doubt something was actually inside it."

"That's a good idea." Niko answered a while checking the design. "I'm not really good when it comes to gadget so, you save it for now and show it to Yusef once he's back."

"Okay, sir."

Aside from being Sofia's double, she also helped when it comes to designing accessories. At least she's able to contribute to the org without having the need to battle with others.

Back in C country, Viktor and Yusef finally met each other at the hospital. Mr. Cosco also came to visit Sofia who was playing on her phone.

"Aren't you feeling the pain after all those wounds and having stitches on them?" Mr. Cosco questioned as he sat at the edge of the bed. "You really are something. No wonder Lucas wanted you to be the next leader."

"I can feel pain. I can feel them like ants biting me but that's it. I won't let it beat me.." Sofia answered. "By the way, when will I be getting out of here?"

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