Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 111: YASMIN FAILED

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Liam saw the wounds on her stomach and thigh but he kept his mouth shut and closed his eyes for a moment to stop himself from getting angry.

He wasn't angry because she kept the truth from him. He was angry because he felt useless and was unable to protect her. He wanted to be there for her but there works and situations just don't allow them to be together 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

He arranged her clothes properly and covered her with a blanket. He didn't know why she was keeping it from her but Liam didn't want to sound nagging and possessive over her. He will wait for her to tell him the truth. For now, what matters to him was the truth that she was fine and alive in front of him.

Half an hour later, he finally fell asleep beside Sofia.

The next morning, Liam did leave early to catch his flight. Sofia was still sleeping when he woke up and he didn't want to bother knowing that she was still recovering.

When she opened her eyes, she was disoriented for a moment to find that Liam was no longer on her bed. She went to the bathroom and the mini kitchen but she still couldn't find him. When she returned to her bed, that's when she noticed the red rose and the letter on top of her bedside table.

'I didn't have the heart to wake you up because you looked really tired from all the things your father assigned to you. Although we have few hours for ourselves, I am still very happy to have seen you. Take care of yourself always and make sure to eat your meals on time. I love you and always will. -Liam'

Serina kissed the beautiful flower after reading the letter and kept that small note inside her wallet.

"If he finds out the truth about me, that will surely hurt him and me." Sofia muttered to herself and sighed. "Apologies won't be sufficient after all the things I've lied to him."

She was right. A love that is built in lies and deceits will always crumble to dust. However, she could no longer stop herself from loving him. She loves him so much that she was feeling guilty from lying to him.

She remembered her brothers. They have reminded her a lot of times in the past, stopping her from being foolish. And what did she say back, then?

She said that she won't ask him to love her. That it was enough for her to see him even if he wasn't hers. Later on, she ate her own words and swallowed those nonsense. She wanted Liam for herself.

Liam finally came back to work. He was late for an hour but it didn't really matter to his superiors as long as he do his job properly within the period of given time.

When he arrived at the station, Cole was sporting out his report and Kevin was chatting with someone over the phone.

"Welcome back." The two of them greeted Liam and walked to his desk. Kevin typed something on his phone before he pocketed the gadget.

"Is there anything new while I was gone?"

"There was a traffic accident yesterday which involves two big shots. It's not something you should worry though. Anyone can handle that case. So, did you find her?"

"Well, her brother gave me the address of her hotel."

"And?" Cole asked excitedly.

"And we ate dinner together. We also watched movie while eating fruits."

"And?" Kevin asked again, anticipating something else coming from him.

"And we slept together."

"Slept? How was your score? Was it a home run?" Cole nudged his elbow on Liam's waist, grinning from ear to ear as if he was the one who scored something to someone.

Liam raised his eyebrow and sat on his swivel chair while shaking his head in disbelief. "We were just sleeping."



"Why?!" Cole asked exasperatedly which earned laughter from Kevin and Liam. "How can you be so slow?"

"It's not being slow. It's being respectful. She was busy with work and a lot of things happened. Even though she was hiding it, I know she was tired. Why would I selfishly do something to my girlfriend?"

"You are madly in love with her." Cole commented as he walked back to his seat.

"I wouldn't even deny that fact."

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Watching his gentle expression while talking about his girlfriend and that twinkle in his eyes whenever he thought of her, Kevin knew that Yasmin has no chance of winning Liam. She has lost without even getting the chance to fight for her love to this man.

'Why won't she just give up on him? I remember that Cole likes her so much even in the past?' Kevin thought to himself while shifting his gaze between his friends. In the end, he just went back to his seat and continued with his work.

The future is unclear and many things could change. Kevin didn't wish for it but Liam's love for his girlfriend could change or probably not. Yasmin might give up on Liam or not. Cole would probably find someone else. Things will change. He was just hoping that the changes will be for the better development of each person.

During lunch break, Yasmin came with several lunch boxes. She gave everyone their share and happily chatted with them while stealing glances towards Liam who was busy typing something on his computer.

She waited for few minutes, waiting for him to notice her first but he didn't. She waited and waited but Liam still continued with his work.

Ten minutes after twelve, Liam suddenly raised his head and looked towards Yasmin's direction. When others look at it, he seemed to be looking at her but in truth, he was looking at the man who just came in with a paper bag.

"Officer Hughes, this is your lunch for today." Gavin, the bodyguard who was assigned to bring lunch and look after Liam, came once again to fulfill his task.

"Thanks, Gavin."

"Send your thanks to the young miss."

"I will."

"Hn. I'll go now." Gavin turned his back and walked out of the office. When he passed by Yasmin's side, he lifted his lips to a mocking smile. He also did his own investigation to make sure he knows which people he should he wary off and Yasmin came to the picture. Obviously, she has the same love interest as his boss. Of course, he won't let her have her way in getting Liam. They were all bent on getting this man for their next Queen.

Yasmin still walked towards Liam with the extra two lunch boxes which was for her and Liam. "Will, who was that guy?"

"That's Gavin." Liam answered without raising his head. He was opening the delivered food excitedly. He knows it wasn't home-cooked by his girlfriend but the thought of her sending someone to bring him lunch brings him so much happiness.

"Who's Gavin? I have never heard of him."

"Oh. That's my girlfriend's trusted bodyguard. When we're not together, she'd ask him to bring me lunch."

"You ate the food given by them? What if there's poison in it?"

"Why would my girlfriend try to poison me?"

"I didn't mean your girlfriend but that man could have placed a poison in your food."

"There's no way he'd do that."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I love my girlfriend and I trusted her. If she chose to trust him then, I'll do the same."

Kevin and Cole looked towards Yasmin with pity in their eyes. The other police officers lowered their head to avoid looking at her as well. After all, they benefited so much just from being Liam's colleagues. To win him over, Yasmin has been acting all nice and lovely in front of his friends and co-workers, hoping they'd put in good words for her to Liam.

They did. They told Liam that Yasmin was a good person, a kind woman and a generous doctor. They all voted for her against Sofia that they never really met.

However, Liam was very firm with his decision. He won't want anyone else except Sofia. He knew what kind of person Yasmin was. They might be friends but that didn't mean he was really close to her. She was capricious. She would do everything to get what she wanted even if she hurts someone else. She didn't care if she needed to force someone as long as she achieves her goal.

Yasmin watched Liam took a picture of his food and sent it to someone. Without seeing the conversation and the name, Yasmin knew he was chatting with Sofia once again.

"It seems that you will all be busy later on. You enjoy your lunch everyone. I'll drop by once in a while." She turned her back against him, hoping he'd stop her from leaving. But it was all her wishful thinking.

"Take care of yourself." Cole stated before eating his food once again. He wasn't eating the food that Yasmin gave because he gave it to someone else. He just ate something he got from the nearby restaurant.

As soon as she left, everyone turned their heads to Liam and glared at him. He put down his spoon and fork and scanned the room with his cold gaze. "What is it?! Are you going to tell me she's better than my girlfriend again? If she's really that great, why don't you guys court her?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" Cole yelled and threw his mouse pad towards his friend.

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