Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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"What are you talking about?" Serina feigned ignorance but her initial reaction already gave her away.

"Let's cut to the chase. I just –"

"I don't care about your objective or whatever it is that you want but you better let go of my friend and do not harm him!" Serina shouted and this time, she was ready to attack him with all her might.

"Feisty." Damon commented. "What is he to you? Why would you fight for him?"

"A demon like you wouldn't understand what friendship means."

"You might be right about that." Damon retorted. Just as he said the last word, he vanished from her sight for a moment and quickly appeared few inches from her. His breathe fanned her face as he closed in his hand on her chest.

"Don't." Serina muttered with her eyes changing colors between black and golden brown. It was just a single word but the weight of her compulsion brought Damon to a halt.

"I see." Damon put down his hand to his side and looked into Serina's eyes. "You are slowly awakening all your powers. I'm glad that you're doing better even without anyone's supervision."

"Huh?" Serina tilted her head and there was a frown on her face. "What the heck are you talking about? If you're going to become my enemy, just know that I will kill you with everything I have. Damon, I thought of you as a friend. What are you trying to achieve now?"

"Silly." Damon flicked her forehead and a throaty chuckle was heard coming from him. "Ahem…I was just scaring you a little." Damon stated as he turned his back on her. "You see, I had this feeling that you knew of my identity because you kept looking into my eyes and I saw you reading lots of books about vampires, especially the intensity of their scarlet eyes."


"And so, I decided I'll make you show your true self so that we can be honest to each other."

"Wait. What? You set a trap for me just to know what exactly I am?"

"Exactly!" Damon said proudly as he turned to face her once again. "Just as you have been observing, I was also doing the same thing to you. I am not sure if you remember me but, we met over a year ago."

"Yeah? You were the guest to the Vallardi estate."

"Nope, before that visit, I met you first."

"I don't seem to recall such incident."

"You were tired and was sleepy. You got on the bus to your school and there weren't even any seats left so, you had to stand. I was there and I senses a strong life force coming from you. A strong spirit is attached to your soul and I tried sucking it. However, Nicholas came and rescued you from me."

Serina was looking at him with unblinking eyes. She didn't know whether she'd appreciate his honesty or just bash him with a metal tube for being such a damn bastard when she was at her weakest point.

"I'm trying to be truthful here."

"Yeah. I can see that and I am slowly remembering that sluggish day of my life. I just experienced something terrible during those time and you came, making things even more difficult for me. Should I be happy that you are being honest to me now?"

"Well, I'm certain it's not something you should be happy about but I didn't expect us to be acquainted and become friends."

"Uh huh?"

"I just wanted us to be real."

Serina took a deep breath and closed her eyes to calm herself a little. Just a little because she felt like she was about to explode if he says anything more to her. "Can I punch you?"

"Will you be hitting me at full force?"


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"Are we still friends after this?"

"I'll think about it?"

Damon contemplated for a moment. He knew that he was being childish, leveling himself to a senior high student when he was hundreds of years ahead of her. He didn't look old, though. "Just don't hit my face. It's my asset."

Serina didn't say a word and just summoned all her remaining energy to her fist. The gathering power stunned Damon and before he could even react to stop her, Serina lunged forward with her fist directed to his ribs. He's strong and he has a quick healing capability but seeing the extent of her power, Damon was thinking of stepping away from her – still, he stayed.

On the side, Serina's momentum made the middle-aged man cower in fear. He was afraid that the woman would hurt his master while he was watching on the side. Although he was told not to hurt the young man she was with, he wasn't sure if making him unconscious will be counted as harmful to him.

Time stand still for a moment and aside from Serina, everything and everyone around her stopped. She retracted her power and stood few inches from Damon. She raised her hand and instead of hitting him, she pinched his face, squished them, pulled and pressed as if she was playing a clay dough.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked while staring straight into her eyes. There was mirth in his gaze as if he wanted to laugh at her but was holding back.

Serina's face turned from pale to red, from shock to embarrassment. She was having the time of her life, making fun with his serious face but she didn't expect him to be time manipulator as well.

"I didn't really want to hit you." She mumbled. "Also, why didn't you tell me that you can manipulate time?"

"Did you ask?"

"Then, what else can you do?"

"I can do a lot of things because honey," Damon leaned closer and grinned at her. "I'm not your average vampire."

"Where did that 'honey' came from?" Serina muttered and walked to where the middle-aged man guarded Lambert. "Give him back to me." The man stepped aside to give her space. She chanted something under her breath and not long after, Lambert opened his eyes. "Are you alright? You suddenly fainted."

"I'm fine, thanks. And sorry for troubling you." His face flushed from embarrassment with the thought that he fainted in front of a woman.

Serina looked at his expression and his eyes, observing him keenly while feeling him with her psychic energy, making sure that he wasn't harmed at all. "We got lost while chasing after your mom. These men here helped us and you suddenly fainted."

Damon raised his eyebrow with the lies she spouted but he didn't say anything to revoke her.

Lambert looked at them but there was no recognition in his eyes. He had no idea that one of the men nearly choked him to death earlier. "They looked scary." He told Serina in whisper.

"I'm scarier than them. Let's go." Serina pulled him up and gave him back his things. "They will send us back to the school." Serina turned around and faced Damon with a smile on her face but it was a smile that spoke of death if he does something wrong. "You are sending us back, right?"

"Cheeky brat." Damon commented and turned around, leading them out of the illusion to bring them back to school. When they got out, Serina found that they were just at the alley near the school campus.

"We're still friends." Serina mumbled, directing the words only for Damon to hear.

"It's my pleasure to be friends with the dragon princess."

"I'm still Serina, don't call me anything else."


Serina and Lambert got inside the gate of their school, barely making it to their respective dorm room before the clock struck the curfew hour.

Damon looked at the school with hooded eyes and there was a faint smile on his lips. With his enhanced hearing skills, he heard the howls of the wolves from a far-off distance. They were all calling to their kin, to their warriors, to their people who has knowledge of psychic energy. They needed to trace the trail that the dragon princess left this time.

"I won't let you find her. Not yet." He mumbled and waved his hand as he turned around.. The trail of psychic energy didn't vanish but it stopped at the alley.

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