Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 48: FACE OFF

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The Du Lac mansion was located thousands of kilometers away from Paris. However, the distance didn't hinder Damon from going to and fro, just to see and observe Serina. With his speed, traveling such distance wouldn't take him an hour. Everyday, he'd take his time to see her but after the last incident, Damon decided to stay in his room for a while.

He needed to make plans. He needed to be cautious.

"You look happy." Victoria, his older sister, commented. She was taking a walk outside their mansion and just happened to find Damon standing at his window, looking outside with a smile on his face.

"I just found something interesting." Damon answered as he opened the window. For them, there's no need to be so close to communicate. Their words could travel in the wind, allowing them to converse from a distance.

"What could be more interesting other than the fact that the Dragon clan is becoming active?"

"Do you believe so?"

"I felt the power of the Dragon princess. I couldn't be mistaken. If it's not her, who could it be?"

Damon plucked a red rose from his balcony and smelled it with his eyes closed as if he was intoxicated by it. "I wonder if it was really the dragon princess." Damon stated and flicked his fingers, throwing the rose to his sister. "Though, there's one thing I'm sure of, it's not the whole clan who is becoming active but a single person."

"What do you mean?" Victoria asked with a deep frown etched on her face.

"I don't mean anything by it. It was just my own conjecture." Damon retorted and turned around. He went inside his room and closed the door to his balcony, leaving his sister confused and dumbfounded.

Right after leaving his sister, a knock sounded at the door of his room, Damon opened the door and found a young woman standing there.

"I'm here, my Lord." She bowed her head and bent her knees in greeting.

"Come in." Damon let the woman inside his room.

The woman didn't need to be told twice. As soon as she got inside, she walked to his couch and sat there waiting for him.

She's one of their family servants that serves the Du Lac family with blood. They swore loyalty to the vampires in exchange for protection and money. They may not be rich but they didn't have to stay outside begging for food either.

Damon sat beside her and pulled her to his lap. She didn't move or even flinch a little. Damon kissed the base of her neck. He felt the vein where her pulse pounded the quickest. With one bite, his fangs sank in deep and a subtle moan escaped from her.

Normally, he would charm his victims and sometimes intercoursed with them but when he's home, he would take blood without doing any of these.

Five minutes later, Damon licked the woman's neck and let her go. "Thanks for the meal."

The woman just smiled and nodded her head. She bowed in respect once again before leaving.

Not long after she left, another person came. This time it was a middle-aged man. He talked to Damon for quite sometime. Whatever they talked about, no one else knew about it.

One week later, Damon went to visit Serina's school once again. There was a knowing smile on his face as he got inside a cafe.

Serina was inside the same cafe, chatting with her classmates. Lambert was with her as well since they went out together to buy some school supplies. In fact, many students mistook them as lovers but both of them denied it.

"You can use the man beside her. He looked weak and dumb. Also, do not harm him. I do not want anyone close to her getting hurt." Damon whispered softly behind the menu he was holding.

No one saw him spoke except for the cat that was resting on the chair next to him. The cat 'meowed' twice and jumped off the chair. It walked towards Lambert and rubbed its head on his leg.

Lambert wasn't really fond of cats but he was enthralled with the cat purring on his leg. He picked up the cat and looked into it's beautiful eyes. Lambert had no idea that the cat has invaded his memories already.

"Do you like cats?" Serina asked while stirring her strawberry soda with the straw.

"Not really but this one looked really pretty. Anyway..." he put down the cat on the floor and returned his attention to Serina and everyone else. "...I'll go back to the dorm first after this."

"Let's go together." Serina replied. When the cat approached her friend, she felt a something coming from it. She knew that Lambert will be in danger if she left him alone. However, she can't tell him about it.

"You really care for him." a classmate of them commented.

"We came from the same city and we've been classmates for a long time. It's natural that we would take care of each other." Serina answered calmly.

"That's right." Lambert agreed without any hesitation.

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Listening to them, Damon smiled. Serina's reaction was what he needed. He wanted her to be wary. He wanted her to feel the danger.

One hour later, Lamber and Serina excused themselves and decided to go back to their dorm. Lambert looked weak so Serina carried her own things even though he offered to carry everything.

Another hour has passed and the two of them were still walking. Serina frowned and stopped on her track. Lambert stopped as well and looked at her.

"You noticed it now?" He asked. He looked worried and concerned for their well-being but Serina was calm and composed.

"Stay close to me. We should stay close to each other at this moment."

"Are you not afraid?"

"No. There's no use getting afraid now." Serina replied.

The two of them were standing still, not moving an inch from where they stood. Lambert was looking around and he saw someone, someone very familiar to him.

"That's my mother." He whispered. "What is she doing here talking to that man?"

"She seemed to be looking for some direction." Serina answered before she could think properly.

"She must be looking for me." Lambert has quickly forgotten their situation and ran off to chase after his mother.

"Lambert, wait!" Serina called out as she chased after him. "This must be a trap!"

Lambert was no longer listening to her. All he wanted to do was to get closer to his mother who was walking farther and farther away from them.

Damon was watching them from a certain distance. He was following them closely and Serina felt his presence, too. However, she couldn't point out where he was.

After running for a long time, Serina stopped and placed her hands on her waist. She looked around for several times and took a deep breath before shouting as loud as she could.

"Just come out! I don't care what you are and what you want! Let's just cut this hide and seek game because if I really find you, I won't let you go; not even your soul."

A thick fog shrouded the place and when it disperses, what appeared before her was a deserted village with dilapidated houses and eerie atmosphere.

The sun was also setting down and not a single soul can be seen except her, Lambert and another man who was sitting on the edge of a well.

"Who are you?" Lambert asked. What he was chasing was his mother but what appeared in front of him was a stranger.

The man didn't say anything. He lifted his hands in silence and along with it was the invisible force lifting Lambert up.

"Let go of him!" Serina shouted in panic. The man tightened his hold instead of letting go. He looked towards her and his scarlet eyes glowed. "A vampire. I see." Serina muttered and calmed down. "I'm giving you three seconds. Let him go or I will kill you. One!"

The man smiled and lifted Lambert even higher.


Lambert was dangling on air and he was heaving deeply to breath. Fear was evident on his face but not a single peep came out of his mouth. He was having trouble to breath, how much more a call for help?

"Three! Let go of him, you bastard!" Serina conjured a huge fireball and threw it directly at the man.

As if he has seen this coming, an invisible sheild protected them immediately and not a single wound appeared on him. He was practically safe from her.

Serina was even angrier at this and called for a lightning whip. She was about to attack the man but a steel bar appeared out of nowhere.

"I knew it!" Serina exclaimed while meeting Damon with her eyes. "I can't believe you'd resort to this trick Damon du Lac."

At one point, Damon was smiling at her but the next second, he was already standing in front of her, his hand reaching for her heart.

"I only wanted to confirm something.. After all, you have known that I am a vampire."

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