Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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'This is unacceptable.' Corrine stated and stood up from her seat. She looked worried, confused and anxious at the same time. She hated vampires to the very core of her being and here she was, meeting someone who was fated to her. How can she accept that?

'What happened?' Serina immediately asked the woman. Even though she was younger than her, she acted like a reliable older sister. "Talk to me and Natalya. Don't shut us off.'

'Rina, I can't do this. He's dangerous. I abhor his kind and that won't change. As long as I won't have my voice back, I will hate everyone from his kind. I will never ever be fated to this person. I won't allow it over my dead body!'

Corrine didn't wait for any response and left. She thought this would be a friendly conversation but she never expected this shocking information. 'You don't have to follow me. I want to be alone for a while.' She added after realizing what she just did in front of everyone.

Serina narrowed her eyes towards Damon and sighed. Ever since she met Corrine, she treated the lady like her older sister, like a family. She would never let anyone harm her even if it's Damon.

"I didn't hurt her." Damon commented before Serina could throw her accusations. "I just told her something inevitable but it was never my intention to hurt her."

"I haven't even asked you yet? How the hell did you know about Corrine? I'm sure I have never informed you about her." Serina retorted, glaring at him for doing something suspicious behind her back.

"Honestly, I've met her once. It was just once and I tried to give her a good life. I didn't know how things changed but I wasn't able to find her in the past years. And then, I caught her scent from you and Natalya. I guessed she was with you."

"Wait! Don't tell me you were the vampire who attacked her village?" Natalya mentioned when things started falling to places. It wasn't her fault for jumping to conclusions but given Damon's power, she couldn't stop the ridiculous thought from popping in her mind.

"I wasn't. I was there to save them but I was too late. She was the only living person I was able to save but her voice was taken from her."

"What's with her voice? Did they think she couldn't communicate just because she lost her voice?" Natalya questioned in confusion.

"I'm still trying to find the reason. Also, I never meant for all of this to happen but, she's actually someone fated to me. However, unlike werewolves," Damon stole a glance to Nicholas who remained poker faced during the conversation but Nicholas didn't even flinch at the mention of werewolves, "unlike them, our fate won't be sealed unless I leave a mark on her. So, Corrine can still find a man that she likes. I won't even try to interfere with her life."

"Then, why did you even inform her about your fate together if you won't really stand up to it?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to inform her a little of the things I know. Anyway, I'm glad that you found her."

"So, in the past years, you didn't know that she was being chased by vampires?"

Sylvie and Peter were eating their food happily, listening to the conversation that the two of them couldn't understand at all.

Damon was powerful and so was Nicholas. The two of them created a barrier that allows the two children to hear them talk about sports and business but in truth, they were talking about the fate of the person they looked up as their sister.

This barrier was easy to make and was very convenient but it would also drain their energy if they keep this up for more than three hours. Thankfully, Damon informed them of all the things he knew. He made sure to get sympathy from Serina, to make her think that she has to help Corrine in getting her voice. Based on her expression, Damon was certain that he was successful.

Befriending Serina has a lot of advantages and he wouldn't waste a single thing about it. Although Corrine left for personal reason, the lunch still continued and they just bought take out food for her. They weren't really worried for her safety because Serina and Natalya knew that she was at home.

"Since you have mentioned that she's fated you, I take it that you don't have personal feelings for Serina." Nicholas stated which brought everyone's attention to him, except for the two children who were eating their food.

"I don't." Damon answered hesitantly. He was really attracted to Serina in the past but that attraction wasn't enough to make him lose his mind of her. He knew it was wrong which was why he stopped and chose to be her friend. Being friends with her would be the safest zone that one can have.

"Since you are friends with Rina, I wouldn't make things difficult for you, even when you tried harming her."

"Hey!" Serina nudged him with her elbow and glared. "I told you to just forget it. Everything's fine now. I am doing fine. There's no need to bring up those troublesome days."

"You can forget it but I can't. So, don't bother with your plea. It won't work."

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"Are you making this difficult for me?"

Nicholas can sense the boiling anger within her and that made him smile in surrender. "I'll stop. Chill."

"I'm chill. I'm fine."


The two of them bickered for a while and this also helped ease the tension in the room. After dining together, Damon left immediately for business reason. He didn't even ask how Corrine was doing but that made things easier for them. They didn't want Corrine to be in constant danger and pain.

"I'll send you to school first and I'll send Natalya and the children back to their home." Nicholas suggested which Serina agreed immediately. She has other things to do and she didn't want to spend to much time with Nicholas because she felt she was going to throw herself in his arms.

'Corrine. I'd like to talk to you alone next time.' Serina whispered through their mental link, making Nicholas turned around to face her. "What?"

"Nothing. I just felt a strong energy coming from you. I've been feeling the same thing since earlier."

"I'll tell you about it when I'm ready. For now, we are still trying to establish our friendship after we ruined it. I can't tell you these things with the shaky foundation of our relationship."

"I get it." Nicholas had a vague idea of her identity but without Serina's confirmation, he couldn't really make a decision at this point. "I'd be happy if you can tell me about it before you turn 18."


"Because a lot of things will happen once you turn 18. It will not only affect your life but it will also affect mine. I just want to be prepared for both of us."

Natalya watched the two of them and to the necklace that Serina kept wearing. She hears that the necklace came from Nicholas and from the first time she met Serina, she could sense the strong werewolf scent coming from that necklace. The stone was embedded with werewolf energy that prevents the lesser vampire from attacking her. Connecting the dots, Natalya gasped with what she found out.

'Don't tell her!' Nicholas snapped when he caught sight of what Natalya was thinking. 'We both promised to be honest with each other when the right time comes. I hope you won't interfere with our relationship.'

'Sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy and of course, I won't say anything against your will. I wish you both happiness.'

'Thank you.'

Serina had no idea that a secret deal has transpired between Nicholas and Natalya. Although she didn't know about it, it doesn't mean Brittislava was ignorant as well. She knew everything but as long as it won't harm Serina, she wouldn't do anything to stop Nicholas and Natalya.

'Soon. Very soon. Everything's falling into places.' Brittislava thought to herself. 'Rina, you have to practice a lot when you get back. Spend less time with Nicholas and everyone else because you needed to be prepare for a huge change.'

Serina didn't know what her dragon was talking about but she agreed anyway.

The restaurant wasn't very far from her school so Nicholas was able to send her back earlier than expected.

"I'll give you a call this evening." Nicholas whispered and pulled her closer. He gave her a short hug and a quick kiss on her forehead which left Serina dumbfounded for a whole minute. It was the first time that he did that after they were estranged for several weeks. She was really surprised and she could hear the loud beat of her heart. Even when she walked through the school gate, she was still in a daze and her fingers kept rubbing the spot where he kissed her.

'Damn you, Nicholas!' she screamed mentally and directed the message to Kiro. Although she was screaming, she didn't sound angry. And this made Kiro smile.

'Well done, bud.' Kiro told Nicholas and grinned at him. He just gained another point from her.

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